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Posts posted by Toby

  1. 3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

    I would avoid all psychiatrists and psychologicts. They can't help you. They themselfs need help.

    These kind of generalizations are not helpful. There are tons of "psychiatrists" and "psychologists" that at least meditate, know what the spiritual path is about and some even are spiritual teachers. And even if they are not, there might be some usefulness for some people for some time.


  2. @Nahm In my experience with kundalini symptoms and reiki (2008) is, that reiki is not that great for that. It can even make things worse because the main objective - imo - is to get energy flowing.

    I'd rather do something that grounds and calms. Yin based yoga, trauma sensitive yoga, maybe even some trauma work like se, narm, tre. And I would go to an Ayurveda dude who could give some hints to help balance the system.

  3. I don't really know... I only read / watched very little on "red pill". But my impression was not that "higher values" are not "online" for the people but somehow because of hurt they closed their heart (or at least tried) and now rationalize that "love" or "commitment" are not important and money, sex, power is what really counts. They probably really don't believe it themselves and secretly yearn for real connection with people and the world. But yeah, was only my first impression.

  4. So I signed up by accident with ($1 for first 30 days) and there is a guy who applied Spiral Dynamics / Integral Model to stages of relationships: Tom Habib. It is quite amazing and eye-opening. It also more or less shows that Pickup-Lifestyle might be at red / purple and is actually caught in pre/trans-fallacy.


    On youtube:

  5. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    For example, no serious teacher would make the core of his teaching the bashing of other teachers.

    That is not necessarily true. There are different teaching strategies. For example, if someone has an approach like UG Krishnamurti or Karl Renz the "bashing" (or making fun of) includes almost everything and everyone. "Unconditional hate" as Karl likes to say.