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Posts posted by CBDinfused

  1. 12 hours ago, roopepa said:

    A couple months ago I had a glimpse beyond the veil, into what I like to call the non-physical. Leo was there, along with a few others.

    These energies greeted me in the most loving manner, speaking a language of pure love and consciousness. They said something like "Gongrats! We were waiting for you!"

    There is a freaking super-orgy-party going on there. There is no gurus nor students. Just pure love tangled up on itself in one unified explosion of beauty and joy and relationship. I'm guessing that's what Leo means.

    That was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. And I know it was just the beginning.

    Yes but this is only a temporary experience, in a reality comprised solely of eternal change. 

  2. On 08/09/2021 at 0:30 PM, JosephKnecht said:

    He is trying to tell you that he exists only within your consciousness. 

    Time is also a concept that only exists within your consciousness. If you collapse the time concept, you can realize that past and future don't exist.

    The only thing that exists is consciousness in the present. 


    I don’t think that is what he was trying to say actually. I think he meant it quite literally.

  3. After watching Leo's advanced explanation of god realisation teaching, he ends the video, nearly in tears, revealing that his work on actualized.org is essentially, and I quote, to help me realize that I created him and to eventually reach a point where " will realise [his] love for [me] and [he] will realise [my] love for [him] and then together we will realise that we are identical and we will merge into this infinite singularity of love together as one--FOREVER". 

    I kind of understand the merging thing as an experiential state of consciousness, but forever? Like, that will be it? Nothing else after that?

    It is around 2:14:30 on the following video for reference: 


  4. 8 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

    The most recent theories and most accurate studies indicate clearly that there are only 5 conscious beings in the entire universe. But you don't read enough books to know what I'm talking about, but you're lucky to read this comment. I am one of those 5 beings, and if you are, feel free to sign up here: www.itsajoke.com

    Isn't it? :P

    Only problem is you take Solipsism more seriously than my FIVEipsism.

    It isn't necessarily that I take it seriously, it is that people like Leo preach it, so I am curious of the logic behind it.

    I understand that at the end of the day, reaching enlightenment is completely dismantling the idea of a self to the point where you become "empty" or "nothing" and that there is "no self" but I am curious what this implies for other fields of experience. If they are infinitely seperate, or somehow linked?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @CBDinfused I think it's because the 'shape' of the one thing there is, is a strange loop. A paradox. 

    It defies logic. 

    It's a dog chasing it's own tail, thinking it's tail is separate from itself. 

    It's finite infinity. 

    It's really imaginary. It's imaginarily real. 

    The one thing (singular) there is, is everything (plural). 


    I follow you, but who is to say that our fields of experience aren't lets say infinitely separate timelines that never merge but simply cross one another (in different lives and contexts etc)?


  6. While I have been exploring "truth" through experience, there is one area that I really feel is quite unclear for me.

    In another thread someone posted this video where he attempts to explain "Oneness". (Not necessary to watch it).  


    While I certainly fully grasp the idea of Oneness, Nonduality and/or Holism, how do you explain Solipsism (or lack thereof) as a truth?

    Example:  I get it. There is no tree without the sun, the rain etc and from my perspective, I am creating separations between things.  I also understand oneness from the perspective that fields of consciousness must in someway or another belong to some grand scheme of "everything"/Brahman. 

    What I don't get is, how WE are all one, if we, as unique experiential fields are "infinitely" separate from one another, from an experiential point of view? I understand that there is no separation between different people, as physical objects, but at the end of the day, I still experience a "me" and I trust that other people are also experiencing a "me". 

    I feel like Leo tends to sidestep this discussion and often makes comments like "for all I know, you are just my mind playing tricks on me" bla bla. and I have seen other people (mods) saying things like "who said other people are conscious"? 

    What are your thoughts on this? How have you guys made conclusions on this? I hope for something more elaborate than "I can't explain it in words". 

    EDIT: Sorry for this obnoxious comment but please do not reply to this thread if your reply will simply be a one-liners like "all is one" "because it is" etc. "isn't it so?". Please take a moment to elaborate your thought. I understand that not all things can be explained through words, but please at least try. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Mason Riggle said:

    Counter point-

    We generally think in the language that we speak.  There are certain thoughts you can not even have simply because you lack the vocabulary to have them. 

    By being more precise in our language, we can be more precise in our thinking.  Criticizing grammar and language isn't necessarily to prevent language from being 'false'.. it's all about creating better maps and pointers. 

    While I agree that it seems rather silly to 'talk to others about solipsism', for example, in reality, it's no sillier than 'talking to yourself' about solipsism.  You have no problem 'talking to yourself' without assuming there are 2 of you talking. 

    One area in particular, where the language we think in is very important, is the topic of 'self'.  There is a big difference in how reality is understood between an organism that has the thought, 'I am thinking my thoughts', and one that has the thought, 'thoughts are arising'.   

    I actually do appreciate one forum post I saw with Leo saying something along the lines of “human language does a shit job at portraying truth” which resonated with me haha.

  8. 4 hours ago, Being Frank Yang said:

    Thanks for sharing and summarizing some of the stuff discussed ! Like I've been saying most of the energetic stuff is the by product of Realization and dissolution of conditionings. Even after you reach LOC 1000 full unity consciousness permanently there can still be shadow work and integration.  But it's been a year since my shift and most of the energetic stuff came and went.  When all your chakras open up you actually don't feel them anymore. If you're still under going Kundalini/Dark night experiences, it probably means you're still going through dissolution. I remember after the Big Bang for a week or so I was slipping into DMT like States spontaneously, and I thought I was "making progress" but it was simply because the conditions were getting released at an extremely high level after No Self Realization.  So I would venture to say the "highest degree of awareness" is one with no energy within the body whatsoever, but you do "feel" the energy of the Universe (Will), which is totally outside of the mind body organism.  

    Could you clarify what Kundalini awakening is? Because Google isn't really clear.

    Is it just generally when you start to so called "wake up", have a heightened sense of awareness, realise that life is a cosmic dream with a certain order to it, and having somewhat spiritual understanding to things? Or is it even more absurd than that? 


    16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Guys, before you get too carried away with this, we need some evidence or confirmation that this suicide actually happened. It is not a given that it did. Suicidal and mentally ill people can often threaten suicide for attention and other reasons.

    OP, please provide further evidence or explanation of how you know this suicide actually happened.

    I take this issue seriously and we need to be clear about facts vs assumptions and speculation. Keep in mind that people on this forum do lie and manipulate sometimes. Sometimes we get people with serious mental illnesses here who behave in erratic and irrational ways, or play games.

    Just a bit of digging around, this is as per his instagram account (with all due respect, just given it is public on his actualized page). 




  10. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I stressed the point about making a commitment to never harm one's body recently in this video:


    Your channel is growing and your videos are literally hours long each, so any point you stress can very easily be lost within your other hundreds of daily posts and hours of video. I remember when I was introduced to your work, I was curious on your views of suicide, and it took me some "digging" to find it. 



  11. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Indeed I have seen this video which touches upon other ideas about hallucinations, feelings, changes in behaviour etc, but it is not explicit enough to be linked as a direct disclaimer that we all know is a reality, that when some people are told that death is not real, they may feel the temptation to test death out on impulse. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    @Tim R I mean that many people on this path get brainwashed and start fantasizing about death and what it might bring. Instead of simply making peace with it; on their couch, at their home. With their loved ones by their side.

    A complete and utter misunderstanding of this work. God I'm still so pissed. Fuck.

    Then again; what happens must happen. No one could stop him from doing what he felt like doing... it's just so damn sad. Tragic, even.


    Perhaps Leo should make a video on "Suicide" to clarify that while death may simply be an illusion, Suicide is a step backwards in the spiritual journey?

  13. This is sad news indeed, sorry to hear and also remember that you have many friends on this forum! Spiritual work is a dangerous game, but so is life, there are no guarantees for anything. Many people who begin their journey are dealing with depression, depersonalisation disorders etc... That being said, talk of death/consciousness and the spiritual journey is a very delicate subject, because although it is the understanding of many that death is only an illusion, never personally experienced, I would promote compassion to all in their journey to overcome suffering. While you may be eager to "see what happens after you die", remember that all actions carry with them consequences, "cosmic karma" lets call it. Lets say you prove death illusory through a suicide, remember that the action still carries with it cosmic consequences as you ultimately put your direct experience above that of others who will suffer in your wake. I do not wish to blame anyone. I wish peace to Soonhei's soul and hope that he does not suffer, and I wish peace as well to those he has left behind. Time heals all wounds as we work for a better world. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    No it isn't.

    You are saying misleading things and I don't sense that you know what God is.

    I said the things I said in my recent video precisely because no-self and enlightenment is not enough to realize God. I know many enlightened people, and few of them have realized God.

    You can argue with this all you want, but I have made my position clear and that is what I teach. If you don't like it, feel free to teach whatever you want to your people.

    Those few who some day realize what I have realized will understand why I stress what I stress and not something else. Realize what God is. The rest is childsplay.

    That is an interesting claim by Frank that it is just as common to realise No-self as it is to realise god.

    I interpret this as the difference between Buddha and Jesus. Buddha and Buddhism is basically "go live on a mountain in solidarity and realise that you are nothing and there is no self" where Jesus is "realise all is god and infinite love and the kingdom of God is everywhere". I am referring to the OG Jesus a.k.a. Gospel of Thomas Jesus. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Being Frank Yang said:

    Leo's metaphysical videos are some of the best theoretical frameworks I've ever seen on the internet and it is just as important as anything else.  You need a combination of everything - conceptual framework, permanent perceptual shifts/insights from meditation and self inquiry, and peak experiences from psychedelics, and lots of grounding/integration work. So it's not like there's a single blind spot on here or anywhere else, there's blind spots in everyone's development. Actualized.org actually covers a whole range of methods, practices, concepts so it's all up to the individual to pick up the pieces of the puzzle. But I do agree there isn't a lot of experienced meditators on here who's taken the Insight/Wisdom axis of development to the end point.

    Enlightenment is cool and everything but now it’s time for you to help Leo improve his meatsuit. 

  16. 19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @Thought Art a good analogy to grasp what he is saying is to think of it like a video game with only ONE player.  As this one player you are currently playing the character of @Thought Art.  But there is the potential to play any of the other characters in the game.  In this analogy the game would be the mind of God.

    potential to play any of the other characters, or inevitable that you will play any of the other characters?

  17. 5 minutes ago, Shin said:

    The thing is, you can't explain this with words.

    The best you can do is give elaborated and cute "signposts" as Eckhart Tolle would say.

    You understand this when you are directly experiencing it.

    In a way it's like saying that you want to understand what League of Legends is as an ant, you're not gonna understand unless you become a human being.That analogy is flawed though, because you don't become "God", you realize you were it all along (already are it)


    Could you perhaps try to explain why you know better than other self proclaimed enlightened beings? Frank Yang says that he doesn't know what happens when we die, but you do? Same with people like Michael Taft / Daniel Ingram? They say death is the end. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, kinesin said:

    You're falling into a common trap in your thinking here, whereby you forget that although such statements are true from a certain 'enlightened' perspective, they're also false from a human experiential perspective.  When people refer to the death of an individual, you know exactly what they mean.  You know exactly what the emotions are which go along with that experience.  When a person is at risk of death, you make efforts to save them from it - because in this reality we live and exist within, we care about preserving the illusory forms of ourselves and those around us.  Just a few days ago you tried wholeheartedly to protect Connor Murphy from unwittingly destroying his life by reminding him that these illusions are also undeniably real in the subjective, despite their illusory objective nature.  When it came to a real situation with a real person in need, you didn't try to argue that death was just an illusion, you reminded him it was real.

    I can't help but notice a common pattern among spiritual communities where people become so concerned with appearing to embody the teachings that they end up presenting bizarre perspectives where they claim not to be able to understand certain subjective human realities like the existence of death in the realm of form, or the distinction of the self from the environment.  It's important that as we awaken, we do not lose touch with the subjective human experience.  We have to continue to play along with the act regardless of what we know about the objective truth.

    This exactly. Maybe it makes perfect sense in Leo's mind but it does literally nothing for a person like myself who is critical and loves to pursue truth in its most crude form. I will not be convinced if he answers my posts with the equivalent of "Because I said so.."