Eu Sint

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Everything posted by Eu Sint

  1. Uddiyana Bandha and Nauli Kryia are two powerfull pranayama technique.Check this.
  2. @Yonkon Even if you meditate 30 years continuously and have an exemplary behavior but have not yet reached liberation, all these will still generate karma but positive, in this case. So become aware of your true nature as Pure Consciousness and karma generation will stop.❤️
  3. Nothing can be said because there is nothing to say. It’s simply This .....
  4. ?And THIS is Pure Joy of Liberation.❤️
  5. @purerogue This is like fishing, the right bait for the right fish. If at least one of the listeners is the right man at the right place, then it all makes sense and he didn't talk in vain on the walls. However, no teacher speaks in vain, once the seed is planted, the time will come and the time will sprout and grow.Everything has a meaningless meaning. .@fi1ghtclubis like you pay attention to your attention.
  6. ? It is as if you were electrocuted for the first time in your life and you have that amazing reaction in which you realize that this is how it feels when you are electrocuted and not otherwise. It's that subtle, detached sensation that this is exactly how it should be . It is that intuitive sensation that leaves no doubt that this is the truth. It is not like a mental narrative story but it is like a spontaneous occurrence that suddenly strikes you, leaving you no time to react with pros or cons. Instantly you recognize this as “revelation.” This recognition also comes with clear, short-lived imaginative constructions that make the revelation even more meaning while also strengthening authenticity. In the depth of consciousness there is no doubt that it could be otherwise. All these insights appear on the background of a state of witness, peace and mental calmness being followed by a deep awareness.? ❤️
  7. Nice analogy @Nahm and good explanation. @Javfly33 Consciousness is Everything, even this body that will die. This mortal body is included in consciousness. Consciousness cannot be transferred anywhere, because there can be no place outside the Infinite Consciousness that You are. You are everywhere and everywhere, so you are infinite. You are the substrate in which everything happens and from which everything is created.❤️
  8. You have to pay all your attention to the one who is unchanged and eternal, who is always the same, and not to the suffering body-mind that undergoes changes and changes every nanosecond. That is You the Real One. You must first separate from Everything, and then realize that You are Everything. Because it is not a big deal, for this reason it is difficult for anyone to obtain enlightenment.❤️
  9. From my own experience I can tell you that I started with 225ug every month for a period of 6 months. I know it was a high dose for a beginner, but I listened to my intuition and prepared myself psychically as it should be several months before for this moment. But thus I had the first mystical experience with LSD which completely changed the course of spiritual evolution. Then I increased the dose to 330ug every month for another 6 months. The longer period of one month break between trips, helped me to integrate properly “the achievements.” I never used microdose, because for me psychedelics were "now or never" But as the @Serotoninluv and @acidgoofy said, we each have a different body chemistry and a different karma. Try to find your own balanced rhythm, using the information received with discernment and wisdom.❤️
  10. The only practice without which you cannot access the enlightenment and which you cannot dispose of after enlightenment is the practice of silence. In fact, between the practice of silence, the Silence itself and You, there is no difference because You are Pure Silence aware of itself. From Silence everything is born and in Silence everything dies.Only Pure Silence is Pure Eternal Presence.❤️
  11. Be the observer of your thoughts, and do not identify with any. Do not cling to them and do not believe them. Separate yourself from the flow of thoughts and become this silent and detached observer. Make this observation your practice at any time. When you go to work and you are on the bus or train, instead of reading the newspaper or listening to the music you observe the thoughts, when you cook you observe the thoughts, when you walk on the street you observe them. This should be your number 1 practice, which you should always do, not only during the time allocated to meditation, but at any moment so freely, in which you do not need to use your mind. Watch your mind with vigilance and attention like a tiger when hunting for prey. When you are not attached to your thoughts and you do not believe them you are happy, because then you realize that you are happiness itself. If the thoughts are transient and the happiness brought by them is just as transient. You are the silent witness eternal happy.❤️
  12. We long for freedom all our lives and when we have it , do not know what to do with it.❤️
  13. Indeed, but for the one who is not firmly established in this permanent awareness of his ultimate reality as Pure Consciousness, there are still comes and goes, real and unreal. It’s True ❤️
  14. 99’% of people are capable, but just 1% of them are able to really see right Here and Now.❤️
  15. What if you were trying to remove the mental labels that attach to these experiences and only experience them as deeply as you can, as if it were something new, never known until now and for which there is no matching label. Just let yourself be carried by these energies, moved with them, be one with them to the subtlest details. What if you replace fear with curiosity?You call it death, but have you ever experienced death ? You know what it's like to die, so that you can be scared ?Aren't you afraid of your own imagination? Think about this.Contemplate. ❤️
  16. You must establish yourself firmly and effortlessly in this “state without no -state. “ You must remain permanently aware in this substrate of Peace, because all are born in it and all die in it. This Silence is eternal .Only from this Quietness can you see that this game is played only by self-awareness. This is how you act without doing any action. Thus you can function in the world unaffected by the world, because you are always Pure Consciousness.. THIS is still something ? THIS is beyond THIS.❤️
  17. Everything is happening simultaneously in this unique moment, Now. And nothing really happens. Because you are here only You as the Only One Consciousness. You are the Real One. You are the screen on which the film is projected, whether it is a film of love, war, horror, fantasy, etc. You are the screen that remains unaffected by the movie. You are the same unchanged screen before the movie starts, during the movie and after its completion. You have never been anything other than This.❤️?
  18. Rakia connecting People. (živeli) ♥️ If you drink to much Rakija enlightenment will feel horrifying, if you drink just one shot enlighttenment will fell amazing.??❤️
  19. What you want to do now sounds as if you want to give it a finite form of infinity. You will never be able. Do you want the finite mind to understand infinity? Go beyond the mind through direct experience and you will experience the infinite plenary.❤️
  20. It's like, I'm aware i’m This , but this is an unknown . And if This is unknown, it only remains that I am aware that I am conscious. This Consciousness is the only one that remains as a mysterious unknown. Indeed ?When you don't know anything then you know everything.
  21. spent quite a long time trying to find a place to catch myself, how to describe myself, or what form I can take and I found nothing ,just this "nothing". However, this had a powerful impact because it facilitated the full and deep understanding of all the facets of this priceless jewel about Leo and not only him spoken. But even they cannot accurately describe this unknown magic. Until finally I gave up explaining the inexplicable and accepted this: What I am cannot say or describe. Who I am, again I cannot say, but I feel so present here and now. I am this unknown seemingly soundable but impossible to probe. I am this unknown that exists beyond Me. As a conclusion I can put everything in this form "I AM THAT" or "IS JUST THIS". THIS or THAT meaning the unknown. The unknown who recognizes himself as unknown. What remains in the end (although there is no end), only this Permanent Silence as a Pure Presence. As I write these lines I am aware that it does not even represent 0, 000000000.......000000000000000000000000000001% of the Ultimate Truth and I can no longer post them, but I do?. This is just a humble attempt to describe Myself, to Myself.? THIS