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Posts posted by PurpleTree

  1. 28 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:

    Fundamentally, I could understand the frustration of feeling beholden to a more centralized political entity where you disagree with the decisions being made.  You even see these sorts of feelings portrayed in the US when there are vague rumblings of Texas succeeding from the United States.  

    California too or not?

  2. There are positives and negatives to everything. People fear getting ruled by leaders and want more freedom and they fear that their self determination  is in danger  which i can understand.

    These fears are valid imo, fears are so easily exploited by populist leaders though, they lied about the NHS numbers etc. and probably about a lot of other things too.

    Brexit has more negatives to it ultimately imo because the EU will obviously never be perfect but it's a great project which has contributed a lot to peace in Europe and it would be better if the UK was on board.

    On the other hand Brexit can be a wake up call for the EU to become better and more relatable.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    If it is because of taste, then the reason why you kill the cow is because of taste, not any of the other reasons you have given. If maturity is achieved, this will be recognized and accepted. And once it is accepted, your mind can start to resolve this problem if it remains a problem to you.

    It has to taste decent at least for me, those crickets were unfortunately not really edible for me at that point.

    I do eat some "meat alternatives" sometimes like quorn which isn't bad at all taste wise.

    i'd also try lab meat if it's tested and "safe"



    ah thats a different situation. 


    Had to eliminate everything at first except beef and salt. This is base line. The start of the elimination diet. After eating beef for 2-3 days, pick a food that is suspected to be an issue and add it, notice any changes in digestion, mood, energy levels, sleep...

    Take notes of results. In general doe, increase bodily mind connection/awareness, when ever digestives issues come up take notice and try to figure out what was eaten that caused it.

    Current staples in my diet are: beef, liver, heart, kidney, brain, bone marrow... the entire animal.

    Liver and kidney no more then once a week (excessive vitamins).




    Check these guys out.

    Also exercise, sleep hygiene, meditation/stress levels play a huge role in digestion. The combination of this is more important that what is actually being eaten. 

    Get a hair mineral analysis test asap, there are more test in other posts that are also great.



    thnx btw, will check it out.

  4. 1 minute ago, Scholar said:

    It seems like the people who claim they have such unique genetics are unwilling to consume what primates are designed to consume, namely insects. You don't see any insectovore communities, despite the fact that primates do consume insects, and do not consume for example mammals in most instances.

    People consume cows instead of mealworms, this tells you everything you need to know.

    Tried insects, they had a really bad aftertaste, maybe it was just that certain product which was bad.

    I'll try them again.



  5. In a way nothing stays the same and most things can't be conserved for a very long time probably and we can't really go back to the past so strict conservatives are mostly on a losing post


    I think it's weird that conservatives generally aren't really fighting for a better environment, because preserving/conserving a better environment/nature should be a very high priority if you want to be conservative about your country. 

    For Western Europe the demographics in some countries changed very fast in the past few decades and still are. Imo probably too fast and I don't know if it's sustainable in the long run, maybe it is though. So i can understand why conservatives want to slow down immigration etc. in some places. Even if it stems from fear.

    In a glorious future there are no borders and it will be great but we're not there yet and won't for quite a long time.

    Don't know about SD and that's what came to mind

  6. 1 hour ago, integral said:

    @PurpleTree Took a month for most of my life to return while carnivore, but it took a few years of testing and experimenting to figure out what was causing the food intolerances and how to resolve it. Misinformation...

    Can you elaborate a little bit on what you had to elimante and what are staples in your diet? I'm interested because i have some gut issues too sometimes.

  7. 4 minutes ago, integral said:

    Yes, plant paradox. After resolving my issues, im able to eat anything with out issue, went back to experiment with everything. Like just drinking olive oil strictly for a week, strictly avocados, strictly potatoes.  Was intersecting, various results. But nothing was better then carnivore diet.

    Interesting thing is when eating this way often the body stop pooping completely, everything is absorbed. There is no waist. 

    Yup Dr. Gundry. How long have you been on the meat diet until your gut healed?

  8. 21 minutes ago, integral said:

    This is normally not productive, topic is to large. 

    Carbohydrates rich foods are a major stressor on the body. Including complex carbs. When the body is healthy it can manage the stress. In general high=carb vegans are constantly hungry, cold (body) and emotional (low blood sugar), would put this in the not well planned section. 

    Calorie-dense food vegans do pretty well if they can tolerate the food. 

    Was a vegan for 10 years, felt great, but had digestive discomforts, slowly digestion became worst, until i was hospitalized with seizures and chronic pain, with years of experimentation/study eventually tried eating meat against everything i believed, perfect digestion. Went striked carnivore, energy levels and mental clarity significantly improved.  All major health issues stopped within a month. This is the standard ex-vegan story. 

    Have you ever tried the lectin free diet?

  9. 14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    I'm not saying that they shouldn't use the tool. I was talking about how some people judge them. To me that's not fair. 

    Also a lot of people do Projection and make it sound like the person is playing victim when in reality they aren't. 


    Are you judging Trump and his supporters, right wingers, conspiracy theorists etc.

    Or are you kind and compassionate to them without judging?

    Or is this just about the forum?

  10. 6 days in, feeling alright




    Funny thing is when i fasted before (spring, last year etc.)the obsession with food got huge during the fast most of the time.

    Was watching cooking/eating shows all the time, walking around the city looking at menus from restaurants in which i haven't been etc.

    This time during the fast i never once watched any food shows etc.

  11. 10 minutes ago, datamonster said:

    @Yog For me diet is quite simple. I just look at what the people who live longest and healthiest today eat, and try to eat like them.

    These people live in the so-called blue zones and they have been studied quite well. They have a predominantly whole foods plant-based diet, 


    + some meat like 5 times a month, eggs, goat cheese etc. is what blue zones eat according to google

  12. 8 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    What podcast? 

    Is this a new feature Leo released! 

    I thought it was just the forum and the YouTube channel. 

    @Leo Gura  do you have a podcast too??



    7 hours ago, Thewritersunion said:

    @Leo Gura ? you have a podcast

    Just the normal youtube video episodes but as podcasts.

    Because i generally prefer to listen to the stuff when i'm out and about and not watch the videos.

    (Also i haven't listened to that many, still new)

  13. There seem to be already quite a few "carnivores" around, people who only eat meat.

    I've seen the story of Mikhaila Peterson, Jordan Petersons daughter.

    She apparently had a very bad auto immune disease since she was a child and depression and fatigue.

    Had already replaced joints at a young age because of it and when she dropped all food besides meat it got apparently much better and she could even drop the anti depressants etc. Because apparently all other food irritates her gut and body to the extreme and is very inflammatory.

    If you're really sick and desperate then you feel better it's a blessing of course.

    But i think it's a bit dangerous how she advocates the diet and tells people to "just try it" 

    Because the amounts of meat consumed if 50% of the population would be only eating meat would be immense. 

    Also we don't really know about the long term health implications of that diet, of course people on the carnivore diet always have some examples of people who have been living on it for a long time.  Jordan Peterson was on the diet, but he still had to take a lot of benzos, got addicted and doesn't feel good right now i think.

    I've tried the diet too for health reasons, i'm always trying different diets.


    I wonder if some people on the carnivore diet ever tried the lectin free diet? Which is another diet that is minimally stressful for the gut and intestines.

  14. 44 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    It's a Catholic college and they put on a video of some phd guy explaining that the neuroscience studies show benefits and whatnot. He sounded a lot like Eckhart Tolle - talking about stillness and even used a bell.

    Maybe he was just copying Eckhart ? I might recommend some of Eckhart's presence meditation for next one. 

    They were all sitting in chairs and one laid down on the floor, but I opted to sit cross legged. I said its more comfortable for me ? i like to feel the energy of the legs. 

    I didn't expect a Christian school to promote meditation tho, pleasant surprise. Also the morning email had an amazing prayer about how to let go ourselves into God's hands. Pretty neat.

    Pope Francis is the best 

    Yea when i was researching meditation groups nearby i also saw that some churches offer some kind of meditation. I think that's great.