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Posts posted by Tanz

  1. @Sizeable Oof There is smaller truths and larger truths.  The smaller truth is nazi's did something bad, the larger truth is all the children born from it and after it.  The immigrants that came to US or elsewhere from WWII feel in love with someone in America and they had children and their childrens childrens had children.

    Chinese people from China have universal healthcare, they also have the highest percentage of millionaires in the world....sure they have problems but many other countries do as well.  

  2. @Raptorsin7 The problems I would fix are more than money problems. In fact most problems are not money ones but if I could change a single thing, I would make a radical change to education.  
    If I cant make the changes in mainstream schools, I would create a non-profit education center available for people from the ages 5-18 as an after school program.  This would pretty much make mainstream education obsolete.  Our central goal would be to create leaders, innovators, community experts for society. 
    Second tier for young adults and adults would be structured like a think tank minus the venture or fund manager as a beneficiary where people with a central goal to build anything or change anything in society can gather to find like-minded people to work with them.   

  3. @Annoynymous Ive always questioned the super-rich including Bill Gates on their real intentions because I see so many problems in their respective countries and why they dont feel a need to "fix" them.  But at the same time, Bill Gates does much more than I am doing so at least he is impacting in the way he feels is important to him.  

    Its possible Bill Gates and these people that are "doing good" are just diluted within themselves and live in a bubble that makes them unable to see their own shadows.  Their consciousness level is a super orange and early green so their ability to solve problems are only at that level and if that is the case they really just don't know any better.  

  4. @electroBeam It should be irrelevant if Leo is at THE highest teachings or ANYONE is at the ultimate level of teaching. 
    What is important is how well you execute what you do know in your life directly.  Not a direct quote but Bruce Lee said he fears a man that practices one kick 1000 times more than a man that practices 1000 different kicks.  

    At this point, Leo has said many things and hit on topics that overlap each other since he's done so much content.  The videos from here just offer different layers that may help you understand what is already inside you. Depending on where in your life you are, even listening to the same video a year from now may give you more depth and you may even pick up something new that you didnt pick up before.  


  5. Since Leo isn't married. I doubt he should or would do a video on such a topic. 

    My personal experience about marriage and kids is it serves as a great learning tool of understanding what love is.

    Historically marriage was for survival and the betterment or evolution of our species. Having a father figure around to teach the kids is an attempt to make sure the species can learn from mistakes... Humanity is obviously slow at learning regardless.

  6. Create your own community and make friends from them.  Introduce your mom to your friends.  

    You essentially need to shine so bright they can't ignore you.  Then without having to talk to them or change them, they will change automatically through osmosis.

    Shinning would require you to become independent, be a leader in your community, and make some money while sharing it with them.  
    It would take a lot of patience though and may halt your personal growth but on the other hand if you can elevate those that you love the most, it makes it meaningful.

    On a more personal side of you, if you really love them, there isn't a reason they should change for you.    

  7. @TRUTHWITHCAPITALT Bernie and Yang would easily beat Trump... in fact, Yang has more cross-appeal and lots of Trump voters would vote for Yang over Bernie.  There are a lot of ignorant people that are on the right believe Bernie is a communist.  

    The DNC isnt giving Bernie, Yang or Gabbard any love.  Its possible that the dems will pick the others even at the cost of losing the election to Trump.  This is because Trump is making a lot of money for wallstreet, elite right wing, and neo-liberal elite.  

  8. The western society.  The I is more valued than the WHOLE or the WE.  Based on spiral dynamics the I is essential for stage orange.  

    Its much easier to create systems that focus the I first when creating something and takes far more evolution to create something from for the WHOLE.  

    Also if you are too focused on truth, it's easy to skip many steps to obtain that.  Something that a country like India is guilty of.  A union between east/west, material/immaterial is essential for one's spiritual growth.