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Posts posted by michaelcycle00

  1. 1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

    All of life is image, its imagination, its a dream. You are just God masquerading as a human. As a human your imagination is God's power of creation. Without you realizing it you are manifesting what is within in your outside world. You are creating your body, your house, your car, and the people around you. You are just NOT aware of how you are doing it. The point of studying reality is to make yourself AWARE of how you are doing it. To Lucid Dream is to be aware that you are dreaming and to change it according to your will or intention.

    The truth is all the time you are doing this based on your beliefs, and the strength of your beliefs will determine your experience of reality. Since you said you cannot manifest things, in your experience you will NOT notice that you are doing it. But if you pay attention.....you will notice.

    Hit the nail on the head with this one. Well said man. 

  2. 5 hours ago, machiavelli said:

    @Michael Jackson I had experiences and insights . But I need to confirm my insights. So that I can know my ego is not cheating me.

    If you cannot help better dont make these forum posts. You dont know how many years I have given into this work. 

    I was just confirming my insights. And there is nothing wrong in it. Its absurd and insulting to post these forum post tagging my forum post.

    Next time if you cannot help donot comment.

    If you’ve been in this rodeo for years (which I don’t believe, or you mean you’ve been reading a few posts here and there which is not it) and you need to confirm your “insights”, which btw I’ve read, and are stuff I came up with in like 5 mins after reading a few posts, then you’ve basically wasted them. You would’ve been better off working at McDonalds for a few months and then plugging that money into a 5-Meo retreat.

  3. 1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

    If time isn't real then there's no such thing as "one at a time". You think you're in a moment which supercedes your 10th birthday party because this slither of "time" contains an ego and memory of that 10th birthday.

    Of course, both this moment and your 10th birthday happened in the same "moment" you call now. Which is the only moment there is in actuality.

    But what are we supposed to make of this in regards to "solipsism" or really being the only ONE God, rather than multiple if not infinite Gods? How can I awaken and collapse the entirety of the Universe onto me and then you still be there eating ice cream at the park? I thought I was one and absolute.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

    I use to think this.   

    Existence is Eternal up until now.  It is neither and both formless and form.  But this forever and always has been is not known to continue as such.  No one knows.  If it were to End, it will never have been known and will never Exist ever again, for there will no longer be any formless or form or anyness at all to return or be or become.

    But, for this to be true, wouldn't linear time have to be fundamental? As I understand it, it never began so no time has ever progressed, it is what it is right now and it is absolute, so it can not "cease" to be, because again, it's happening NOW and now is all there is, so by definition, this is all there is. Therefore making concepts like eternity or non-existence just that, concepts.

  5. 1 hour ago, KingCrimson said:

    But let's keep the distinction and remain in the realm of possibility for now. If infinity CAN be anything, it CAN be a universe in which everything is exactly as it is now, only that instead of writing this comment, I am taking a bath. Logically, even the theoretical possibility of such a world seems impossible, does it not? At the same time, infinity would have to have the freedom to (theoretically, potentially) be anything it damn pleases, which is a contradiction. -> The paradox still stands, does it not?

    Yes, it can be a Universe where you took a bath instead of writing this comment. In fact, if you could free your mind from the usual limitations you could go “back in time” right before writing this comment and take a bath instead. I don’t fully see the contradiction, but then again, everything is happening in no-time, rather than in “infinite time” because there’s neither a beginning nor an end. There’s literally no future or past, your future could literally be going into “the past” and doing something so very slightly different than you remember doing. Also, existence is full of paradoxes so don’t sweat it too much. It’s part of being absolute and unlimited. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Life-Hacking said:

    Even though I knew the characters in the dream were not real I didn't want to hurt them by not coming back.

    Do you mean that you had the realization that only your life was the real reality? (Life-Hacking’s life) and that others were just empty projections with no awareness of their own or that only the dream (as in the Universe) is real and the ego basically separates each one of us so we don’t realize we’re all one/the same being?

    If it’s the latter I honestly can’t imagine it being lonely, because you can always create others, even if via deception. It’s too good of a deception so I feel like it doesn’t matter at all. It’s so good every body has its own awareness, likes/dislikes, views on life, thought processes. To me it literally makes no difference whether there’s a genuine other or a “not actually other in the absolute sense”. But that’s just me I guess. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Benton said:

    All this started with kundalini. Kundalini will be necessary for you to have the proper juice to do a lot of these things. Yoga plus psychedelics equals crazy shit. You want to manipulate reality? If you have active kundalini and are tripping dick then it will probably happen. Most likely not even entirely on purpose.

    Certainly not. You have to realize that you expected Kundalini for XYZ reason and that's what you received in order to make sense of "manipulating reality". I used to see it this way as well, but I've now come to realize that it is just a HUGE limiting belief. I'm guessing your belief process regarding reality creation goes something like this: I'm a human being with certain hidden metaphysical capabilities that can affect the inner and *OUTER* world to a degree, I'm capable of more than I currently can do but there are many things I could never do because XYZ causes aren't met. This is NOT the case. What you need to understand is that you don't need some energy running up and down your spine to make an impact in the outer world, because you're ALREADY creating the entirety of it. You're already using unlimited energy to create everything around you at every moment. If you get to the top of a skyscraper and see the whole city from above you're literally creating the whole city right there. With 0 effort whatsoever. It's like you literally have a billion megaton nukes in your backpack but you insist on looking for a pair of triple-A batteries in order to be able to do something. Kundalini is no farther or closer than everything else is to you. Change your consciousness within and it'll reflect on the outside right away.

  8. 9 hours ago, Forza21 said:

    Honestly, i try HARD to take a break, but my mind is still creating these thoughts and problems, like " are these people real or not?" 

     Can't stop thinking about it, can't go back to normal life, so at least i try my best to make sense of it. But many topics creates only more confusion, and more paranoia.  Yeah it's kinda rough time, and i was pretty sane and mentally stable person. I regret latest trip.  I have no idea what i've done wrong to get into this, instead of realization of love, i get fear and it draggs me down.

    BUT i meet wonderful people here anyway. At least i'm thankful for that.

    Didn't you already realize that only you have a POV and everybody else is just an empty meat sack? I'm basing this on your last trip report... you said you saw how you were creating your girlfriend and how there was no consciousness behind her eyes. So why are you still asking? Or was that "trip report" just a thought experiment?

  9. 2 hours ago, Judy2 said:

    "Best" is 100% relative and a biased judgment. As Leo says, dualistically speaking, God does not have such a bias, God loves everything. The 'good' and the 'bad'. That's what unconditional love means.

    We're fucked then. Reminds me of the "if God's all-powerful then he cannot be all good"... sadly, he'd have to limit his absolute self to be all good and that's simply not possible. RIP. Good luck lads, it's a eat or be eaten world for most of us out there. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

    Then create a spaceship right now. If you can't do it then it's just a belief.

    Well yeah, that's what I'm saying, I don't actually believe I can, and so I can't. I've never proved or disproved that if I truly believed I could do that then it would materialize, so I can't say for sure that I just can't do XYZ thing since limits are self-imposed, are they not?

  11. Technically you could, but, as I understand it, God sort of put itself inside a humongous Matryoshka doll set in order to limit itself. In a way, if you could blast through all of them you could pretty much do anything. Basically, God put itself in a hole and threw away the hole. He knows how powerful he really is, and the unleashing of that would just destroy the dream, so he hides his own self from itself so you can't do all that your "ego" wants to. Honestly, I don't buy this crap right here. There's no way God actually *wants* to experience intense suffering and suicide. Seek meaning, significance, to survive in an alien world in whatever way possible. I think shit just goes down and maybe we just have to work with what we've got. 

    Also, as I understand it, this existence is highly based on faith and belief. Think about it, you don't actually believe you could create another Universe right now, and so you won't. You TRY to believe, you WANT to believe, but ultimately you don't, and so you won't be creating anything out of nothing any time soon. 

  12. Seems like pretty much everyone who's had awakenings in this forum agrees that God has certain attributes that are undeniable. Some of them being:


    -All Love




    -Essentially made of nothing at all, not being located anywhere or anywhen.

    -Is in an ever going dance between manifest and unmanifest

    -ONE, absolute, nothing outside of itself.


    These are the ones I got off the top of my head. Anyway, based on this I wonder for what reason does it have to be this way? And is it actually this way or these "attributes" I speak of are just what is shown to us... as insane and grandiose as they may seem to us, they could just be that to us. I understand God was never born so it may be unexplainable through the use of language but maybe we can pick on a few things to try to get even if just a shallow understanding of the thing. I've noticed the logic that's used here to try to explain God usually goes something like "there's something because nothing needs a contrast" or "actual nothingness (no existence at all, even if just conceptual and relative) cannot exist" or "God is infinite and limitless because there's nothing outside of itself to limit it" but really, aren't these all limitations? Aren't attributes, no matter how absolute, a limitation as well?

    Think about how only the present moment exists, no matter what it shapeshifts into... How does God even think to itself or know what it wants to turn into? How does it pull out what it wants to be or experience from an infinity of finite "dreams"? Does it just choose sort of like randomly because it's all "love" (which is probably more like just total acceptance) so whatever it pulls out from his infinity he will experience and is okay, so if he were to pull out (and I'm obviously being biased with this example) the life of a human in the Middle East who will be raped, tortured and suffer like hell slowly losing his family one by one and after that be mutilated by a terrorist group, then that's it? That's what it (God) received out of his infinite magic dream box so that's what will play out. Is this more or less how God "thinks" and "acts"? (dual-language, I know). I don't know how else to frame this honestly. I get that I simply can't grasp it, but maybe some of you have gotten some takeaways about this on your trips; would love to know your thoughts. 

    As a side note, if I'm neither in America nor Europe do they not exist? The war between Russia and Ukraine is all a story that never happened and is currently not happening?

  13. 32 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

    I don't like that, it makes it sound like a decision. Infinite intelligence, omnipotence, whatever is said is going to be a product of it. I don't think it has control itself, rather control would have to be a product of it.


    This makes me quiver. I like your post because it really shows that "God" or "Infinity" is so much more than we think. There is probably an infinitude of other types of existence that could occur or are occurring that we can't even conceive as humans. However, and now referring to what I quoted you on here, this is pretty scary to me and I've thought about it. How God is probably at its own mercy... the whole "if it's all-powerful then he cannot be all good" thing where stuff just happens. Dreams, creation, whatever. It just is for some reason, and there's no reason not to think next time it'll be something much worse because it can be and so will be (assuming this is how it works), but yeah, an omnipotent being who has no control and everything it does is done to itself (us) cannot be good. Add no time to this and may as well call it infinite suffering. And done by us to us which is the biggest joke of them all. 

    But then again, if it's one and there's nothing outside of it, then who tf is running the show? Why would properties like control or the lack of it emerge and just will themselves into existence (which is itself) for no reason at all? We're at a dead-end here, aren't we?

  14. Won't we just die and immediately go back to another sort of dream? It's not like we die and then just chill as God indefinitely all alone just doing I suppose absolutely nothing because there's nothing to do other than to dream? I guess this makes the whole "are there other bubbles within finite creation/relatively speaking?" carry even more weight because if there are, then saying you/me/we are "one" would carry 0 weight given that we probably only experience that for an instant before being bombarded back to another illusion where linear time and others occur. Is God at its own mercy? Can't do shit but dream and dream for eternity, always the same shit with so very slight differences. Linear time, concepts, others, limits, same old same old. If this is the case, then it makes no difference to say you're one or many, since you're not aware of it. If I hadn't stumbled upon "spirituality" and forums like this one I would've never known. I would've died being ignorant to "being one forever" and I would've been onto another dream where I again would not be aware of this fact. Doesn't make a difference now, does it?

  15. 3 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

    I'm thinking of it like reality being like a television and there are infinite probable channels I can tune to, like infinite probable dreams I can have, for I've been dreaming this dream for the last, at the ultimate sense, like, zero seconds?

    What they’re trying to tell you is that what you’re aware of RIGHT NOW is all that exists. There’s no infinite channels happening in the background that you’re not aware of, you imagine everything in the NOW, so if you’re in the bathroom taking a shit then that’s the entirety of reality, that’s infinity. Whatever infinity shapeshifts into, remains one. There are no others, only the appearance of them. So like I exemplified before, if you’re taking a dump on your own there’s no one “out there” having his experience. Your father is not taking calls at his telemarketing job, your mom is not actually in the kitchen preparing food, they only exist as long as you’re aware of them. In this sense, you’re all alone. Now you’re asking if infinity (you), can turn it into something else relatively speaking, the answer is yes. Anything at all, in fact. Omnipotence and omniscience allows this. So in the context of the dream anything is possible. Check out the reality shifting sub in Reddit lol, crazy shit. 

    PD. This is what I understand, but then again, I’m conscious right now, so there probably isn’t any “Vibroverse” person receiving this message and I’m just telling myself this. 

  16. 32 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

    Sometimes i feel like "ok, i'm god , i can relax and enjoy"
    but then is that i remember how i created my gf looking at her. Like i designed it my whole to life to this moment, she told me i was god and everything collapsed into me!!! Time, space, her,everything. i gave life to her, and everthing else!!

    Do you mind explaining this? What do you mean you remember how you created her (your gf) or that you were looking at her?

  17. 31 minutes ago, Loba said:

    I've experienced other bubbles, and mine as well, you can experience other's minds/souls..

    You know I kinda doubt this, you seem to get triggered by solipsism and try to impose what you experienced as truth. Anyway, you could still imagine other bubbles and the act of “entering” them could you not? And yet you’d still only be aware of YOUR bubble, no matter what it shapeshifts into ?

  18. @RMQualtrough So, summarizing, you are infinity absolutely speaking but relatively speaking there is your ego bubble but there's also 7.9 billion of them on planet earth right here right now? This means that within the relative world awareness can split itself as many times as it likes, becoming many instead of one, even if just under an illusion. This contradicts other people's experiences on the matter, but theories shouldn't be discarded so easily. 

  19. @Bufo Alvarius I can just tell he really doesn’t know. That’s fine though, but maybe he should swallow his pride a bit and say that he doesn’t know for sure. “Simultaneous experiences” leave too many questions unanswered, and it kinda sucks that solipsism seems to be the more satisfactory answer, and also not. Depending on who you ask. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    That is the best explanation that i read until now. it is incomprehensible because the matter is. The reality is that I am the only who exist, and you are the only who exist

    This just seems like a stupid thing someone would say to sound like an uncomprehended genius. Just say it like it is bruv.