Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I will try plugging 15mg of freebase tonight. Do I need to use vinegar or anything?
  2. @Leo Gura (: I didn't know you could plug freebase. nice. What is the dosages for plugging freebase.
  3. Like I've said before I really enjoy the trips.
  4. @RendHeaven Yeah, you can find funny what you find funny I don't know connor off camera, do you? No they aren't mutually exclusive but in his case I smell bullshit. No one is genuinely motivated by pursuit of truth, and Connor hasn't demonstrated the humbleness of not knowing to show that imo. Thats rare. Hugging a homeless tranny is beautiful, but it aint truth. It's his own path, so, it shouldn't matter what I think. I am sure i will learn from Connor as time goes on! Excited to see where he goes.
  5. @Gesundheit I get it. I am just getting to know this person. @RendHeaven Or they just see reality differently. See, like what do you know about love if me having a different opinion means I am "Hilarious?". It's like, that is the shallowness or it points to it. The guys photo is him as Leo Gura, he pretends or believes he has more spiritual wisdom than others on the forum. Maybe he does, but to me it's clear he is just getting started. I think he is foolish. Doesn't mean he isn't loving. I still don't know what motivates Connor. To me this isn't love, it's a show. But, I am having an open mind as I. get to know him. There is even something sick about finding it beautiful Idk man, this is weird. These are homeless people, they need a lot more than just this but, anyway.
  6. Sure, you are always present. But, are you present? Are you of a high quality, highly aware and health presence?
  7. @Gesundheit He also made a video. I am not denying what I see. Nor am I denying beauty in the video. I just am not moved by it like others. Which is fine. I am taking more in my consideration than just a video and the content.
  8. I can't tell. He seems loving, but also seems shallow. Don't be taken in by flashy actions calling themselves love. Interested to see him develop and what he shares in the future.
  9. It's called nuance. Try it.
  10. I think you can see a preview, looks like a lifetime membership pay wall. You get the docuseries, expert interviews and exercises to being developing these abilities yourself. Just bought it. Will leave updates over the next few weeks.
  11. I am having similar questions. You are better off actually being a master and a value provider in at least one first maybe. Things take a lot of time and effort. However, I am still figuring this all out.
  12. I am 25 now, and I have been noticing this nagging fear of getting older. How do you deal with the reality of aging? Does life change once I am in my 30s? my 40s or 50s? Am I at my peak? I have read my brain can actually continue to develop all throughout life and I am investing in myself to begin taking care of my body. Is anyone else dealing with this? Has anyone successfully dealt with this?
  13. @commie Well, obviously thats why he is asking..?
  14. @Stefan Heuer I'm still wrapping my head around it too. Basically all of reality is happening in God's imagination. Even the physical world. Because of this, its not real. None of it ever happened or could possibly happen. It's nothing at all. God is having a human experience in it's own mind. Physicality only is possible because reality is infinite nothingness in the first place. The problem with science, hitting other people, is that it's all contextual and takes place within the dream. But because we have forgotten we are God, it all seems so real. It's kind of like saying "Well, if its a dream then how come all this dream stuff is happening?" I found the Book Labyrinths Of Reason's opening pages really useful. The dreamer is beyond any individual person or ego, its a universal dreamer. God has forever to do whatever. Forgetting is a virtue. God wants to explore itself and get to know itself through its limitations. How else would god experience what it's like to be mortal unless it used it's immortal power to experience that? Only an immortal could be a mortal. It's a paradox. The only thing that can be immortal is nothing. Nothing can be anything. You are experiencing a sliver of that anything nothing right now! I don't know about the multiple lives thing. Other than you actually don't live any lives. The fact that anything exists at all is hard for the materialist mind to wrap itself around. once you catch a glimpse of eternity and infinity it starts making more sense. Honestly I am still a newbie on this path.
  15. @JosephKnecht He should learn that we support him, we are part of him and that I feel dis-respect in a big way by this type of behaviour. Which is even hard to say seeing as he has provided me so much value. But, I do feel anger this week realizing this aspect of him.
  16. Does anyone have any suggestions how to remove heavy metals from brain or body? is there like a kit you can buy?
  17. I did the same thing. Good luck. He seems to not give a shit. I find it kinda weird honestly.
  18. @Arcangelo Lol, he isn't. He is smart though. This isn't at all an examination of enlightenment.
  19. @Valwyndir Ahaha, I enjoy your posts! You are really diving in.
  20. @Valwyndir Fun to read, But, wasn't completely accurate or new. "Also, recognize that I just gave you an awesome new perspective, but don't get attached to it haha." ditto
  21. Hmm, my opinion is that eggs are highly carcinogenic. So is too much protein, especially animal protein.
  22. Here are the Flaska bottles I think we want pure water, properly shaped, energized and mineralized