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About thenondualtankie

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  1. Once humanity is freed from wage slavery thanks to AI, we will be free to pursue deeper goals. Which probably involves taking psychedelics for many people. It will indeed be for increasing intelligence, creativity and consciousness, but if we set society up correctly, there'd be no need to 'compete' with the AI. The AI would be satisfying our economic needs while we go out and do better shit.
  2. would you actually host an actualized forum user if they came over to australia hahahah
  3. Razard, I imagine that you might say that we as humans have access to a sliver of God's intelligence and a sliver of God's love. And many other facets of consciousness for which we have a sliver of God's. So don't we have a sliver of God's free will? Your points suggest its a rather tiny amount. But non-zero.
  4. Here's an interesting discussion between Alex O'Connor and Sam Harris. They briefly discuss free will in this clip at the start. To Alex, free will doesn't exist because: where are his actions coming from? Actions and intentions seem to just pop up in your head out of nowhere. Which seems to discount free will. In a different video, Alex posits that if the universe is deterministic, then we clearly don't have free will. And if the universe is random as implied by quantum mechanics, we don't have free will even still - there is only randomness, not choice. But what he forgets to mention is a third option for where our intentions come from. INTENTION COMES FROM INTENTION ITSELF! Free will is completely circular and not explicable in terms of other concepts. Your intention literally uses intention itself to make itself arise. And that intention is you. Does your direct experience not agree with this?
  5. That's a great plugin. Everyone should have it. It's an extension called Unhook for people that don't know.
  6. Since when does supporting the death penalty equate to fascism?
  7. But will just showing up lead to performance?
  8. Leo, you've said that the number of attractive women you meet is the #1 factor for success. But you've also said that you need to behave in a highly specific way for pickup to work, and you often say you need an experienced wing. I'm wondering which one it is. Is it enough to just put yourself out there to women as much as possible? For example through new age events. As well as gigs/raves/festivals of course. Is it enough to maximise the number of connections you make / try to make?
  9. Crazy story. Not only because she stole a crazy amount of money (almost worth 11% of Vietnam's GDP), but also because she is actually facing justice as a billionaire. This needs to happen all across the world.
  10. It's a good question. I think it's possible for the West to revoke support for the Israeli operation. It happened with apartheid South Africa, despite the economic and geopolitical gains. The modus operandi for all geopolitical powers is self-interest, but there are cases where this seems to break down.
  11. Very interesting point. I think more specifically we'd need to make ourselves 100x more outgoing. Our brains work with tribes of a few hundred people at most - if we scaled this number up to 100,000 we'd end up with a much more cohesive society. Then why have any concentration of power and wealth in the first place? You need to concentrate power and wealth to do anything meaningful in society. And if it's the case that your society needs some concentration of power, you may as well operate that through democracy - otherwise, as I said, undemocratic institutions will concentrate the power for you.
  12. Your neighborhood social democrat Kyle Kulinski has made a video on term limits. He says he's mostly against term limits because it can lead to authoritarians like Putin or Erdogan staying in power for too long. But too long according to whom? Definitely not according to the Russian or Turkish population! A bigger danger than democratically elected tyrants is undemocratically elected tyrants. And arguably that's exactly what the USA faces today, with undemocratic state apparatus such as the CIA wielding immense power. Many members of the CIA have said that the CIA views Presidents as temporary officers who come and go, while the CIA themselves stay in power. In fact, there have been cases where secrets have been withheld from Presidents: JFK was allegedly not fully briefed on the Bay of Pigs invasion, for instance. Here is a great video on the so-called 'deep state', which explores the issue of undemocratic power in the United States. Term limits are stupid because they lead to a lack of proper leadership and vision, since the leadership and vision has to get shuffled around every 8 years. As a result, undemocratic state apparatus fills that gap and provides the missing leadership and vision for us.
  13. These AI are yes-men But yes it's amazing for brainstorming. The lack of bias they have is incredible. They've seen so many perspectives in their dataset that they tend to take the higher perspectives.
  14. That's a good point. Any other examples? I think branding places a constraint on production, since not everyone is allowed to produce that brand. And as I said constraints in production can lead to over-valued goods. I could be pulling at straws here.