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Everything posted by Anon212

  1. Hey, I can empathize with you because I grew up in brutal household. Every form of abuse was present: physical, verbal and emotional. I could be beaten up at school and then later at home the same thing. At 20, I had to get two reconstructive surgeries. It was tough. I developed various traumas. OCD, being perfect, nice guy, extreme social anxiety, sexual problems, depersonalization, very VERY severe sleep paralysis, paranoia and nightmares and sensing the presence of demons. I don't think the demonic stuff went as far for me as it did for you. What worked for me is this, I started meditating and meditating ALOT. Off the bat I started doing 3-4 hours every single day and that alone helped a lot. Then I started going to therapy and it was great. But the two most important things I did were this: kriya yoga which literally gave me life back and much more. I also did a retreat with the Isha Foundation called Bhava Spandana which was a kundalini retreat but really it was a trauma intensive. Between 20 and 23, I focused solely on healing and yoga. I forgot about girls, college, career, everything... doing this created radical transformation. But please don't go into deep spiritual states if you are unstable. The most important thing is a healthy mind and BALANCE. Deep spiritual work will amplify your trauma 1 million fold and literally drive you insane. Don't do it without establishing a strong framework and for me a strong framework includes both a strong body and mind.
  2. @Leo Gura I mean you could quit. You have already put out a vast library of life-transforming work that is going to be relevant for a long-time. Especially with psychedelics as they seem be the cutting edge of spirituality at this time. Also, I think your work on YouTube plus you constantly nagging people and telling them they can go deeper on the forum can lead a lot of people to deep God realizations. Selfishly, I would be very disapointed if you did not release something regarding alien consciousness. I'm extremely drawn to this and really want to access this state in my life time. Of course, I'm assuming a lot about it through concepts, images etc... but I'm drawn nonetheless. Let's see what you decide to do...
  3. ● I used to have crippling social anxiety, even getting off a bus, going to class, and of course talking to girls. This is 90% gone after two years and this alone has done so much for my life. I use to get very frustrated when people told me you have to live with it. I rejected that flat out. ● A lot of health benefits. Overcoming eating problems, dropping ALL supplements, and eating about 60% of what I used to and still maintain my size. I'm 186cm, 94kg and 14% body fat. Extremely active, bouldering, jiujitsu, powerlifiting and I eat almost half as much without losing ANY weight. ● Sleeping less, and taking less shits lol. It has also enhanced digestion. Maybe 7 hours of sleep which again is crazy for my level of activity. ● Had very bad OCD (diagnosed) and perfectionism. OCD is almost totally gone. I can plan compulsively sometimes but I don't check the door 50 times in the morning so it's been so liberating. ● The desire for porn, coffee, eating meat, watching TV, alot of this stuff just naturally fell away. I didn't try to do anything. Sex drive probably halved. ● More frequent non-dual experiences. For example, walking down the street, I suddenly feely merged with everyone around me. Frequent episodes of bliss and love but it's not awakening. ● A more elusive one, but it's easier to get what I want in life and I am generally much happier. Better emotional states. Feel more balanced and capable. ● I also have a deeper sense now that I don't really need to do anything in life. I just feel fulfilled. I don't feel obliged to help anyone or do anything and I don't think it dictates my worth as a human. ● I have become a catalyst for growth for everyone around. After people spend some time around me they usually want to change. Major impact on family. I credit a lot of my progress to reading Dr Hawkins book about surrender and for years I took surrender and kriya yoga EXTREMELY seriously. I did it religiously. Sometimes I was doing kriya yoga three times a day. It was addictive. I have always wanted to make a video about this but I'm afraid people will call me a pseudo scientist full of shit etc... lol
  4. I think this thread is getting somewhere. I can also be clear. Kriya yoga is the most important and influential thing I have done in my life. Absolutely life transforming but it took over a year to notice benefits and then it snowballed into something incredible.
  5. I tried sitting meditation for 2 year and it felt like the biggest waste of time
  6. Sure, neither is right or wrong but I am also very interested in deep understanding and that is why I follow you very seriously. But there's so much else involved. I was very sick for a 21 year old and I had to focus on health and I took kriya yoga seriously, I have done well over 1000 hours now and I am still only 23. There is another part of it that changes you're brain chemistry slowly making you a happier and more peaceful person. This has wide ranging benefits and especially when it comes to being productive and effective - being happier is better. Sad and depressed people don't get stuff done (well I think so anyways). I think it helped me a lot with health, OCD, making me happier and so on... I think it is helpful for my life purpose and dealing with survival. I know you don't like hippie woo woo stuff. But in my experience, I have genuinely noticed it is easier for me to manifest stuff into my life. I mean this very sincerely and it is a living reality for me. I think it has set a very powerful base for investigating reality, for example being healthy, less compulsive about food, sex, sleeping less, sharper mind, sharper senses and so on. As you say state matters as does meeting your survival needs which I find are easier to manifest. I want to discover God, I want to discover alien consciousness (just a belief for me based on what you say) but doing something for basic health and wellbeing has been a very powerful starting point so maybe you could say it is a priority. I think you were just hell bent on truth lol. Also man, you talk a lot about hard work and being very disciplined etc... to some extent I agree but I read a lot of your posts about hard work and I don't agree with them. I work half as much as I use to and I am much more successful now. I actually don't really believe in hard work especially when it comes to meeting survival needs and having a life purpose. My experience has been that these things can be crafted effortlessly but this again happend after doing a lot of yoga. I mean Sadhguru talks about making your life energies vibrant so you cam easily have what you want. I don't know what the fuck that means but usually I easily get what I want.
  7. @Leo Gura I appreciate that but I learned kriya yoga from the Isha Foundation and it worked wonders particularly in terms of health. Lowered blood pressure, blood sugars, and helped me get over an eating disorder. I also reduced sleep from 9 hours to 7 hours consistently and more energy throughout the day. It just worked and I don't know how or why...
  8. I used to be anal about fitness and I realized it was a massive waste of time. Now I do so some kriya yoga 7 days a week, and hatha yoga a few times a week. I trained for 7 years and ALL sorts of programs and I used to base them on scientific studies blah blah... Now all I do are five exercises. Deadlifts, Squats, Bench, Dips and Pullups. Now and then I add some calf and rear delt work. One day I do 3 exercises and the other I do 2 exercises and just 20 reps of each. I do HIIT 2x per week and I'm in the best shape of my life.
  9. Brooo that could all just be glycogen and water weight lol
  10. You can say that but I don't know, again its assuming. It's a case of you don't know until you know and its seems you can never know where other teachers are really at, it's a lot of guessing. You can come with an innumerable amount of other reasons as to why Ralston chooses to teach. At this point, I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that there really is not authority to turn to. You can't know and can't ultimately depend on someone. It's nice and comforting to know that you can just follow a teacher and salvation is guaranteed (why not become a devotee to some guru?) But I guess that is where true spirituality descends into religion. So you can have guidance but in the end you're on your own and the only thing that matters is what you become directly conscious of... BTW why do you put your tag at the end of the post?
  11. @Leo Gura Fair enough, but often these guys can say stuff that's appropriate for a particular group of people at a particular time. For example, Rupert Spira might say solipsism is madness to prevent people from going insane, maybe he intuits that people cannot swallow something like that. Then again that's assuming a lot. I do know more about Sadhguru because I have watched a lot of videos on him and not his YouTube do kriya yoga newbie stuff. If you look hard enough, he does admit the practice of yoga will not take you the deepest levels of consciousness but he didn't propose another "method". He has talked about karma, yoga, all of this stuff being more Illusion and I've also heard him say on many occasions that most teachers are not truly awake. So the persona he puts out doesn't represent his truest understanding and we can never know what his deepest understanding is if he clearly avoids talking about it EVEN in inner circles. So it makes sense when you say it's only possible to get it, if you get them talking to each other. The general ideas of consciousness, Infinity, Love and so on seem to be common among them. Actually, it's only Ralston (from the teachers I know) that doesn't talk about Love. I don't know the nuances. At the end, I really appreciate Ralston, it's less "trust me bro" spirituality. He has taught me a lot about beliefs, stories, assumptions, and the art of contemplation. At the same time, Sadhguru seems to be extraordinarily powerful. If he does certain things, he can make your body shake viciously, release trauma and experience deep states of Love, Joy, Bliss and Oneness but they don't seem to qualify as awakenings for me. From all the teachers, sadhguru intrigues me the most. I have seen him make 1000 people go nuts by clapping once. There is something going on there.
  12. I deleted all of my social media and just stopped watching porn. I was compulsive about masturbation, sex and porn. Within two weeks, my sex drive dropped 50% and I feel great. I don't think about it too often but I do get naturally horny from time to time. Nofap leaves you frustrated. It's about balance. And anyways, if you want to do nofap seriously it requires some serious bramacahary shit to transmute that energy. If you're not transmuting sexual energy, your suppressing it and that is going to be a problem. And anyways if you do decide to transmute it, I don't think some YouTube breathwork, wim hof or hippie bullshit will do it (in my experience it hasn't worked), I think you need very intense sadhana to use your sexual energy and where you going to learn that anyways? So try to establish a healthier relationship with your sexuality, masturbation and pleasure and stop this nofap, redpill bs.
  13. That's not true bro, I'm pretty sure people like Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts agree on their spiritual viewpoints. They really do seem to fully agree with each other.
  14. There's no need to judge others for being low consciousness. But it's true that people are engaging in utterly extraordinary levels of self-deception. By the way bro, get the hell out of there!!
  15. It was a long winded question about many things but the psychedelic question was essentially this: can psychedelics produce enlightenment or genuine enlightenment experiences? That was his answer ^
  16. Lol if they are not working on the brain, what are they working on? Your d*ck?
  17. There is no magic pill. I had the same issue and this is what worked for me. I can recommend some books. 1) Learn to release emotional pressure (Book - letting go the pathway of surrender) 2) Develop self-esteem by showing yourself your capable which means you put yourself in those situation and just be anxious. It's exposure and it's good (Book - feel the fear and do it anyways) 3) What personally helped me a lot was kriya yoga, none of the other meditation worked for me but I learned Shambhavi from the Isha Foundation and this really made me into a more joyful person, I credit most of my anxiety release to this practice. It's incredible. But I've spoken to others who said it had minimal effect for them. So it's up to you. 4) I know you said you can't get therapy but you can try to figure it out. Make money, and get IFS therapy, IMO the most effective form of therapy right now and it seems like you have trauma trapped in your body which it will help with. This is really worth it. 5) Try hatha yoga, again this is great for releasing bodily trauma very subtly. Try it out. 6) Get the fundamentals right, eat mostly good foods, exercise regularly, have a solid sleeping pattern. 7) Spend more time in flow state. That is spend more time doing deep work. It doesn't matter actually if you are watching a movie or speaking with someone or working be totally involved and you'll see you won't even notice how you feel. 8) Actually this goes back to therapy. I suspect you have shame and guilt based anxiety. You don't believe you are good enough. You think you are a fraud etc... go to IFS therapy and heal yourself. I'm sorry to break it to you but it ain't going to be easy. This is a process and in a weird way you can enjoy it. Don't rush yourself. Be patient and to be quite honest when you put yourself in situations where you are anxious you have to be willing to look like an idiot. Your anxiety will make you tremble, mumble your words, twitch, and so on. I've experienced this especially with women. I've worked on it for six years. Now you can put me with 10 hot girls alone and I won't even flinch ? There's a lot there but if you do this stuff, not only will your anxiety be transformed, your while damn life will be transformed. Stick to it for a few years. (On the side, I have had friends for whom one trip on DMT obliterated their anxiety forever but I think this is too dangerous for most, I just had to say it because it's something different)
  18. There is plenty of evidence to suggest they are here on earth. So many people come forward with sightings. Not all of them are lunatic and if highly respected will speak to congress under oath then something is up. I take the standpoint that it is more logical to assume that aliens exist somewhere out there. You make a good point about earth being a tiny spec and how they would go about finding it but if they can travel at the speed of light, I'm sure they have enough technology to find life elsewhere. Sure we can send rovers and shit onto other planets...