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Everything posted by Arthogaan

  1. You have the choice in this very moment, but later after the choice is made, as you said "you think about it" and you can delude yourself that you had no choice. Which just prove your free will. You have so much free will that you can even choose to believe that you have no free will.
  2. Had too google that one. I am not that smart. Care to elaborate?
  3. I can choose to quit my meditation and be swayed into monkey mind.
  4. Choose to choose doesn't make sense without the notion of linear time. There is only NOW, and I CAN CHOOSE to meditate NOW.
  5. Yes! And notice the word "can" in your sentence! This "can" is the proof of your Free Will. You CAN choose to observe and meditate.
  6. This is a monkey mind thinking about the experience that happened in the past. That is conceptualizing, ego playing it's games. The direct experience is that you can make a choice to respond or not. Ideas about some factors in the brain are just stories. Just as brain is a story. @Someone here
  7. You can always choose to focus attention on the beingness itself.
  8. You chose to respond to my thread. And then you chose to delude yourself that you didn't decide that, that it just happened.
  9. You chose to respond to my thread. And then you chose to delude yourself that you didn't decide that, that it just happened.
  10. Let's be so charitable and assume he actually does. Then wouldn't you agree that this pointer is pretty poor as most people will be stuck in an "enlightenment" with emptiness facet but no love facet? Because that is exactly what happened to me on my journey after listening to old Leo and Jed Mckenna. I was stuck for a long time in this raw, kinda dull enlightenment of no-self. Love is just the best word for Love.
  11. Yup. Then wouldn't you agree that disagreeing with someone on the forum and then just saying that I have to increase my consciousness to understand is kinda pointless? Everyone could write the same.
  12. God = Imagination = Reality -> this is what I am trying to point to when saying God imagines reality. Words get tricky. I agree that there is no process of doing and result. Because God=Imagination=Reality then you could have some fun with words and as well say those 3 things: 1) God gods god. 2) Imagination imagines imagination. 3) Reality realits reality. Which is all the same as what @Bazooka Jesus wrote: "Reality is" - but all of the above are different perspectives. And of course GOD = YOU, Imagination = You, Reality = You.
  13. I am speaking from direct experience and my current understanding. If you want to assume the person you are speaking with has smaller understanding of God and just disagree by saying "you just have to raise consciousness bro and then it becomes obvious that you are wrong" that's fine.
  14. Great elaboration my dude. Just like in nightly lucid dream, if you dream up the dream with no pain and no suffering it is very easy to realize it is a dream and that you are God. But when you turn on/imagine the pain of the body, the hunger, the drama the dream becomes very juicy and GOD (you) forgets that it is only a dream and therefore it is more immersive.
  15. But would you agree the less suffering in a dream the less immersive it is?
  16. Being just is and that being is Imagination. Just like in nightly dream being = imagination
  17. I am not sure if you want to agree or disagree with me, because what you wrote seems congruent with what I wrote.
  18. If you (as God) want to imagine living in a body, you have to create suffering. Because without suffering the illusion of the body would be too easy to see through, and you would not survive few days. So suffering is something necessary for a good dream. Suffering is there out of Love.
  19. What a beautiful post. @JuliusCaesar any updates on becoming a Powerful Being? Some crazy experiences? Please share your past two years in the context of this post and that intention.
  20. All that you have written I agree with and again this is exactly what I get from Leo's Solipsism video. I think we are too little charitable to Leo.
  21. To me it sounds exactly like what Leo is describing with Absolute Solipsism but with a bias against word "You"/"I". It points to the same way of seeing. You just misunderstand what Leo means by "I" and assume any ego left there imho. @Water by the River @Bazooka Jesus @Breakingthewall