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About Theperciever

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  1. What do y’all think about this list?
  2. @talktomeaboutprog Make a tea with lemon and ginger, don't put shrooms in boiling water wait for it to be 65% warm. Put Shrooms in and wait 10-15 mins no longer. Best to grind shrooms up and put in. Will hit you 2X more when Done with dry cured shrooms...
  3. when you choose to follow the heard you render yourself blind
  4. Very interesting to see how the royal family attempts to survive by employing Stage blue values in order to keep their power, the amount of stage blue Key words and value points said in this video is very interesting to see such manipulation used IRL
  5. I'm not 100% sure if Leo has spoken on this in the past (please link if he has), but I feel everyone faces Gaslighting, especially in the age of Social media. This would also help to prevent listeners from being dogmatic to Leos work, I really do feel this would be of big use to the many... (personal ask for help) > If anyone has advice on this I'm all ears, I've been hired by a Extremely charming gaslighter who I've had experience with in the past, and im afraid to go in the deep end again. his extremely smart and says his trying to help become great which im all for but this time around I want to be gaslit proof, any suggestions? - Any resources to interesting perspectives on this?
  6. @Leo Gura ive been eating 2-3 eggs per day for breakfast for over a year, is that too much lol ?
  7. What else did you expect from shrooms? The second you started to resist and reject the moment was the reason you started feeling trapped, Next time you trip accept your state completely, warts and all. in regards to the buzzing noise, try connect to it. Give it love and surrender to it. if you feel fear, let go and surrender. There is only Love.
  8. @The0Self @axiom @RMQualtrough @StarStruck Absolute legends, Thankyous very much for your helpful answers. You are the people who make this forum so great! Much appreciated @Razard86 currently in the middle of his spiritual video which takes a while to integrate, I saw that video and hoped for community response to see how it can verbally be disproved that we are not the brain, ill eventually watch it.
  9. also if leos done videos on this please link, thanks!
  10. Im a pretty open-minded person, so if someone could clearly explain to me how I'm not my brain without being wishy washy that would be greatly appreciated. i get that I'm not my body or emotions but I don't get the brain aspect, how am I not just a self-aware brain? sorry if this has been mentioned already i tried searching but couldn't find. Much Love!
  11. i honestly thought Jordan Peterson was more conscious then to post this let alone to ridicule someone like this. interested in hearing some opinions especially from this forum. is this the end of JP?
  12. just go out and do things you love, build hobbies that involve other people. naturally, like-minded people will who you can relate to will come. its a better option than seeking people who you have nothing in relation to...
  13. @Ulax have you done much self-forgiveness work? if not I recommend trying this
  14. also only you can answer this, meditate on finding the answer
  15. i don't think there's enough context to give the "right" advice, so with decisions like these its best to break them down: are you financially secure enough to decline his offer and commit to your more desired path? would the experience gained from his job offering help you in any way in your future goal? (if so it can be used as a stepping stone) if you agree to working with him how long are you tied up to the job? For me writing down your options and weighing the pros and cons always helps get a clearer picture. hope this helped