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Posts posted by Lila9

  1. 3 hours ago, zazen said:

    Maybe also this:

    Just because a few terrorists acted humanely toward a few individuals doesn't negate the fact that they are savages. It doesn't erase what they have done, and, more horrifyingly, the way in which it was done.

    Most of them committed cruel and inhumane acts against most of the Israelis they encountered.

    I'm not here to convince you who they are and what values they have vs Israel.

    Come and see yourself, come visit Israel and Palestine. See who has more freedom of religion and human rights, if you dare. 

  2. Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen are part of Iran's terror network in the Middle East.

    There is a cold war between Iran and Saudi Arabia over who would be the ruler of the Middle East.

    Saudi Arabia has full diplomatic relations with the US, which has always been intimidating for Iran, as it sees the US (and everything related to the US, like Israel) as its enemy.

    No wonder the Hamas attack happened when Israel and Saudi Arabia started to negotiate normalization with the US as a mediator.

    Iran knew that if Hamas, financially funded by Iran, attacked Israel, Israel would retaliate, affecting the normalization negotiation attempts between Israel and Saudi Arabia.


  3. "Hamas is a nationalist movement" lol.

    Hamas is a Sunni Islamic terrorist organization affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine.

    They portray themselves as a nationalist resistance movement, but in reality, they are anti-nationalist Muslims.

    When Hamas commits atrocities under the guise of nationalism, it aims to make their actions more tolerable to the Western world. Because the western world can tolerate killing Israelies if it's under the definition of "nationalistic movement" rather than the anti-nationalist radical Muslims they actually are.

    Hamas never ceased to be antisemitic, only because they changed their initial highly antisemitic charter to something more tolerable for the western world, doesn't mean they actually changed. They never changed for good, only became more radical and religious over the years.

    AJ is considered a direct propaganda tool for Hamas, so relying solely on it for information about Hamas automatically leads you to misinformation and undereducation.

  4. "What is striking to me is that even as, again, we hear many countries urging the end to this conflict, which we would all like to see, I hear virtually no one saying – demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This is over tomorrow if Hamas does that. This would have been over a month ago, six weeks ago, if Hamas had done that,” Blinken said during a press briefing at the State Department Wednesday.

    “How can it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim,” Blinken went on to say.

  5. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    @Karmadhi How can you think about fairness to the other side when you have to save your life from him?

    Only if you are not a human.

    Jews in Israel should have been committed collective suicide or let Hitler or other Nazis to finish the work, ignore the Jewish ancient connection to Israel and allow Arabs to have Israel as the 22th Muslim state in the world.

    Only that would be considered fair to these people.

  6. From my observation, 48 Laws is not the ultimate book for self-empowerment, spiritual development, or personal growth.

    That's okay because it doesn't intend to be that type of book. I think it's a mistake to see this book as something that should help you grow and empower yourself as an individual.

    This book describes universal things to be aware of if one wants to gain power in society, which can both overlap with and contradict self-empowerment, personal, and spiritual development.

    While these laws can be applied as part of self-empowerment, acknowledging that some degree of power in society is beneficial, it's not the ultimate guide for self-empowerment.

    Besides learning how to make money, holding a job/business, and attaining some status and power in society, to truly empower oneself, reflection in solitude, emotional and spiritual healing, self-care, acquiring skills, knowledge and education, gaining true life experience, and learning to foster good relationships with others are crucial.

    There are many good books that offer guidance in these areas.

  7. Legumes and lentils are very healthy, rich in many nutrients. It's important to soak them in water for at least an hour before cooking and ensure they are not undercooked. The orange/red lentils are an exception, it is enough to wash them in water and cook them, no need to soak.

    Rice and oats are also excellent.

    Calories don't matter as long as you consume healthy food, maintain a balanced diet, and incorporate some physical activity into your lifestyle.

  8. 1 hour ago, Raze said:

    When Israel had shut off food, water, and fuel to Gaza and already killed thousands in bombs you said Israeli’s have it worse than Gazans. Most Gazans didn’t even have access to clean drinking water before the war. It’s painfully clear you don’t view Palestinian lives as equally important and this bias is so blatant it should make anyone considering your perspective think twice. You haven’t been addressing pro Palestinian bias, just spreading your own.

    There was the Oslo Agreement in which Israel provides water for the West Bank and Gaza.

    If they deliberately break the agreement, as they did on October 7, Israel would pause the water supply.

    If Gaza really suffers from a water shortage, despite the money poured into Gaza and the billions for leaders like Mashal, Haniya, and Abbas, they could buy water from Israel, as Jordan has been doing for years, instead of investing in weapons and real estate in Qatar and Turkey.

    Apparently, weapons are considered more important than water in their priorities.

    Gaza (Hamas and their supporters, those who were happy about dead Israelis) wants to harm innocent Israelis while expecting free water from them. They can't have both. Sorry, life doesn't work that way. 

    It's not that I don't care about Palestinians lacking water, it's just that your information seems narrow and biased, not fully loyal to reality and lack in many important details.

  9. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Frankly, the situation is asymmetrical. Hamas's evils are quite obvious to any reasonable person. But Israeli evils are much more sneaky and sophisticated. Israel is a lot better at bullshitting than Hamas is. It's hard to bullshit you way out of a terrorist attack. But Israel's entire policy is full of so much deception, BS, and bias in all sorts of subtle ways that requires lots of intelligence to detect.

    My intelligence goes to where it is most needed.

    I don't deny that Israel (as a state, government, army, and culture) has dark sides. The criticism is valid, and there is room to address it.

    However, the discussion here often becomes disproportionate, demonizing Israel while overlooking the flaws and mistakes of the other side in the conflict and their responsibility in this conflict.

    It's not obvious to everyone here that Hamas is a terror organization, apparently.

    Some users deny the severity of the massacre, ridicule it, compare Hamas to the IDF, dispute Hamas being a terror organization, reject the responsibility of Hamas and other terrorist groups for the poor and radicalized conditions of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, justify the massacre, and spread misinformation about it.


  10. 9 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    I sent you many sources. And none of them are Arab sources. If you do not accept any of them it shows more about your biases than anything else. You can also do research yourself, i found plenty of other sources which I did not send here. So plenty of information about it. At least the other guy @Nivsch is objective enough to recognize such stuff happened. 

    No doubt that Niv is an intelligent guy who sees things both from a stage Yellow and the Israeli perspective and I glad that you value his opinion, it's a positive sign that there is a movement towards more high quality discussions.

    I understand that I might come as too self-biased, but I want to empathize that I don't completely deny mistreatment of Israelies, which are often radical settlers, towards Palestinians, I'm very aware to that and believe me or not, it always was in the realm of my concerns. There is a place for criticism and improvement.

    However, when you share data that is either too biased and ignore the complete picture, or simply share data that is incorrect, I wouldn't accept it and would point to you the other perspective to make you see the whole picture.

    By your posts, you are very biased towards Palestinians and validly concerned with the mistreatment of Israelies towards Palestinians but you deliberately choose to ignore, the actions Palestinians do which led to this response from Israel and insist of seeing Israel as someone who hurt Palestinians without any reason or for arbitrary reasons, which is not the case.

    If you really interested in the complete picture and not only information that suits your bias, you need to understand how Palestinians are raised, how they are groomed since a very young age by terrorist organizations with violent and antisemitic doctrine and be critical of it as well.

    You need to understand that Israeli people live in fear from terror attacks coming from the Palestinian territories, that they have killed Israeli people by committing surprising terror attacks, especially in occasions when we are the most vulnarble like holidays and internal conflicts within ourselves.

    It seems that you don't have compassion towards the Israeli perspective and you are fully dismissive of it.




  11. 9 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    What did you do, if you had for 18 years, every 1-2 years on average, to go for a quite surgical, limited but smart, intelligence-based operation against a gerilla organization because it just doesn't stop shooting missiles on your villages and cities.

    And every time again, this organization hides behind civilians, what makes western countries who also holds your values, who are supposed to understand your side, to blame you again and again, when you feel this is such an unjustness, because you know you try hard to kill only terrorists.

    But they are champion genius in showing a distorted exaggerated picture to the world and to hide behind their own people. And please check in wikipedia the killing ratio then that was 80% and more to the favor of terrorists quite decent.

    But your hands are being bounded every time after couple of days or maximum weeks, again and again.

    And one day this organization which exhuasted you for 18 years, kills 1200 people of you and in such a nightmarish way. Threatening your sense of security and survival in a way you never experienced before, and plus (bonus) when you know hezbollah could also join this surprise (By the original Iranian plan according to reliable sources I can add them) and threaten your very existance seriously.

    This post summes the situation of Israel so well. It's a frustrating situation.

    9 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    But they are champion genius in showing a distorted exaggerated picture to the world and to hide behind their own people. And please check in wikipedia the killing ratio then that was 80% and more to the favor of terrorists quite decent.

    But your hands are being bounded every time after couple of days or maximum weeks, again and again.

    This is so true, they are masters at marketing.


  12. 10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You spread self-bias with no remorse.

    There is a significant bias here in favor of Palestine, with extensive demonization of Israel and misinformation. Why are you blind to that?

    Of course, if I see someone consuming and sharing incorrect data, I will correct them and explain the other perspective. Don't expect me to support incorrect and misinformed posts just to appear more unbiased for you.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Lila9 Israel has 100x more money than all of Palestine. Why is Israel collecting money from the US?

    For Israel's defense, because Israel is American proxy in the Middle East, an ally, a strategical tool for US. 

    18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I will start kicking people out of the politics sub-forum who cannot demonstrate a basic check on their biases.

    Relax, I'm not your enemy, I speak what I know. Take it or leave it.