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Everything posted by Anon212

  1. Ralston is a freak of nature, he would have been world champ and turned the Gracies inside out. I think you guys fail to appreciate the astonishing level of intelligence. The guy mastered Judo in less than 18 months ffs, it's insanity !!
  2. My question for above Hey Peter, Quick questions about martial arts. I saw you saying that most martial arts are not good. What are your thoughts on those martial arts such as Judo, Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, etc... those that are practiced in the UFC? What do you think of UFC fighters? These guys, well at least they seem to be the best fighters in the world and eastern martial arts look silly next to them. Do you think you could beat these guys in combat. I mean top guys like khabib etc.. This is is just a question to quench my curiosity. Thanks,
  3. You guys are yapping, I asked Ralston about this. He said MMA is most effective and he trained it before it was a thing. He said he would have won. Here is the proof.
  4. @SamC 1) I do all the practices every single day and 3-4 days a week I do them twice daily. 2) Cold Shower, Surya Shakti, Surya Kriya (+ Eye Care), Yoga Asanas (+ Bandas), Shakti Chalana Kriya, Shambhavi, Archana Arpanalam. Shoonya is twice during the day everyday. On extremely busy days, I just do Shakti Chalana Kriya, and Shambhavi which happens now and then. One or two days a year I may miss everything except Shoonya. 3) Yoga Asanas and Shakti Chalana Kriya (Advanced Kriya) have transformed my life. They produce so much heat and I feel as though compulsions have been washed out of me. As I said, I applied Ralstons work quite extensively to the yoga. Would love to try but I'm prioritizing trying to get to a Samyama program!
  5. I learned his kriya when I was 20 years old. That was the starter kriya - Isha Kriya. At the time, I was extremely dysfunctional having grown up in a brutal environment. An environment that encompassed all sorts of abuse - physical, emotional, religious, mental and spiritual. I had crippling anxiety, an eating disorder, OCD, sexual dysfunction, no friends, persistent panic attacks and required multiple surgeries that were consequences of my childhood. I was also had pre-diabetes, acute kidney issues, high blood pressure and was in general a very dysfunctional person. The moment I learned his kriyas my life changed. It started with First 1) Isha Kriya Then 2) Shambhavi Mahamudra Then 3) Bhava Spandana (not a practice) Then 4) Shakti Chalana Kriya Also 5) Shoonya Also 6) Surya Shakti Then 7) Surya Kriya Also 8) Archana Arpanalam Then 9) Yoga Asanas I have yet to attend the most advanced program (Samyama) which is the "last" program. I am turning 25 soon, I do 3 hours of Sadhana in the morning, Shoonya on break at work for 20 minutes and 4 days a week - I do 3 hours of yoga in the evening. Other days I see my friends, gf, family etc... My BP is normal, kidney issues are gone, OCD is gone, anxiety is gone, blood sugar is regulated, my trauma mechanisms are almost completely dissolved, my mind is mostly quiet. Aside from that I am eating 50% of what I used to, I am sleeping 5 hours a day and feeling fulfilled (often less), I can get into flow states at work for hours and hours so easily. I have learned to send energies to organs or different parts of body. When I am sick I just do some specific kriyas and I am back to normal in the morning. I also had very severe IBS which is resolved. I can see auras but not all the time Beyond that, my emotions have become very sweet, and my experience is very vacuum like, life doesn't seem very "physical" but I can't say much more on that. My visualisation capacities increased 10 fold and life is just flowing well. Everytime I close my eyes and visualize Sadhguru I become flooded with loving emotions. Its just fucking magical. But don't be fooled, this took an insane work ethic. I gave myself to this so completely, I just kept going and going and going even though it was torture at times. And still it keeps getting better, maybe I have touched 1% of what yoga is. I wanted to share this. Maybe someone else can benefit from this. I hope they do. I do have problems with the foundation though, so much group think, Hindu noise, guru worship, lack of thinking, glamourizing the guru, not taking action, copying how he walks, talks, speaks, and many more but still, that don't matter just do the yoga. The other thing is that I don't know how all this relates to Truth and God. My experience has become more vacuum like, just like the air has been sucked out of the world around me, I feel more merged with it but not totally and I certainly do not experience myself as God. But I keep pushing forward. Maybe it'll happen. Maybe it will take something outside of yoga. I just wanted to make an important point. Ralston's teachings and his explanation of Mastery, distinctions etc...enhanced my yoga practices quite radically. One thing is clear to me... Sadhguru is not a fucking joke.
  6. I agree and I do that. But for now this is working well
  7. Shambahvi online Advanced kriyas and most programs in person, I did in Berlin not India
  8. The Art of Mastery covers it well, But really his trilogy is important and I've read it multiple times. Book of Not Knowing Pursuing Consciousness Genius of Being Then: Art of Mastery Or go straight to it. I also stay in touch with Ralston over email he is usually nice enough to respond. Please don't see me as awakened I am not I have experienced significant health benefits and survival benefits but not some deep awakening something which I wish to pursue. Thanks for sharing Leo's Video, I have watched it before but don't remember him mentioning vacuum. Will re-watch!
  9. 50% less quantity wise. In the morning, I consume a large spoon of honey, some berries, two oranges, a banana and some raw peanuts (just a small amount), also take some supplements. At work, I have a sandwich (I still eat meat sometimes) but usually salmon, tuna or veggie and side salad. I have a coffee around 9AM because I love coffee - just one a day or every second day. For dinner, I eat a handful of raw peanuts, a banana, oranges and honey again - same as breakfast really. Meeting family would eat trad Indian food lentils, roti etc... 6ft 2, 95kg well built after 8 years of serious weightlifting/powerlifting. But I stopped one year ago to focus on yoga. Calorie wise I could not tell you but I know if I was to do BMI/FFMI based calcs for calories, I am not consuming enough "scientifically"
  10. @Salvijus This is not true, this is something you want to believe. Most people get lukewarm results, 99% of people I would say. I've spoken to at least 100 meditators (including 2 siblings and a friend). I think my results are unique, I'm not trying to beat my own horse here but it's true and it's been a unique combination of studying Leo, Ralston and at least 20 other teachers of course focusing on Sadhguru. With that said, there are guys at the foundation who would make it seem like I've never practiced. These guys are psychos practicing all day everyday. But they are even less, a fraction of a percentage. These kind of results are not common and millions of people do not get them. It takes an insane work ethic.
  11. Sadhguru is Jesus because that's what I imagine Jesus looks like, Peter Ralston is the Holy Spirit because his communication style is mysterious and difficult to understand - just like my gf and of course Leo is God the Father... because he said so. I don't know where alien mind come into this?
  12. @LambdaDelta I see, they just snuck up on me. I was doing more and more over time without realizing. An invasion for sure
  13. Sadhguru + Leo Gura + Peter Ralston = The Holy Trinty 😍
  14. Hey OP, I think I can offer some insight here as I have done maybe 2000 hours of Kriya Yoga. It is Sadhguru's yoga and I started 4 years ago. I have done so much in that time because I really prioritized it; it has been a central component of my life and I do 3 hours of yoga every day at the minute. I have naturally - NATURALLY (not forced) reduced my sleep quota quite a bit, so I have the time to be doing these yogas even with work, gym, relationships... Firstly, when it comes to Sadhguru, 99% of the analysis and commentary on this forum, including the stuff from Leo, is just a lot of yap. Very few people know what he is about. Secondly, most of the people that do his yogas and that hang around the ashram and associate with him and his work are (to put it blatantly) RETARDED. I think they have certain tendencies which will definitely turn Isha Foundation into a cult in a few hundred years or at least some ridiculous religion. I have no problem with them, but there is a lack of skepticism, openness, and even interest in other spiritual teachers and methods, which includes psychedelics. I have spoken to many of these folks at retreats, and I struggle to get along with them because of the groupthink. Thirdly, people benefit differently from these yogas. I have met people who quit smoking in one week, lost weight, dropped to 5 hours of sleep, and so on very quickly, and others who are exactly the same after two years of practicing, so I don't know why this is the case, to be honest. My brother has done his yogas (not as seriously as me), but he has had little to no benefit, and that is weird since we are genetically similar. Whether or not you will benefit is unknown, but you won't know without trying. About Sadhguru - he is a fucking freak of nature. The level of mastery over life energies is absolutely astonishing, unfathomable, just insane, with one clap he can send 1000 people off their heads. The guy is not a fucking joke, and it is such a shame that he might be perceived in a lesser way because of the development of the people that follow him and also because of his social media presence. A being of that caliber hanging around celebs and going on social media just doesn't make sense, so it is very deceptive. I have firsthand experience with his energies and also with energy forms that he has created, including Devi and Dhyanalinga. In the span of a few years, I have overcome brutal traumas and many health issues including high blood sugar, high blood pressure, acute kidney issues, sleep problems, crippling anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and so on. 95% of all of these have dissipated, but I give myself a lot of credit here because of my commitment and drive to just keep going. Further, I have overcome an eating disorder, and my personality seems to be a lot more fluid. I am generally very happy, and most days there are short periods of time where I become fucking ecstatic; this is usually random. Focus is better blah blah, I could go on about benefits all day... At the end of the day, I could be lying. You just need to go learn some kriya whether it's Sadhguru's or someone else's. If it doesn't work after six months, drop it and move on. But try to practice 1-2 hours a day for those 6 months. I also recommend a transmission; LEO is wrong on this, his comment that initiations are used by gurus to keep business going is not true. Sometimes it's the case, sometimes it's not, but he does not know what an initiation or a transmission is, it will speed everything up significantly and it will reduce risk. Initiation is like a software being planted, part of those softwares, depending on the quality of the guru, is that they block out the capacity to develop siddhis, these are like stoppers but you can still blow these stoppers off if you become very intense, I still developed the capacity to see auras. I do agree with anyone who sees one-on-one guru work is the best, but that just ain't gonna happen lol. Best of luck with everything, bro. Note: I love Leo and take his work very seriously. I take it very seriously when he says that non-duality, yoga, etc., that none of this is truth. There is also something inside me telling me to do 5 MeO and something very intriguing about alien consciousness. Leo has prevented me from becoming disillusioned. Yoga has led to some awakenings but I am not forming any conclusions here and telling you it's the only way. I will say that Leo and most others are not qualified to speak on Kriya Yoga. Heck, neither am I but I shared my experience.
  15. @AlterEgo I logged in just to say that I have never agreed with something so much in my life. You need to speak to 1000s of women, move to big cities, blah blah, it is not true, not at this level. 1000s of women is absurd haha. You must have serious developmental issues if you need to speak to 1000s of women to get laid. The guys around me that get laid frequently NEVER studied game, they are decent looking guys but more importantly they are authentic. I guess they grew up in healthy families, little to no shame and guilt, no limiting beliefs around sex and women and certainly no issues with rejection. The problem with most guys is that they are deeply wounded, full of shame, guilt, limiting beliefs, sexual dysfunction. This is healed through therapy, spiritual work, etc... the techniques that you learn from learning game can be learned in a three months, not five fucking years or talking to 10 trillion women. The hard work is fixing how society, your parents, schools, religions all fucked you up. If you do that, the rest of it is easy. Yes it is easy, talking to women gets easy once you are totally secure within yourself. YES, EASY! DAVID TIAN is the best for this, he explains this amazingly. If you are deeply hurt, full of shame and so on, you can still go and learn game but good luck with the kind of women you attract (because you are just a broken little boy so good luck with all the broken little girls), and if you really think getting a nice feeling in your dick is going to solve these serious issues, well again good luck with that. Focus on healing your wounds, ridding yourself of toxic shame, toxic guilt, fear of rejection etc..., this cannot be done to perfection but if you do it seriously the whole women business will become a lot easier. You can see how pervasive this shit is in the red pill community, those guys are completely twisted. There are healthier ways to live life. BTW this looks, status, fame stuff is still important for sure, but don't make a big deal out of it, too much times is wasted thinking about this, just get to work I guess
  16. Elliot Hulse has had a very interesting journey. I started following him at 16 and found Leo a year later. I stopped following him because he became very religious and conservative. Now he is becoming more of a christian mystic and he is big into bio energetics. I just thought it was cool to see his journey, I always thought he was a very intelligent and evolved dude (just in general, not extreme spirituality). I have always liked him too and think he is a great masculine role model from the conservative side. I would love to hear your guys thoughts on him. Of course his work is not perfect, many flawed beliefs etc... but he is always learning and evolving which is very respectable especially as your age and your brain becomes comfortable in its interpretations.
  17. You are using very high levels of Absolute Consciousness to delegitimize very serious and important relative work. Stop conflating the two, its a serious lack of nuance.
  18. This is true at VERY high level of development. Say this shit to a woman that is beaten by her narcissistic husband everyday. @Thought Art pointed out correctly that the DSM is imperfect but very useful. Stop spreading shit like this. Most people on this form would benefit from some serious therapy.
  19. Firstly, thanks for sharing, that is a massive first step, well done! I understand your struggle with people-pleasing. It often involves preemptively adjusting your behavior based on assumptions about others' expectations. This habit can lead to confusion and miscommunication, both for you and the people you interact with. Being aware of this tendency is a great first step. To combat the internal force driving your people-pleasing behavior, consider the strategies I've shared below. It's a journey of self-discovery and assertiveness, and many have found success through therapy, reading, and practical exercises in boundary-setting. Stay committed to this path, and you'll see positive changes. As a former people-pleaser, I consider myself quite knowledgeable in this area and I'm here to offer you some practical advice. Be cautious in online forums; they can sometimes be filled with unhelpful spiritual fluff. Understanding the Root: People-pleasing often stems from deep-rooted traumas. As a child, if your needs were neglected, you might have developed a belief that you weren’t good enough to be loved for who you are. This can lead to people-pleasing behaviors. Healing these inner wounds is crucial for overcoming this tendency. Therapeutic Approaches: Experiment with different healing techniques to find what resonates with you. IFS therapy, talk therapy, inner child work, and, with caution, psychedelics, are some options to explore. Recommended books include "Home Coming" by John Bradshaw and "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover. Assertiveness Training: An immediate and practical step is to learn assertiveness. This helps in setting boundaries and ensuring your needs are met. Essential reads are "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways" by Susan Jeffers and "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty" by Manuel J. Smith. Practicing Boundaries: Start with small steps. For instance, if your coffee is cold, request a new one. If your food order is wrong, ask for a correction. These small acts of asserting yourself will build your confidence in setting boundaries. Channeling Anger: Embrace your anger as a tool. If you're a people-pleaser, there's likely deep pain within you. Accessing this pain can lead to anger, which can be a powerful ally in establishing boundaries. Advanced Steps - Spiritual Work: While psychological healing is foundational, don't overlook spiritual growth for complete self-love and self-validation. I initially bypassed the basic work and went straight to spirituality, which was ineffective. However, books like "The Courage to Be Disliked" and "Pursuing Awakening" can be transformative but are more advanced and require greater depth in your consciousness, it is unfair to expect a newbie to work with all this. More Reading Recommendations: Consider Peter Ralston’s trilogy and "Surrender" by Dr. Hawkins. Action Plan: Engage in therapy for deep trauma work. Read the recommended books. Get into assertiveness training. Learn and practice setting boundaries. Pursue awakening and develop a strong life purpose (late-stage). Note: Assertiveness training and setting boundaries are quick-fixes but important nonetheless. Therapy, self-love and spiritual work is healing at the root. This is the most important thing. WARNING: Please be wary of advanced spiritual advice, IT WILL NOT HELP YOU. The people giving this advice probably have not gone through what you have gone through and lack nuance. PLEASE do not skip therapy, healing, and just basic psychological work.
  20. @Simbruh Even though Sadhguru's yogas transformed my life, I think he is a lying scam
  21. @Ishanga But don't yogis say that the mind, emotions, and action can also get you to enlightenment?
  22. Stop telling Leo to be any other way than he is... Who knows maybe Leo is more evolved than Sadhguru? I absolutely love Sadhguru and do his yoga quite intensely and do not deny his insane siddhis. The thing about Sadhguru is that he caters to a massive audience and to people at different levels of evolution. I have heard him say that the Universe is Love and other times as in the video above that it is not the case. I think it comes from a very deep understanding of his audience. He usually speaks to the people right in front of him and says whatever is most appropriate. So if you take all this and put it up on the internet for everyone, he can look like a contradictory idiot. Notice when he speaks he never looks at the camera, he is not interested in teaching everyone just whoever is with him at the time.
  23. @Yimpa I'm gonna say that to Donald Trump to see if he becomes a non-dualist