Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. On 7/3/2020 at 3:05 AM, flowboy said:

    You covered it in a lot of lofty words that make it sound beautiful, but I see through it because I've been through this myself. If a woman leaves you for someone else, it means that you have work to do on yourself as a man. Patting yourself on the back for being okay with it, thinking you're so spiritual for loving her unconditionally, is a distraction. Why did she leave you? Are you aimless, without passion and clear purpose? Do you have trauma that you should be processing? Do you deeply love yourself?

    She didn't leave me. We decided to sink our relation-ship to save our friend-ship. Its all out of Love. And my intention with writing this was not to get admired by my actions, rather to share my experience, and the lesson I learned that free love is the only way to be truly free. I don't need attention or feedback, I know who I am, and I love myself. That is why I am strong enough to love watching her love someone else. I am full of Love, I am enough. I am living a beautiful life with goals that are constantly manifesting itself into my reality. Being able to Love without the fear of Loving is a beautiful perspective I'd love more people to have.

    Thanks for the feedback @flowboy  ?

  2. When we began to fall in love, we were just children. I moved to her small town as a nobody, a complete outsider. But I knew I would marry her after just a few short interactions. Five years later, after being madly in love, we decided to get married. She was my best friend. The woman that saw how broken I was from my childhood, she saw my scars and fears. And it didn't matter how fucked up my past was, or how stupid I acted in the present,  she chose to heal and love me regardless.  She quickly turned into my angel. The person that pulled me out of darkness over and over again. She gave me life, hope. New eyes to see through. And every step along the journey that we walked together is deeply burned into my mind and soul. I will forever love her. Her Spirit, everything about her is so beautiful. I owe her my life. And so when she began to fell in love with another man, I knew that I had to let her go. With her beautiful soul she pulled me into her journey of falling in love again. She had just began a new career as a Flight Attendant, and her transformation was incredible to watch. I had loved her when she was a young nobody wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants to school. And every day when she ate her feelings away with another pie of greasy pizza. It was easy to see her in the most beautiful light possible. Just like she had seen the light in the most horrible stories I shared with her. So as we open our relationship and she began to fall in love, I took great joy in seeing her confidence grow, regardless of my own envy. Of course there is jealousy and sometimes even hatred for what was unfolding under my control. But how could I keep her from such great entertainment. My baby became a woman. And who was I to keep her locked away from her pleasures and desires. After all, she was the soul that watched me drink and smoke my life away for how many years. She was there for me at the end of the night when I was dealing with the demons from my childhood. She was in my corner motivating me as we broke trough the many traps set by society. And we laughed at it all as we easily build something so much better, something that no one had ever seen before.

    But as anyone who has been in a serious relationship can confirm, its not easy to give the person that you love all that they really need. Even if we want to pretend that we can. The truth is that Marriage and Relationships are very restricting to the freedom that our body, mind and souls fully crave. She gave me the freedom to explore and fall in love with my self. And with great energy, I awoke to many beautiful realizations of what reality was. I understood that she was me, that I am God, and so many other breathtaking teaching I was blessed to receive. In many ways, all thanks to her, and her selfless love. I am indebted to her in this life, and that is something I put on my shoulders with great joy. And now as Karma bites me in the Ego ass and I watch as her body gets filled with attention and pleasures that I had neglected from her for how many years, this is only fair She is not mine. She is free to Love anyone, and be loved by whoever she wants. I can only smile as she grows and unfolds her petals across the world. Finding peace in watching her enjoy life without me has been the hardest obstacle in my life. But yet I achieved it. And when she doesn't get watered, or she can't find the energy to water her self, I will be there to care for her. Just like I am here to care for all flowers of this World. And to limit me or anyone from that, that would be selfish love. Love cannot be caged. 

    Genuine Feedback is Welcomed. 

  3. You could go and get involved right now. Or you could try to build your own way. That will take time. 

    Its easy to go to a Gym, fall into line and become a health coach. Or even go to a University, consume their standards of information and bring it out into society. But this will not serve an awakened person. 

    The real motivational people I respect are the ones who came from nothing. The ones who decided to walk their own way. I'm sure you feel the same. Fuck the Standard. Its 2020 Bitch, time to walk your own path or watch someone else create it. Find your own way. Throw all the rules and standards away and create something that no one has ever though of. I am excited to see what you will bring. As long as you don't conform to the norm. Because I'm not normal, and I won't learn and grow from anyone who is. 

    And regarding not liking your job. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Quit if it gives you pleasure and just watch how quickly you will grow and forget about those limitations. If you can afford it. And if you need the money, grind, and fucking work your ass off. That will only enhance your story. But always realize at what level you are willing to conform. Will you stay at a shit job for the money? So that you don't have to experience your perceived failure? So that others won't look at you like a loser? Or will you stay uncomfortable and press the reset button over and over again until you get the desired results that you know every fucking person deserves to have. Your choice. Don't sell out. Ever. 

  4. On 6/22/2020 at 1:37 AM, SirVladimir said:

    If you believe you have gone out of societies shackles, you're in for a rude awakening. In fact, you're more dependent on society's service than ever. You're dependent on having an internet. You're dependent on being provided with charts and symbols. You're dependent on having things to trade. You're dependent on other traders losing. That, you call a victory. For every successful trade on the battlefield, you kill four other people. In that, you take a pride. Never forget that. What you call freedom is merely an illusion, a growing bubble in a prison cell.

    You speak to me as if I shared your perceptions and experiences.

    The goal is not to escape society.

    I don't take pride in taking money from people. 

    I understand that life is an illusion. You should know that your illusions of a prion cell are your own. I am unlimited. 

    On 6/22/2020 at 1:37 AM, SirVladimir said:

    Trading makes our egos more observant in charts, disciplined and sneaky. Imagine if trading actually made your ego shut up. All those yogis, monks, hermits and psychonauts were wrong the whole time. Damn. Instead, why don't they start trading, because trading shuts up their egos. If anything, trading itself is the very reason through which your ego craves survival. 

    Trading obviously isn't the first route to enlightenment. You are giving your Ego way to much attention. 

  5. 20 hours ago, SirVladimir said:

    Hear me out when I say, brother, you don't need freedom to fill your days with emptiness. You've come up with all these reasons, when in fact deep down you're hollow. Trading doesn't give you freedom from bosses because now you're tied to screens and charts. You feel stressed. It seems like freedom from an Orange perspective, because suddenly you're not tied to a chair, because can travel.

    Freedom is only one part of the many positives I receive. Your perception is not mine. I am not hollow.

  6. On 6/18/2020 at 10:51 AM, SirVladimir said:

    @Chakra Lion They sound to me like backwards rationalizations of the fact that we traders are not helping the world in any way.

    I don't agree. You can trade ethically and conscious by investing in companies that you want to see thrive. I have a portfolio with a Vegan ETF, non animal cruelty ETF, solar/green energy,  cannabis stocks, and investing money into those stocks only grows support and trust in society that this is a desired future. And the money that you make, the wealth that sprinkles down when your working on the 1 minute chart, that is like stealing from the rich, and that wealth should then circulate around your community and ultimately increase the well being of


    On 6/19/2020 at 4:11 PM, crab12 said:

    That's incredible you are able to pull consistent profit trading cryptos. Ever since the barting with deep down candles started it's been very very difficult. I imagine only longer timeframes work now. What timeframes do you trade?

    Yea, the whales are certainly alive and well. If I use leverage I try to scalp out asap. Quick and easy $100 profit if you have 1 bitcoin and you buy when a big candle in either direction is beginning to reverse. And when your on the minute by minute chart, its like being inside of the mine and you can see what the herd will most likely do. If I'm observing I stay on the 5 minute. Just easier to see the trend and catch a big candle forming. And when I am in a trade, I stay on the minute chart unless its calm and i'm comfortable. 


    @Abhishaik Thanks for sharing. I've heard great things about Chain Link. And when mainstream catches on to crytpo, wealth will eventually move online, like it already is, but paper money no doubt has its good years behind it.  Lets be the Robinhoods of the 21st century and due our part in sprinkling the wealth down from the selfish. 

  7. I would compare the human with a computer and think of memory as saved or programmed experiences. The molecules in our body follow default settings to bring life to conscious beings. And using saved programs or tools like Symmetry, the computer is able to build and improve. The nervous system is the wire that pumps the heart-drive and starts the fan of air flow so that the Brain can receive its energy to receive information and download the desired game. Like a Memory Card that is filled with saved files.

    @TheUniverseIsLove What have you found? 

  8. @Son of leo You are making assumptions that your friends are doing better than you. Posting pictures online and having to proof some kind of lifestyle daily to a group of mostly strangers is not as filling as it might appear.

    Why would you not want your friends to grow and be happy? You can't love them cause you don't love yourself enough to love your self and be honest that you are jealous because you are unhappy with your life and need to distract yourself from dealing with it by hating on the ones who have what you don't have. And you want to take that away so they are down on your level and you don't have to feel like shit. Cause now Shit is the NEW COOL! 

    Get a hobby. Grow. Learn. Think. Put structure into your life, stop doing the things that are keeping you down, that you know are draining your spirit, but you continue to do the same shit routine, so that you can confirm the reality that you are living a shit life and your shit friends are shit. Its all just a choice. Choice of Perspective. But you can't change that until you love yourself enough to change it. GET MAD! DO SOMETHING! CHANGE IT!!! 

  9. Reading the Bible is nice, that way you get your own ideas from the words that Jesus spoke. He preaches Love and selflessness to the maximum. And if you have a clear mind, the words will speak to you personally. You can definitely learn from the story regardless of its truth or not. If you want to believe its real, then that is your free will to do so, and the same goes for any other truth one finds on the path. But to me, organized religion is just not personal enough. That's not to say its wrong. The Church exists, all Communities exists to have the stronger beings bring healing to the weaker ones. Maybe weaker of Body, Mind, or Spirit. And coming together is healing. Being alone can be hard. 

    I have principles that come before any truth, and that helps when choices have to be made. That way every decision is based on a principle like freedom. And if going to church limits me, which to me it did, then I can't do it. And it wasn't until graduating High School that I was able to leave the Cult-ure of Catholicism and delete the guilt and shame I would feel about so many things. Its Brainwashing like all things if you get to deep. And when there is enough to explore and make sense off, suddenly its your life. And your living based of a structure, and when you leave that structure, it sends alarms. But that was my own experience. You will have yours. Take the positives, grow and be at peace. Just follow your heart. And Love every second of it.  


  10. On 6/12/2020 at 5:24 AM, Nichts said:

    Has anybody gone through something similar and has any tips for dealing with this resistance?

    This one time at band camp. I instantly awoke into this reality where I was standing in the center of this enclosed ring, and this dark and overwhelming being came down and because of my negative mindset before entering the trip, I just panicked and wanted to get out of it immediately.These loud alarms were going off in my head, and the whole visual perception was breathing in and out in a frantic way. Like a moment in Hell. It took me a second to get out of the trip, but when I did, my dog was in front of me with her third eye staring at me. I just bend over and hid my face in her fur. My heart was racing, and when I heard my new roommates footsteps outside my door, I wondered if I yelled or what had happened. It was all okay in the end. 

    Since then, I never use for entertainment or pleasure. It is a powerful tool that will change you every time. It needs to be respected, and taken with love. Also dosage is important. Start with 1 hit. Give it a moment, and feel yourself. If it wants you to take more, it will let you know. Trust. You'd be surprised by how heavy it can get with just one small hit that is taken with great care and held in for as long as feels comfortable. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, DaHonorableCourt said:

    For example an animal would never sacrifice himself. But there are plenty of examples of humans who sacrificed themselves.

    Google Altruism in Animals. Certain Spiders let their babies eat them after birth. 

    10 minutes ago, DaHonorableCourt said:

    On the other hand we are more selfish. We create entire narratives around ourselves. We can be narcissistic etc. Animals can’t do this.


    Have you ever met a Cat?

  12. What is after death if not life? Death is just an illusion, a construct created to bring realness and structure to this limited reality.

    Life is never ending. You will not awaken to the God Awareness by pretending you are part of the illusion. Or not knowing you are in an illusion. 

    Mahasamadhi cannot be forced or pushed by an ego that thinks its time has come. Or wanting to become something more than what it already is. 

    Mahasamadhi describes the moment when a being knowingly gives itself back to the earth. Its not a destination. It is just to show that this soul has already become infinite and all knowing in its yet limited form. Depending on your religious teaching, you will see that this final samadhi is not possible without achieving the many lower teachings. Therefore they have already died long before the physical body does. 

  13. You would just fall back into the dream of thinking that you need to kill the limited being to become unlimited. A cycle of discontent. A nightmare. 

    You don't become enlightened after death. And with Suicide, its like throwing the gift away, hoping to receive a better gift.

    An Enlightened being would have no need to kill the limited body to transcend its infinite mind. 

    Thanks for the thought provoking question. :)