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Posts posted by CARDOZZO

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    It's easier to quit porn when you realize a few simple facts. 

    1. The energy of sex has to go somewhere. If it doesn't go to a partner,then it goes to another being. If you could see that being, you'd be horrified. Ever felt icky, sticky afterwards? It's because of who you were with. There is someone in the room with you. They are waiting for the energy-fix. I went into detail about this in my book "Clearing Entities". Nex time you do porn, expand your awareness and feel the space in the room around you. 

    2. The context of porn-production. Almost nobody wakes up and says "I want a career in porn". Who are these people on the screen you are spending time with? Are they happy people or exploited ones? What happens to a person's electromagnetic field when they mix with a lot of people-they-dont-like? Why do so many porn stars look washed-up and used-up later in life? Once you realize WHO you are dealing with, you feel compassion - and compassion can be a turn-off to masturbation. 

    3. Your guilt about porn is not helpful. Guilt assumes you're going to keep doing it. And then you do. So if you're going to keep doing it, you might as well enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with being sexual and having sexual desires. Sexual energy is a creative force, a force of life, of manifestation. The porn-industry diverts this energy so that you waste it on them. Doing porn can make you too complacent to look for a partner. Finding a real partner requires effort - it helps you grow as a human. Porn requires no effort and therefore it provides no growth. Like a drug, it provides temporary relief without responsibility, intimacy, building your conversational skills, humor, etc. 

    Also know that addiction to ANYTHING puts a hold on your ascension of the scale of consciousness. 

    SEEING these three things...really KNOWING them from your own experience, will stop or significantly reduce your porn use. And if you don't see them? Then age will reduce it.