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Posts posted by Dryas

  1. I don’t think I was ever properly stage blue. Always been highly skeptical of my religion and very open to new ideas. I did still kind of want to practice my religion as best as I could but my thinking, at least subconsciously, went something like:

    This is the theoretical framework I have adopted for now. For me to not practice its teachings would be hypocritical, but there’s no absolute reason for me to believe that this framework isn’t flawed or fundamentally mistaken. 

    Eventually my skepticism grew and a few very heated debates and YouTube vids forced me to think in new ways. Of course I still had quite a few stage blue ideas that needed deconstructing and Actualized helped a lot with that. 

    I believe the reason for my openness and skepticism was my refusal to accept that my, or ‘our’, worldview is perfect. 

  2. I remember intuiting there is something more to reality but I couldn't really put it into words. I don't know why I felt this way.. tbh, It was most probably because I was gullible, lacked critical thinking and listened to some of Terrence Mckenna and other psychedelic trip experiences. If it weren't for Leo, I probably would've taken all of that as some dogma before having experiencing it for myself. Lucky I didn't quite fall into that trap.


  3. @Parththakkar12


    Your intuition is with you at all moments of the day. It is talking to you through your emotions. Emotions are somatically felt. So, if you want to access your intuition, the way to do it would be to pay attention to somatic sensations. Things like buzzing, heaviness in the belly, lightness, etc.

    If you really want to go deep into this, I highly recommend watching Teal Swan's youtube channel. She goes into a lot of detail on this.

    Alright, I'll check it out.


    YES!! That is the unbelievable part. Oneness is the Absolute Truth. So, if you have a disagreement, what this means is that at least one person is deluding themselves. If everyone does an honest investigation by accessing their intuition, my claim is they will arrive at the same conclusion.

    Interesting. I'd find it a lot more convincing if you had some sort of data to back that up, but I understand, its about direct experience isn't it.

    One thing, though. Does this also mean that one could not really explain why they reached the conclusion that they did?

  4. 18 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

    @DocWatts @Dryas Your intuition is the universe talking to you. When you contemplate a certain question, the universe gives you ideas, or hints, or clues, or outright answers. It shows you the way to greater Self-Awareness, which is what the Universe (aka You) is ultimately after.

    Your mind creates your reality. The way it does this is through energetic frequencies, also known as emotions. Emotions are 'Energy in motion'. So, 'the external world' is a mirror of your internal world.

    This is something you can wake up to - On an energetic level, or on an emotional level, we are all One. To have empathy for someone is to be able to feel their emotions. Because of the Oneness on an emotional level, empathy is possible. So, in reality, there is no difference between 'your emotions' and 'someone else's emotions'. It's all You!

    But I can't take your word for it.


    There is a difference between intuition and rationalization. Rationalization is something your mind does, your mind comes up with possible explanations or theories on stuff. However, intuition is a somatic knowing. You will feel a deep, stable knowing relative to the topic at hand.

    And what if that deep sense of knowing is complete bullshit? How can I know? A lot of 'deluded' people are very confident in what they believe in too. When it comes to something like enlightenment, for example, a guru can tell me meditate for x amount of hours and you'll become aware of the absolute. What about intuition? Do I just wait for my intuition to kick in, or what? Again comparing intuition with enlightenment, I know that people/gurus/traditions reach(ed) to somewhat similar conclusions. Can I be equally sure when relying on intuition? Lets say a hundred people flawlessly do what you're saying.. so are you 100% positive that they will reach the same or similar conclusions?

  5. 24 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

    Your intuition is the ultimate arbiter of the truth. Rely only on that. The way you access your intuition is, ironically, through emotional awareness. I'm not saying that being irrational/emotionally carried away is more objective than being rational, rather I'm saying that it's only through sorting through your emotional attachments can you really find the voice of your intuition.

    My intuition is literally the most useless thing out there. I can intuit that x theory is true or not but also not know if it is just a self deception/bias. How do you resolve this problem? Also, this is why I largely rely on my rational side.