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  1. It's a duality. You wouldn't be able to distinguish pleasure from pain otherwise. Also, pain keeps you alive. It's a necessary emotion. I don't know. Maybe because the baby is too big to come out of that hole. Bet they feel pleasure from sex though. Do you feel pleasure when eating? Try overeating. Masochists exist. Do you feel pain when you trim your nails?
  2. Your parents gave birth to you. You did not earn your life in any way. You're alive because you have survival instincts and want to survive. Okay. Survive then. Exciting, isn't it? Don't forget to breathe and drink water. You also don't owe your parents nor siblings nor wife nor kids nor friends anything. Let's all be selfish Life's more exciting when we're selfish.
  3. Just wanted to add. What makes this song so beautiful is that it is AI generated.
  4. I dedicate this song to the entire human race. To all people who say "I love you" and don't really mean it To all politicians and world leaders To all media and journalists To all of you All you ladies and fellas, go grab your umbrellas...
  5. I watched A Quiet Place and part two as you recommended on your blog Leo. It was good. Kept me glued to the screen. Are there any other you could recommend? Thanks
  6. If you think it would get worse, it would get worse. If you think it would get better, it would get better. If you think your future would be a horror show, it would be a horror show. My suggestion to you is to get excited about life again. If you want to approach 20-year-old girls, approach 20-year-old girls.
  7. It's the best philosophical / puzzle game I have played this year. Highly recommend you try it out.
  8. Time is the notion of change within the dream and the dream itself. A static dream is not the greatest good there could be. Therefore Oneness is not just the present moment. Oneness is infinitely all moments. It is time itself.
  9. Evil is what you consider evil. Are black holes evil? People desire what they find valuable. Your morale is governed by your values. (People discover/know what's valuable through experience, evolution and survival instincts.)
  10. Being understood Being valued Being loved Being healthy Being around people who I understand, value, love and are healthy
  11. Following the series "Life Advice For Young People" part 1 and 2.
  12. Thank you for the answers! I like the way you think because I thought about this too. It has a nice recursiveness to it. However, sometimes what we experience is not a function of our actions nor our will (lower ego/self). If we talk about the higher solipsistic You/Self/Will, then it makes sense, yes. Essentially Consciousness doing whatever it desires and experiencing the effects of that in an infinite loop. I think happy is he who has all he desires. With that said, the fewer the desires, the greater the chance of happiness. In other words, I view happiness as a measurement of % desires currently manifesting. If you only have the desire to be healthy and you are healthy, then you're 100% happy. I was wondering how survival plays a role in this, so I thought about this more and here's what I noticed: What you value is a result of your experience, however, you could also value the experience itself. Most (if not all) things we do are for the sake of survival. Why? Because most people desire to survive. Why? Because they value the experience of life, of being. Isn't this what the higher self values? The experience of existing, being, (and loving?) If I had to finish the sentence myself, it'd probably be something along the lines of: (Lower-self version only): What you experience is a result of being. Because being is a result of your parents having made you and put you into this world.
  13. What you do is a result of your desires. What you desire is a result of your values. What you value is a result of your experience. What you experience is a result of ___.