King Merk

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Posts posted by King Merk

  1. You’re dating a married woman and upset that she’s fucking her husband.

    Read that again to realize how ridiculous you sound….

    I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with your relationship to her. I just want you to see it for what it is.

    You’re blinded by your emotions right and and growing more & more addicted to her pussy.

    I can’t tell you what’s best for you but I suggest moving away as you originally planned. And get better with women. If you weren’t in a place of scarcity with women then you wouldn’t be putting up with this shit. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

    I guess low stimulation?


    Yea kind of. It’s like porn is too much stimulation which results in a real woman being too low of stimulation. Then it’s super hard for me to cum and find pleasure in the interaction. Which is obviously unhealthy.

    I’m like two weeks in with zero porn and my sex life has improved a ton. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with masturbation per sey but it seems porn is pretty detrimental to my sex life. 

  3. As someone who has a deep understanding of human biomechanics I suggest minimizing time spent in chairs.

    Personally I do all my work while sitting in the ground or on a meditation cushion. I have a Japanese style floor table that I use as my desk.

    I also don’t own a couch or any chairs in my home. They’re terrible for your joints

  4. Does anyone remember what video or blog post that Leo references Satcitananda in?

    I remember him referring to its as the holy trinity of Truth, Consciousness, Love (rather than the more traditional interpretations of Truth, Consciousness, Bliss) but I can’t remember where exactly I heard this.

    I’m specifically interested in the rational of his usage of the word love rather than the word bliss or happiness. 


  5. When I was 21 I started dating a woman who was 34.

    We were together for two years and it was one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve ever been in.

    Relationships are about so much more than age. Abuse can happen at any age.

    Will there be older men that favor younger women because of their physical beauty? Duh. But there’s also younger women who favor older men because of their emotional maturity and financial stability.

    Everyone has certain things they looks for in relationships and if you’re less consciously developed then you’ll be dominated by more basic survival needs like a nice ass or money in the wallet. 


  6. Yea I gave up on “fitting in” a long time ago. I find it’s a lot more beneficial to go deep within yourself to find out who you truly are.

    I feel like lots of solitude is important for us INFJs. Especially when discovering one’s self but also remember that there’s blessings in going out and interacting with others. Even if you feel misunderstood around them.

    Besides, if you’re a true INFJ you’re quite different to most people. Of course you’re misunderstood. I mean hell, do you even understand yourself? That’s no easy feat.

    I just do shit I enjoy like rock climbing, jui jitsu and spirituality. Then my community of friends/acquaintances naturally evolved out of those areas.

    For work I’m currently a youth counselor at a psychiatric hospital but I was a personal trainer for about 5 years. For me the fulfillment is in helping other and having a vision/impact.

  7. 1. I’d love to see some in person retreats about god realization or your new alien whatever the fuck thing

    2. Dark mode as suggest by multiple others

    3. Daily post limits or some other form of post regulation so the same few people don’t spam every thread (you know who you are)

    4. More courses please. Like seriously. Take my fucking money already.

    I’ve gone through the LPC 3 times in the last six years or so and it’s been life changing. I see courses as being some of the most profound influence you can have on people.

    For example, I’ll do every exercise and  worksheet in your paid courses but your free videos I don’t often do those. By creating a paywall you get my investment and I take those videos & exercises more seriously 

  8. I’ve tried plant based and while I didn’t feel like shit I certainly didn’t feel near as good as I do on carnivore.

    I’m to the point where I just really don’t give a shit what any study or expert says. They are all at conflict each other anyways.

    I listen to my body and eat intuitively. Thats naturally a high fat and low carbohydrate diet that’s primarily composed of red meats. All grass fed and organic.

    I’ve never felt better eating animal based. My joint pains, brain fog, gum gingivitis and bloating all went away when I made the switch. I struggled with all these issues bad while eating plants so that’s all the feedback I need ??‍♂️

  9. You don’t understand… I’m a borderline masochist. I run marathons and do jui jitsu. I’m no stranger to discomfort and THIS SHIT SUCKS.

    A couple of my friends who tried it with me couldn’t even keep it in their stomach long enough to experience the trip. They both puked within the first hour or two.

    I didn’t experiment with the extractions because I didn’t want anything to do with HBWR or morning glory seeds after a couple of trips each. It felt like a tree was growing in my stomach. 

    That said I’d usually just grind them up and put them in apple sauce (which ruined my love for applesauce as an istant food aversion developed) 

    If you’re going to do them then it makes sense to do the highest quality extraction possible for you to minimize the nausea & other negative side effects

    Other psychs are too easy for me to access to justify experimenting with extraction methods

    That said, LSA is a beautiful molecule if you’re willing to suffer through the sides