Son of leo

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About Son of leo

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  • Birthday June 6

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  1. my non bulshit guide on healing/shadow work :)
    my non bulshit guide on healing/shadow work :)
    This was actually a answer for one topic of mine, but decided to post up here, hoping it can help some of you guys!
    If you want to ask something feel free, if i had the knowledge to answer i will
    Here we go >>>
    First you got understand that all that bullshit about us are down there on our subconscious, so there is a lot of shit that run us, and we don' t realy know. So
    Step 1 - How to identify that stuff:
    There are a couple ways, but the ones that most work for me are:
    Projection: Our mind tends to project on others what we don' t like about ourselves.
    i realized that there are two ways of projecting - One is about a good trait that we wished that we had like : ''Oh look this guy chat to much''  In reality we wanted to talk more, but because of some trauma we don't so we judge others who can. So use this and start to ask whys. Keep asking the questions and your subconscious will eventually give you the answers.
    ''why i cant be talkative or social'' - Because i feel that i am lower value than that person that i want to chat
    ''why i think that i am lower value'' - Because of this that happened when you are a child
    Normally isn't just one event, is a sequency of similar events, that eventually make you believe in some wrong belief. hahahah
    Wrong beliefs that one' s may had
    - I am not good enough
    - I am not men enough
    - I am boring
    - I am stupid
    - I need others people aproval
    - I am not confident
    And all kinds of shit that your ego wants you to believe hahahahah, and make you think that there is something wrong with you hahaha (fuck you ego )
    And the problem about those beliefs is that they make us see reality for their point of view, it steal our focus and make we look for things to endure this beliefs.
    Other type of projection is like ''that people is arrogant'' And this triggers you, you can't stop thinking about that
    Other ways to identify wrong beliefs, whenever you feel anxious or sad, anger any ''bad emotions''(there are no bad emotions, when you do this work for a while you will realize this') Hang on in that feeling and remember what it feels like.
    At the end of your day write the moments of the day that you felt any of this shit like this :
    Today i felt anger because of this
    Today i felt not confident because of that
    Today i toutgh that people where laughing at me( this one i used to have a lot kkkkk, people where laughing just because and i used to think that it was about me)
    Using psychedelic can help a lot with identifying that shit
    For me it works better doing before sleep (i believe it s because the unconscious is more awake), Lay on your bed (aware of the shit you want to let go of) take a couple deep breaths for your mind to quiet up, and than start noticing your body -
    Sensations wil rise, like tightening, or some kind of pulsing, it can be diferent sensations. Our buried emotions generate a pain body( those sensations) what' s is easier to let go of than a emotion whose is not palpable.
    Focus on that sensations and allow it to be there in your body, and ask yourself ''when it was the first time i felt this'' keep asking it (because to clean those beliefs we must clean when it was created AKA the fisrt time hahahahah) Than just feel it, and breath in and out the sensation ( you can do any kind of healing breath technique if you want to), And with time those sensations will melt, and you will feel big releases, and true confidence and happiness will come  
    Be patience, in the begining that shit does'n want to come to the surface, but when it starts it will come a lot easier.
    This create a state of abundance within, and starting from abundance you can do whatever you want with your life. Doing these work will bring a lot of benefits for you guys
    - End of social anxiety (that's why i started)
    - Core confidence
    - You will see more beauty in everything
    - The energy of universe/God will flow trough you much easier, and you can use it to apply in any area of your life
    - Things become easier
    That's all folks