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Everything posted by mojsterr

  1. Some times you will lick the frog, some times you will be the frog that gets licked. Now let us pray.
  2. With practice. The more you do it, the more you get used to it. You have to really visualize it like you're there and imagine what you would feel if you already had that thing and just radiate that feeling. And sooner or later, the Universe will have to match what you give out. This is the law. You are a magnet and you get what you give out. Everything you have in your life until this point is because you manifested it. Your thoughts led you to your exact current circumstances. If you can't do it before sleep, then do it in meditation after you reach that peaceful alpha wave state. I have troubles while in bed, becase my mind works too much when I visualize it and I don't fall asleep, so I do it like this. Although the ladder experiment worked even though I had troubles. Start doing it with small things first. Don't go for the big ones, because the leap will be too big. Do the ladder experiment and see if it works. It happened for me. Neville has some special energy in him, something that I personally haven't gotten from other teachers, and I could listen to him for hours. He never charged anything, he taught people for free. There are a lot of stories of people getting their desires and also he shares a lot of stuff from his personal life, as you will hear sooner or later. If you want some reinforcement, there's a channel called Nevillution. There are stories of other people applying the law. Also, I bought a book with collected works of Neville and I read a small passage every day before bed, to reinforce my beliefs and keep my faith strong. There is magic in his words and there is a lot of value on every single page. It's the same law over and over again, but each time told in a different way, so you will always find things that reasonate with you. If you want an introduction to him, download Neville's '5 Lessons' PDF: There are other teachers (Abraham Hicks, Joe Dispenza,...) but Neville really resonated with me the first instant I listened to him or read his stuff. To me he is different than all the others. But you might resonate more with someone else. Yeah
  3. Can you please give some specific examples of your 'Shadow work'? I've seen the term get tossed around a lot, but exact descriptions of the exercises are a lot easier to understand for me.
  4. Basically it's this: You have to feel like you already have it to attract it. What you put out, you attract. The things you are focused on are the things you are going to get. But you must not think "I want to get that" - you have to be already in the feeling of having it. Neville Goddard's advice is to do it before you fall asleep. That is when it is the most effective. Try the ladder experiment: If you like this video, listen to Neville himself, there are a lot of his teachings on youtube. He's an interesting guy to listen to. And once again: you have to feel like you already have it. This is the key. "The Universe doesn't give you more of what you want, it gives you more of what you are."
  5. And this is how he cleans his stainless steel wok. I've seen @Leo Gura say he leaves his in water for a few hours if burnt, but this is a lot quicker:
  6. I just found a channel about Woks, since I'll be buying one eventually and this guy explains seasoning. I didn't know that meant burning the oil onto the pan. So, isn't that unhealthy? I've googled a bit and some say that its carcinogenic and some say it's ok. So, which one? The seasoning process is this: He mentiones Canola oil as the best one for seasoning, but I'm staying away from that one. Is just any oil good, in your opinion?
  7. Alright. Exactly this, yes. Also too sceptical. I guess I did break through, but it was just too strong to handle. Ok, but I've met these too. Not elf people, but mechanical looking entities. Something like those indian totems and aztec masks, but in HD and trillions of collors. When I have met them it was always kind of the same. One of them always has some tube going into my body and is draining me of something. It feels like a outer wordly hospital room and they are doing something to me. Trying to help me. This experience is similar with this woman, like some nurse. I have also met them in 2 or 3 other instances, so from my experience, I know they are real, whatever they are. Yeah, I don't have a problem with LSD. Those trips were always good.
  8. I also think this. Twice have I now "met" this woman who is disgusted at me. It's similar same as LSD. I've written a post some while ago how my LSD trips always take me to some place of unspeakable horror. Something that ha happened in the past, in some other place. And it is always the same visions, the same places. I hear screaming of a lot of people at once, like we are together in an airplane that is going down, or something like that. Then there is a vision of a body underwated, stuck in a fish net and it has been there for a few days. Everything is cut into the skin and the body just wants to explode. A grousome scene. It's always the same visions and each time I trip, I go just a little bit further. But I don't mind it on LSD. Actually each time I want to go to that place again, because I want to figure out what these visions are. But to me it's like I've been there in the accident together with all of them. But I was just wondering what do I have to do with DMT. I will take a slightly lighter dose next time and try to integrate it somehow. But these have to be some things buried deep inside of me and I feel I need to solve them. But I don't know how. I've tried MDMA, but on parties. Not for healing. Also, I have a little bit of 5-MeO, too. Will try it aswell. I've only done it once and it blew my brains out a little. But I'd just like to figure shit out. I had the same experience on Ayahuasca. I had a 5 hour horror trip, because I couldn't let go. I have some deep fear of opening up inside. I just want to solve it.
  9. The dose is too much if it is yesterday evening, you are me, and you did DMT. If you ever go back in time, please beware.
  10. But she never got it (or did but it didn't affect her much) while being intimate with her boyfriend and not so intimate with her flatmate. Why would she do it?
  11. From what I know about the Universe. Female energy is the negative energy, male is the positive one. Yin Yang. Perhaps because of this. That's why in any collective I have worked at, women were constantly seeking problems (usually with other women), while men just wanted peace and no drama in their lives. But I love their drama to some extent. It makes the world go around. It shows me it is alive.
  12. I haven't. One thing is there hasn't really been a perfect person that I could feel it for, yet. The other is I'm affraid of it, since I never really experienced it as a child. At least it wasn't shown to me correctly.
  13. But all I know about expressing such emotions is what Bruce Lee said: "Be water". When a stone is thrown into the water, the watter ripples just enough times that it is not too much and not too little. It reacts perfectly to the force of the stone thrown in. In real life that means when you feel really angry, you should react accordingly and when it's over, you move on. But what is in you needs to be expressed. If you do not work on this correctly, you will supress it. I can't do this, but I admire people who are really open and always express their emotions in any given situation. They say something back, there might be anger in them for 5 minutes, and then it goes away. It was channeled properly. I get angry and it sticks with me for a long time. I'm working on that.
  14. Firstly, I want to know if this is something Jesus really did, or is a story that an a different person has made of him.
  15. Collecting student debt at day Calling about my car's extended warrancy at night
  16. You should read it and tell me what you think after
  17. For me 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 were really really good. But if you don't like negative emotions, don't read 1984. But it's still an amazing book, though.
  18. The father is your subsoncsious. It is not some man up in the sky. All the stories in the Bible are misunderstood. We take them literally and fail to understand how they were meant to be read. Neville Goddard has a splendid short book explaining what the Bible is really teaching. I urge you to check it out. Search for Neville Goddard - 5 lessons There are pdfs all over the internet. This is how it starts: I just want to run around telling everyone how to understand the Bible, but the few ones I did try to show, they laughed at me. You have all of the secrets for how to have a life you always dreamed of in the freaking Bible!, but no one really knows this. The Bible is just an instruction manual on how to manifest your desired reality.
  19. "Reviewing the worst restaurants in Las Vegas" is uploading as we speak Wouldn't it be crazy if Leo just said "fuck it" to all spiritual videos, as he has come to the end of his journey, and would now just be doing stupid, wild shit