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Posts posted by Toby

  1. 1 hour ago, flowboy said:

    @kag101 Thank you for your assumptions, it shows your ignorance. I actually had sex with 5 different stunning women over only the past 7 days. A good week for me. How was yours?

    You see why my sack is empty and my statements about women are pretty confident.

    I don't understand. You write that you feel "healed" after that workshop numerous times and still you don't display the capacity / interest for lasting relationships. Why is that?

  2. 2 hours ago, billiesimon said:

    I become paralized

    Educate yourself on "trauma" and for example the "window of tolerance". Some good books are...
    Trauma regarding spiritual practice:
    Trauma in general: or
    "Developmental trauma" in particular (which is different from "shock trauma"):

  3. 12 hours ago, Aeris said:

    why it is relevant to you to answer to a topic that you think is irrelevant to know how the answer could be relevant for the author ?

    I don't know what you are talking about. Seems that you were hearing something else than what I wrote. I wrote that he might be more specific or give an example so that I could understand what situations exactly he is talking about. Without knowing that how could there be an answer or a discussion?

  4. 15 hours ago, billiesimon said:

    I remember @Leo Gura saying in a video about relationships that the primary role of men in society is to have a job.

    I don't agree with this, since I believe that men are born to be free and follow their passion and their sense of masculine direction (yang is energetic and purposeful).

    At the same time this narrative seems to imply that women and men have different value roles in the job field. Post modernism teaches that this is wrong. Women should provide for society too, and with the same amount of effort. 

    What are your thoughts? 

    I'd like to hear Leo too :)

    Feminism could have been invented not to free the roles but so that more people are working and pay taxes. Funny that the male role of working, providing, being strong and having no feelings, functioning... is not questioned collectively. Because a man that questions his role probably pays less taxes.