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Posts posted by Michal__

  1. Switch to concentration and practice more frequently than ever. Jhanas/absorption states will actually make you perform better at whatever you do.

    Ego backlash comes from insight. Of course, concentration practice provides insight too but generally it is a bit more manageable.

    What gurus dont tell you is that once you start meditating and get a bit serious about it there is no going back. 

    But anyway - dont listen to me. Ask yourself why you are meditating in the first place and then decide.

  2. Unfortunately, the only way at this point is through. You can't return back. You have to at least get a cessation. 

    A meditation retreat would help tremendously.

    On the bright side, once you get a cessation your life will become a 10000% better than it is now (by life I mean mental state & consciousness - which will in turn affect the material side of things too). And you will be really happy that you started.

    I hope you are meditating at least for 1hr a day.

    Maybe find a local 10 day (100h) Vipassana retreat if it's allowed in your country (covid, you know). If lockdown is an issue where you live then do your own retreat.

  3. THEME: Cancel culture / scandals (since my understanding of cancel culture may not be deep enough)

    Stage blue

    When a person can't share their personal life with public he should not be allowed to be a public figure. 

    God sees everything you do. Why would you sin before the eyes of God and expect not to face consequences? 

    Let the sinner be an example so our children don't follow in their footsteps.

    Stage yellow

    Yes, some people should face consequences of their actions.

    However, there is always the danger of "witch hunting". In fact, many celebrities have had their professional and perphaps even personal life destroyed as a result of rumours, accusations & the general public following the popular opinion.

    We should educate people not to "witch hunt" & make them able to form a solid opinion about the person in question. 

    Better education could eventually "dissolve" the problem.

  4. 9 minutes ago, MoreLove said:

    Lis it okay skip an entry (I wake up a lot each night and I am usual back to sleep in 5 minutes or less) or should I focus on writing down everything instantly for a while?

    What else can I do?

    Write down everything instantly. You will forget the whole dream if you don't. And you want to remember as many dreams as possible every night for you to lucid dream.

  5. 32 minutes ago, sholomar said:

    I know how I react when I see an awoke progressive on reddit telling me that I should embrace allowing pre-pubescent children decide to be a different gender and encourage the process even using hormones before they reach puberty. It makes me think they are fucking nuts with screws loose in the head. Actually it doesn't... I've come far enough on accepting "what is" to allow them to have their point of view. ;)


    I still have my orange/blue beliefs that may or may not change. I'm not too concerned about it... aside from the amount of time I waste on politics.

    Reacting to a toxic version of green doesn't make you blue :) .

  6. Well, you can't ever be completely certain, but if your consciousness is high enough you can usually tell who's less/more conscious intuitively.

    Try being around christians that parrot Jesus and then meet real mystics in a christian monastery. They say the same things but there's a different feel to them.

    I became aware of these differences after a kundalini experience, I meet a lot of christians (I grew up around them) and can differentiate between those that had awakening experiences and those who are just parrots.

    If your kundalini is at least partially activated there might be a literal "glow" in your vision when you hear/read/see an awakened person.

    This exercise works best with Christians, because there's a huge variety among them. It won't work as well with buddhists, since most of them actually take meditation seriously.

  7. 21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's possible, but all that is still very limited.

    You can go to the gym and lift weights, but you will never match a professional bodybuilder like Arnold.

    No one can match Arnold because he was born specifically for that role.

    Still anybody can get further with meditation than most meditators get, just like with lifting - everyone can bench 315 lbs within a few years but not everyone does.

    Most people don't study what they want to get good at nearly enough.

  8. 4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    @Michal__ I agree with ADA  and perhaps it's useful for much more than lucid dreaming ?

    It gave me an idea...  A guided 5-10 minute 'check in', which can be played and practiced at any point of the day. 

    Yeah, a lot of people don't take it seriously enough and think meditation alone is stronger. 

    But my experience says otherwise, practicing ADA feels very similar to practicing meditation for many hours a day, even though I meditate only 1hr nowadays.

    I seriously think it's what most meditators are missing and that it can become as intense as a meditation retreat if you get good at it.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    When I dream, I can't really see anything.

    It's a completely different form of "seeing" than with my physical eyes when I'm awake. Maybe I'm simply blind when I'm dreaming.

    For example the method of "pushing the thumb against the palm" to check whether you're dreaming or not wouldn't work for me since I wouldn't see any thumb or palm.

    Hmm, are you actually keeping a dream journal? My dreams were like this, the key for me was to write detailed description of them in my dream journal & never miss a day / if you don't remember write "I don't remember". Now they are sometimes indistinguishable from real life.

  10. 4 minutes ago, No Self said:

    Yes, others appear to be the cause of pain, therefore a murderous rampage is a pain-killer.

    I am speaking literally, not linguistics. 

    Murderers literally kill false selves.

    The real question is what type of mystical experience results from it.

    I bet even if there were no consequences and you were offered a million dollars for killing me, and I told you it was okay, you still wouldn't be able to kill me - since you would literally have to experience No Self.

  11. Maybe killing others gives you the same experience as if you killed your false self.

    I can't be sure, but it definitely sounds logical, since a lot of murderers seem to have mystical insights.

    You know, it takes the same type of courage to kill your own ego.

    Maybe he's just babbling about something he doesn't understand though.

  12. 7 hours ago, levani said:

    @Michal__ how could you be so sure ? i mean you can't take all people who meditate 20 minutes and measure if they are depressed or not, right ? I just don't want to go down a negative spiral of depression or some shit really so i'm asking as a precaution

    I can't be completely sure. I just think that even if they were depressed, meditation wouldn't be the cause, since 20 minutes a day shouldn't be nearly strong enough to make you depressed.

    Also obsessing over going into a negative spiral definitely wouldn't help your mental state.

  13. 18 hours ago, levani said:

    @AlphaAbundance bro like everywhere, Leo said as well he guarrantees depression within the first year of meditqtion

    Meditation can cause depression but it likely won't last the whole year.

    I had depression only the first few months.

    And that assumes you meditate like 1+ hrs a day.

    If you meditate only for 20 daily minutes there's no way it could cause depression.

  14. (quoted from https://www.dreamviews.com/induction-techniques/113253-all-day-awareness-dild-tutorial-kingyoshi.html )


    " All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi

    KingYoshi's DILD Tutorial


    So, I already have a WILD tutorial, but now it seems I am getting a lot of questions about my DILD method, all day awareness, and proper RC technique. I've decided to just go ahead and break down my entire approach to DILD. So, sit back, fire one up, and learn to DILD...the Yoshi way!


    General Keys to Success

    With any induction method/technique there are three keys to long-term success.


    1. Effort - Aside from the handful of natural lucid dreamers out there, the rest of us have to put forth the effort and work toward lucidity. Without that drive, you aren't going to have the kind of results you are looking for.


    2. Confidence - This one is as simple as the first. You need to be confident in your abilities. I don't care if you just joined yesterday and literally have no clue what you are doing. EVERYONE can lucid dream regularly.


    3. Experience - You don't even have to do anything special for this one. Every single thing you do while practicing lucid dreaming, works toward experience. Just keep practicing and gain experience from every success as well as every failure.



    All Day Awareness

    So, what exactly is a DILD? DILD stands for Dream Induced Lucid Dream. It is a lucid dreaming induction technique where the dreamer becomes aware that he/she is dreaming, from within the dream itself. DILD success is all about awareness.


    I practice a technique known as All Day Awareness (ADA). I first heard/learned of the basic concept for ADA from another Dream Views member here on the site...Naiya. For those of you who don't know Naiya, she has practiced lucid dreaming for many years and has a Lucid Count is well over 1,000. In a nutshell, All Day Awareness (ADA), is noticing and paying attention to the subtle things in life that most people ignore or take for granted.


    Lets take for instance, you are walking your dog down the street. Be aware of everything around you. Hear your footsteps against the pavement, feel the cushion in the sole of your shoes contract with each step. Feel the muscles working in your legs as you stroll along, see your eyelids blinking, hear the sound of your breathing, feel your lungs expanding and your chest moving as you breath in and out. Smell the air as you travel through the neighborhood. Does it change? Does every breeze smell the exact same? Feel your tongue as it casually rests on the bottom of your mouth. Every structure around you has a shadow...do you notice them? Hear the pitter patter of the dogs feet, do you hear him panting? Most people hold the leash and walk down the sidewalk completely lost in their thoughts. Most don't even notice the control they are using to power their own legs.


    You are sitting at the computer doing math homework. Feel the keys below your fingertips, notice how effortlessly your fingers fly from one key to the next without even having to think about the upcoming letter/keystroke. While you were reading the previous two sentences, did you take for granted the blinking process. What all sounds have you heard while you have been reading this tutorial? What does the air smell like? You shouldn't have to smell right now to answer the question. Have you noticed the shadows of everything around you? How about your lungs? Have you noticed them expanding and your chest moving. Have you noticed the air traveling up through your windpipe, across your tongue and passed your lips?


    These are just a few of the millions of small details that the average person takes for granted or doesn't even bother to notice. It is almost like everyone is sleep walking while they are awake. If you don't have good awareness in waking life, how do you expect to have good awareness in your dreams? In about 90% of my Dream Induced Lucid Dreams, I have known I was dreaming or suspected I was dreaming before ever performing a RC (reality check). The RC is used mostly to confirm that I am dreaming. That lowly 10% is from obtaining lucidity due to a particular dream sign or performing a random RC while thinking I was actually awake. (these percentages are estimates and I likely was too generous with the 10%).


    At first, you will have to force yourself to be completely aware of your surroundings. The idea, is to try and become aware of absolutely EVERYTHING around you. After practicing ADA for a while, you will start to become aware of theses subtleties without forcing yourself. As you practice more and more, you will notice the subtleties being noticed quite naturally with little effort. Eventually, you will get to where you are no longer practicing All Day Awareness, you are actually living it. It will become natural for you. Once you have reached this level of awareness, the dream itself becomes your dream sign. Every thing you notice within the dream will become you RC. Every dream you have will be a lucid and you have reached the pinnacle of lucid dreaming.


    Not only does awareness help strive toward lucidity, but it also helps with recall. As you continue to practice ADA, it will start to carry over in your dreams. Even if you aren't getting lucid yet, you will start paying more attention to the dream environment. Making mental notes of what you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. This will help make dreams much easier to recall upon waking up from sleep. It will also help you recall more details from your dream. Soon you will be having detailed journal entries that read almost like a story as opposed to a scattered series of events that jump around from place to place.


    *Getting Started

    Thanks everyone for the valuable feedback. I forgot just how overwhelming ADA can be when you first start practicing. I then realized, I had left out a key point in the tutorial. There are so many things to notice that it can get in the way of your daily activities, possibly causing stress. Stress is not good at all for lucid dreaming. I recommend that all beginners start small and work your way up.


    Pick out certain times throughout the day, when you aren't busy, and work on ADA. Take 5 or 10 minutes to notice everything you can. Do this several times during your day. Some days you may be able to practice a lot, and others you may not get as much practice in. Go ahead and perform some RCs during these ADA sessions as well. Once you get more used to the process and it starts getting easier, you can become more frequent with your sessions. It is very hard to keep up the awareness all day long when you aren't used to it. Even now, I am not able to keep it going at all times. I'll get lost in thought, or something else I am doing and realize I was "day walking" again . Performing ADA in sessions will still help loads with your awareness and you can work your way up at your own discretion. Be sure not to overwork yourself. If you start feeling mentally exhausted, take a day off from training. Everyone needs their rest.


    When I first started practicing ADA, I did it in sessions like I described above. I worked my way up until it started becoming natural. Even now, I still take sessions to make sure I really notice absolutely everything. Something else I should add...don't forget about the clothes you are wearing. Feel and notice them at all times.


    Dream Signs and Reality Checking

    Now, picking out dream signs and performing RCs still play a key role in the DILD process. Humor me for a moment.


    A live flamingo hat is definitely a dream sign. Even though it has showed up multiple times in your dreams, it isn't even going to be in the majority of your dreams...let alone all of your dreams. If you rely solely on a dream sign for lucidity, you are only going to be able to take advantage of the dreams it shows up in. If you happen to miss it, you never know when it will return. However, if you have pointed the hat out as a dream sign, you have identified a recurring element in your dream. This familiarization with the dream world has added an extra boost to your awareness. Not to mention, when it does show up again, you will have a chance at recognizing it. The better your awareness, the more likely you will be able to recognize dream signs within the dream.


    I mentioned earlier that RCs are used more for confirming that you are lucid, as opposed to actually creating lucidity for you. The key function of a RC (reality check) is actually increasing awareness. Whenever you perform a RC during waking life, don't just go through the motions. Prior to performing your RC, take a moment to become aware of your surroundings. Even if you know that you are awake, pretend that everything around you is actually a dream. Finally, perform your RC and see if you are actually dreaming. A quality RC is a RC in which you question your reality.


    From above, "pretend everything around you is actually a dream." Whether you truly believe this questioning of reality or not, is irrelevant. The fact that you ARE questioning it, is good enough. The idea is, if you are able to question your reality during waking life, you will do the same in your dreams. Like I said earlier, 90% of the time awareness makes you lucid, not the RC itself. Practicing quality RCs like these, will boost that awareness level greatly.



    Dream Journal & Recall Enhancement

    Last, but certainly not least, is dream journaling. It is key that you write down every dream that you possibly can. Once you wake from sleep, try not to move much. Just lay there and recall/recap your dream in your mind. Once you have went through the dream, immediately write it down. Keep a notebook and pencil/pen at your bedside. Keeping a dream journal will also help build up your dream recall. If you wake from sleep and only remember bits and pieces, write down those bits and pieces. If you wake up and don't remember anything at all, write down, "Couldn't remember any dreams." Its important that you do this. It will help train your mind to literally WANT to write down something. This will help toward recall as well.


    If you want to immediately enhance your recall, you can set alarms throughout the night. The idea is that you wake up either between REM cycles or toward the end of an REM cycle and write down your dream then. Since you are waking up right after they happen, they won't be forgotten as the night progresses (even if they are...you wrote them down ). The REM cycle generally takes a few hours to get started. Once it does get started, REM will cycle through every 90 minutes or so (on average). I started out by setting my initial alarm for after 4 hours of sleep. The next alarm is for two hours later (after 6 hours of sleep). Then i set alarms in 1 hour increments until I wake up for good.



    Technique Results

    Ever since I first learned of All Day Awareness, I have been practicing it. Twice I took relatively long breaks from DreamViews and simply didn't train for lucid dreaming, but the rest of the time I have been practicing ADA. I have 107 DILDs recorded on the site, but counting the DILDs I had during my time away from DreamViews I am at 150+ DILDs. Like I mentioned before, only a handful of them were because of a random RC. The rest were simply due to my awareness. I am hovering around the 22 lucid dreams per month mark, but I am certain that if I had stayed in ADA practice my entire time, I would be averaging a lucid dream per night by now. I truly believe that with enough practice, ADA is a legit technique for accomplishing lucidity in every dream."

  15. 5 hours ago, Bojan said:

    And lastly, you were born just a stupid baby like me, but in better circumstances, and now that you're lucky enough to have that expensively nurtured programming knowledge for example and those opportunities that are presented to you, you're gonna be living off of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, while you expect me  and tell me that I'm lazy because I don't want to clean your shit, who do you think you are? Why would I clean your damn fucking shit and still get paid so little that in the end I'll be struggling to survive, while you're fucking hot babes all the time and drinking those Leo's healthy smoothies, cause you can afford it. You...

    Wtf are you serious or trolling? If you are not trolling you should really do something about your life.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

    1. Obviously, 2. Yes, 3. First sentence: yes, second sentence: do not see the relevance, 4. first sentence: what does that mean? second sentence: what?

    I think i will give up on this dialogue, unless you read and respond to that which is written in previous comments. ?

    Edit: if we only speak past eachother that is also fine.

    I wasn't addressing the conversation in the whole thread, since I haven't read it. Just stating how fighting relates to spiral dynamics.

    Hope you see my point now.