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  1. This is just my opinion, but I find the title to be quite clickbaity. You quoted “Andrew Tate More Motivational than Leo, Truly Accomplished Body/Mind” In terms of motivation, Andrew just uses controversy as a draw and uses misygonistic views to make men feel superior thus making them more confident. On the other hand, Leo uses critical thinking and other methods to motivate, aiming to improve life with care and responsibility. In terms of body, Leo has been eating consciously more than Andrew, although ‘d admit that Andrew tate is more buff than leo, (and can probably beat leo up in a fight) but it's crucial to consider that Leo prioritizes conscious eating and likely has better overall health compared to Andrew. Andrew smokes cigar for christ sake. When it comes to the mind, Leo has showcased more mind-boggling insights through his videos and blogs compared to Andrew Tate. Leo's content appears to offer a deeper understanding of various subjects and encourages critical thinking. The forum members are just riled up because it pretty obvious that leo is more motivational and is more accomplished in mind/body.
  2. Game! Good luck guys
  3. I’m in. I vote for 3 ?.. i already sleep on the floor because it feels so good
  4. Low consciousness jobs? Are there really any correlations between consciousness and your jobs?/Does your job affect your state of consciousness? I'm 17. My plan right now is to take up BS Accountancy(BSA) so I can learn more about business & taxes. I also have the option to proceed & study law(which I'm also interested in; ) after I finish BSA. But aren't lawyers more about crimes? Wouldn't it put me in a low consciousness place/environment? I was just curious. & I don't want to wake up several years from now just to realize that being a lawyer isn't the right thing for me. (I like strategies, psychology(but I don't want to be a psychologist), business, travel, helping people strategize, making their lives better, solving problems,I'm impressed by subtle manipulations(like pick up), & I hate things/jobs that doesn't involve human psychology like math & medicine) Yeah.. help me out?
  5. I'm also a teen so i'll subscribe to your progress man. Haha Keep it up ?
  6. @Kali I deeply resonate with you bro. I'm also having trouble with social situations And I also find it hard to implement some of the concept of self help I may not offer some advice but i'll be offering you my support. I'll subscribe to your growth And I hope we can grow together Peace ?