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  1. Strongly disagree. Tell that to all the women who've lost their reproductive freedom.
  2. Its all so overwhelming and discouraging. It certainly feels like we're going to have to live through the excesses of stage orange to become a wiser society.
  3. This is and the fact that he's against regulation. The fact that a lot of these silicon valley billionaires are openly backing MAGA (ex Peter Thiel backing JD Vance) is deeply troubling and portends disturbing things for the future. Its especially troubling considering these guys are steering the direction of A.I.
  4. Thank God you're not an American voter. The fewer misinformed people we have deciding the fate of our country the better.
  5. This is legitmately scary. Its crazy how fast things are unraveling in this country. Even with Trump's 1st term and attempted coup I didn't imagine things would get this bad. If Biden or whatever Democrat isn't elected in 2024, I'm not sure how we're going to get through this.
  6. This is an excellent resource for understanding the consequences of a 2nd Trump presidency in conjunction with Project 2025. I encourage everyone to read the PDF provided on the site. It's pretty scary folks https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/
  7. much agreed. It's the perception of it being unfair by a sizeable voting bloc that I worry about slightly.
  8. I would love to see a Whitmer replace Biden. She's my governor and she's awesome. Also, with abortion being on the ballot it will bring out the suburban mom vote. Unfortunately, America has regressed a bit and is too steeped in racism for Kamala or Michelle Obama to take Biden's place. The only downside is that if Kamala is skipped over it may risk depressing the black vote (who're the bedrock of the Democratic Party). It will be seen as deeply unfair but it's a necessary evil for the good of the country.
  9. I'll ask again more plainly. When is the last time an administration fired tens of thousands of federal employees and replaced them only with people who're ideologically aligned to their agenda? The point about the limitations of power keeps being brought up but Project 2025 is ALL about eroding those checks and balances. It expands presidential power, undermining other branches of government. And with the latest SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity the groundwork is being laid for the next president to be able to make serious abuses of power.
  10. When is the last time an administration fired thousands of civil servants and replaced them with loyal sychophants? That's whats being proposed here. This is not an overreaction. This is the real thing. And its the playbook for almost every authoritarian leader.
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna153620 He already has intentions of using executive action to shut down the border. And yes I agree we don't have the infrastucture to fully decarbonize. So lets pass the legislation to do it. Oh wait it'll ultimately be obstructed by Republicans. The bottom line is that we're going to have to decarbonize at some point. The mere impacts of climate change will force us to. And China is ultimately on the road to usurp us in clean renewable energy tech if we don't make serious strides. But keep thinking us being beholdened to fossil fuel billionaires is WIN for the US. ITS NOT. And I wish Biden was beholdened to progressives. Lol. We'd probably would have expanded the supreme court, fully legalized weed, forgiven student loans, etc etc. Biden is as centrist as they come. He's too milquetoast to enact progressive policies. And he's completely incapable to do what needs to be done to protect us from Trumps authoritarianism. The only reason why one would think he's some radical socialist is if you've been thoroughly propagandized via right wing media.
  12. We already had a balance and SCOTUS destroyed.
  13. You're wrong. Project 2025 is an attempt to destroy those very checks and balances by replacing thousands of federal employees with Trump loyalists. To your second point, there was bipartisan legislation in place to address the border crisis that Biden was slated to sign into law. It was ultimately nixed by Republicans at the orders of Trump.
  14. I think its safe to say we're witnessing a slow moving coup in America. I am deeply worried if Trump gets reelected.