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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 4 hours ago, Matthew85 said:

    So true Leo. It makes getting to the truth challenging.

    I am open to this being the truth.

    There very well could be nothing outside my life, but I still feel it isn't completely accurate to say my Matthew mind is imagining my entire universe as was discussed at this event. 

    I think I have a fear of adopting a deluded belief Leo. 

    Lose all beliefs, and don't adopt new ones.

    When truth is "seen", "other" characters are just you pretending (unconsciously) not to be you. 

    But don't take it as a belief, only as a sharing that comes from apparent "other" member in the forum.

  2. 2 hours ago, bambi said:

    Notice how this makes conciousness dumb and random. And your finite self smart purposeful and intelligence

    You think this incarnation or instantion of conciousness called your life, is completely and utterly random, meaningless, pointless? 

    No, it doesn't. You are over conceptualizing the matter. Consciousness has no quality or limitation. Which means it is infinite, nothing and everything at same time. The mind (which includes the intellect) is only a limited manifestation of Consciousness. 

    Meaning and purpose are relative notions, you create them to the benefit of survival and self-agenda. To Consciousness, the all universe can crumble and it wouldn't matter. It doesn't depend on any manifestation of form, whether physical form or mental form.

    Your experience of life is not separated from Consciousness. It is precisely how Consciousness manifests just by being "itself". Your life doesn't exist on its own accord. It is just how Consciousness manifests as relative phenomena. And yes, your life is completely meaningless. But meaningless life doesn't have a negative charge, because meaningless is also devoid of negative or positive meaning whatsoever. See this as the freedom to choose what meaning you assign to your life.

    So yes, even though biological life and human existence is astonishing and brilliant, it is simply how Infinity looks like "from the inside". 

  3. 56 minutes ago, bambi said:

    @Leo Gura any response? If you become omnipotent, in this state of omnipotence, why don't you remove the need for pyschedelics, and instantaneously increase your baseline permentatly, do you see what isn't making sense here?

    You are not making sense, because you haven't awoke. You think that from Absolute Consciousness you would care about some finite self? When you are conscious you are infinite, there is just no point in creating a better experience for a speck of a dream in an infinite dream.

    Don't humanize Consciousness. There is no self agenda to Consciousness because Consciousness has no self.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Because what else am I?  I mean I'm here .here is my body ,my face ,my arms, my legs ,my balls etc ..apparently I do have some kind of existence. Otherwise this entire conversation couldn't happen .

    I like to distinguish  between the false ego self and the true Self. The ego self  is a construction of mind. Even the tree you see is a construction of mind so it is not so far fetched that this elaborate mind construction of a self is nothing more than delusion. It is however very necessary and useful . Without a sense of self you wouldn't know who's shoes to put on in the morning, as Alan Watts puts it lol.

    Perceiving body or body parts does not assume the existence of an owner of this perceptions. 

    You'd be surprised to the extent which the self is not needed.

    6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Thinking about the subject of the  one... reality is limitless. why? because it is impossible for there to be limits, this is obvious. what would limit? if there are no limits, there is infinity. if you divide infinity into two parts, the result is infinity. two infinities. but since they are infinite, without limits, they encompass everything, so they are not two, it is one, the same infinity. but it has been divided, so in a way, they are also two. if you divide it by 10 to the power of 10 plus a thousand trillion zeroes, the result is still infinity. only infinity divided by infinity results in an unknown. maybe infinities infinities? it's possible. The reality is that mathematics is the language of reality. a thousand quadrillion infinities are the same infinity, you, or me, but at the same time, they are a thousand quadrillion. the multiple is one, and the one is multiple. At the end, there is one, since infinity is equal to infinity. you and me are the same. we are clones. we are one.


    Why clones? Infinity would do just fine, you could stop there. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Instead of “No Self” we should use No fixed Self. To cut this short (and speak about no-self) is a mistake.

    And if you want a deeper understanding of this, then the original concept was not about the “self’.

    It is rather about rejecting having a fixed soul (as taught in Hinduism)

    Buddhism is based on the Principle of Impermanence. Nothing is fixed forever.

    Because the “soul” is something you cannot change to another soul .. then it becomes like a permanent mental prison

    Hence, Buddhism teaches the No Fixed Soul.

    Now if you observe your perception of your won “Self” - when you were 10 years of age, you’ll agree that it is much different than when your life expanded and perceived your “self” when being 20 or other age. The Self is dynamic.

    So No fixed Self is true. But that doesn't mean there is no self at all .that's definitely false and contradicts your direct experience. 

    So, if you grasped that the self is a perception that can change, how could it be who you are? 

    5 minutes ago, vladorion said:

    Not true. It's just experienced differently, in a more subconscious way, like everything in sleep.

    What you experience as "passed time" when you wake up from sleep are the changes in your sensations prior to falling asleep. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    @Bobby_2021 @GreenWoods

    Truth can't help but being solipsistic. 

    You are stuck in your POV forever.  

    It kinda hit me that me looking through my eyes is an eternal situation. Even if I'm going to reincarnate as every living organism that ever existed or will ever exist.. It's stil basically gonna be viewed from the same first person pov. Which is absolute and can only be one. Even tho it's many. Which is when one investigation.. There is really no one in the universe other than me.. And this means of course you.. That subject looking through everyone's eyes out into the world forever. 


    There is not even you. 

    "In the seen, there is only the seen,
    in the heard, there is only the heard,
    in the sensed, there is only the sensed,
    in the cognized, there is only the cognized.
    Thus you should see that
    indeed there is no thing here;
    this, Bahiya, is how you should train yourself.
    Since, Bahiya, there is for you
    in the seen, only the seen,
    in the heard, only the heard,
    in the sensed, only the sensed,
    in the cognized, only the cognized,
    and you see that there is no thing here,
    you will therefore see that
    indeed there is no thing there.
    As you see that there is no thing there,
    you will see that
    you are therefore located neither in the world of this,
    nor in the world of that,
    nor in any place
    betwixt the two.
    This alone is the end of suffering."

  7. 7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    Let me tell you....when you see what reality really will feel like you are a looney tune character, a video character, you will be like wait what??? I thought all this was real? It really isn't? It is going to blow your mind!!!! 


    Spot on. Empty looney tune character appearance. 

  8. First of all, there is no separation. So don't assume there is. Second, there are distinctions in Consciousness, so what you are actually asking is how distinctions are created? Well, for that you have to awaken to what is the nature of distinction. Of course, I could tell you that the nature of distinction (whether its created by the conceptual mind or the senses) is Nothing, but that doesn't help does it? You have to inquire on your own.

    Btw, if you look for a self in you or in an other, can you find it? What is the perception/appearance of a self?