Phil King

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About Phil King

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  • Birthday 12/28/2001

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    New York
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  1. @Bobby_2021 GDP isnt the best metric to gauge economies. Theoretically speaking, a country could dig a hole for $100 million and then fill the hole up for another $100 million and then it would count as $200 mil in GDP growth, even though nothing changes. China is notorious for such things with bridges to nowhere and hundreds of thousands of empty buildings (That also tend to collapse) Interesting book on this is "The Growth Delusion"
  2. A lot of investors and start up founders like Sam Altman have said that learning poker helped with their business because there are a lot of overlaps in the field. Perhaps theres a way there Poker is a zero sum game, but there are a lot of valuable skills you can learn that may help in future endeavors. Dont get too carried away with it tho
  3. ^^ a while back someone posted a deepfake audio of daniel saying he was an ascetic plowboy on the forum
  4. Daniel Schmactenberger would be dope. Hes aware of actualized and i think it would be a pretty interesting convo. Mark manson would also be cool. Hes familiar with spiral dynamics and ken wilber along with broader psychology and personal development Theres already 13+ hours of them talking.
  5. Lol this forum is so strange. How does something like actualized attract people like this. Watch this video to avoid wasting your life. You are falling into the same trap as Hitler going on a crusade against the Jews. Praying for the hate in your heart to heal brother
  6. May be true with voters who are above the age of 60 but you will soon see America become even more open to LGBTQ+ community. Just study spiral dynamics and you can see a clear trend towards younger people being more stage green and open to diverse perspectives. The republican party will go through a huge restructuring in the next 10-20 years as society develops and baby boomers die along with their outdated ideas. By the time you have a chance to even run for speaker of the house, it would be unthinkable to be openly anti gay. Also even if gay marriage is banned, there will still be gay people fucking eachother and living together so... But you do you. If you genuinely feel your calling in life is to command the sexual wills of hundreds of millions of people along with oppressing peoples identity, go for it. I just dont think it will lead to a fulfilling life is all
  7. Just being completely honest so you dont waste your life pursuing this. You will never be elected to any position of power for any party in the 21st century USA with these very antiquated and outdated ideas. The anti gay stuff will make it impossible for anyone to vote for you because it would be an overt admission of homophobia and "siding with the wrong side of history"
  8. Alex Gray is amazing. I actually found out recently that I live like 20 minutes away from him and his art museum for the past 10 years and never knew.
  9. This would be awesome. Would expose actualized to a larger audience and would also have a chance at influencing JP for the better. I’m pretty sure he’s done interviews with curt jaimungal and with rebel wisdom so it’s very possible that he’ll agree, especially if he takes a look at some of ur work
  10. For nootropics I take Ginkgo Bailoba Huperzine A Omega 3 fish oil Bacopa L- Theanine Alpha GPC Pterostilbene Vinpocetine I got most of the reccomendations from Leos vid I would stay away from brand names and just buy the individual supplements. Looking at that Qualia stuff at $140, thats an insane price for not even a months supply of pills. I could buy a 3 month supply of my whole supplement stack for a little over $200
  11. Yes. Terence Malick is an artistic genius. His movies "Days of Heaven", "Tree of Life", and "Badlands" are also all masterpieces. I actually havent seen this one yet so I am looking forward to it.
  12. RFK is colluding with Trump. He will either endorse trump or try to spread doubt within Democrats
  13. 1. Fight Club 2. The Last Temptation of Christ 3. Synecdoche New York 4. My Dinner With Andre 5. Before Sunrise