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Posts posted by Raptorsin7

  1. @Nahm Can you clarify the following:

    1. Why does a dream board work? What is the process underlying the supposed success of this device.

    2. How do we know if we are using the board properly. What is the difference between two identical people who hear this advice, one person who actually manifests from there dream board, and another person who has no growth during that same time span.

    3. Is the dream board a habit like meditatoin, in the sense that it should be consistently applied for a long duration of time. Are you as confident in the value of a dream board as you are you in the value of meditation. If a person could only do one or the other, meditation or dream board, which would you recommend and why?

  2. November 5th 2019

    First Meal: Large Coffee 1 cream 1 sugar + Banana Pecan Muffin- Tim Horton's

    Second Meal: Chicken Teriyaki Rich Bowl- Earls

    Third Meal: Small Pepperoni Pizza- Boston Pizza

    Fourth Meal: Kale + Spinach + Banana + Peanut Butter + Almond Milk Smoothie - Homemade

  3. How much meditation and/or yoga per day is required to  dramatically change one's mood and overall satisfaction in life. I have been in a rut recently, and I had the thought of basically "overdosing" on meditation and yoga, by practicing for 3+ hours per day, to see if i can dramatically improve the quality of my life. I have a lot of free time, and I can realistically practice yoga and meditation combined for 3+ hours per day. Is this an effective strategy? Is there an ideal amount of practice for a single day; at what point does diminishing returns kick in? Other thoughts?

  4. 12 hours ago, Nahm said:

    If down the road you actually choose the willingness to inspect this sneakery of ol’, hit me up. 

    I am eternally grateful for whatever you write, I can't wait to read it all. Thank you.

    Bullshit. You pulled the rug out from receiving anything from anyone with your previous statement. Sneaky. Been there. Sucks real bad. A man can drive himself crazy with such sneakiness. 

    @Nahm What do you mean by this? If someone were honest with you about their perceived depression do you think you could get them out of it?

  5. I want to improve my diet. I eat take out for almost every meal, aside from the occasional kale smoothie or grilled fish filet. I feel like my diet could be holding my personal development back, and I need to finally address this problem. I am still skeptical about how important diet is to self actualization, but I need to test this for myself. 

    I am not ready for advanced meditation practice. I remember reading a post a while ago about how some people need to do ordinary self development before beginning advanced meditation, like a self inquiry practice. I used to think i was above that, but I feel like I am one of those people. I am not living the life I want to live, and right now i'm looking to meditation and yoga as practices that will satisfy my life. But i feel like I need to do ordinary self development first. 

    I don't understand spiral dynamics yet, but I feel like this could be an example of me trying to skip stages by ignoring my diet. 

    The purpose of this thread will be to track my diet every day. I am going to record all my meals, and maybe in the future i will include how my mood is changing with my changing diet. 

  6. The past few days have been rough. I haven't meditated in three days, and I really had a bad time going back home to see my family. I've been hoping for a while that through meditation, yoga, etc my life would just improve on its own and i wouldn't need to actually DO anything other than put in the work in the habits and let it unfold. I think that's bull shit. I see so many people talking on this forum about giving up thoughts, giving up control, etc but i think i'm misunderstanding the advice or I just don't fucking buy it. I need to actively shape my life.

    I realize I need to do start small, and do the little things that are nagging at me. For example, cleaning my apartment fully, talking to my landlord about getting a new set of keys, and/or adding an extra hour to my meditation practice. I need to DO things in order for my life to change. I feel like i know exactly what i need to do, now i just need to start DOING it. 

    I feel like i'm at square 1 again since starting law school. I gained some momentum when i started school but I feel like i fell back in the same old rut. But i heard david goggins talking about how he always ended up back at the same rut, and how he learned to keep climbing out. I think that's what I need to do. Just keep on fighting my way out through sheer will and action. I feel I know what to do, I need to stop listening to all the fucking idiots around me who think they know what the fuck is going, if i'm going to improve my life i am the one who has to do it. I know people are trying to help, and some advice is genuinely amazing. But i just get a bad fucking feeling about all the fucking advice getting thrown around and i'm still just sitting here not happy because without action there is FUCKING NOTHING. Advice means nothing without the will to act and follow through, and that is my biggest fucking weakness is ACTING. I need to fucking act, not ask for fucking advice. 

    I think i need to stop swearing so much, but that's a fucking problem for a later stage in my development.

  7. There is a girl in my class who is a religious Christian, and she was explaining to me how she has religious experiences frequently. For example, she said when she goes to church or prays she has experiences that reaffirm her belief in her religion. Are these frequent religious experiences the same kind of experiences enlightened people have? What do you guys think about religious people who have enlightenment experiences outside of a meditative context? 

    It was very interesting talking to her because she said people usually think she's crazy when she brings up those kinds of life changing religious experiences. But I think those are the exact kinds of experiences i am after through my meditation, but i never thought about how there are deeply religious people who got to late game spirituality without a formal meditation practice.

  8. I feel very depressed today. i went on a date with a girl but i am not too interested in this situation, but I also want to hook up with someone so i'm still talking to her. I feel bad about this situation, ahh but I feel like I need to see this situation through. Very tough

    I have been lowering my meditation to about 30 minutes per day, I need to get my times back up. I wonder if I meditate for 2 or 3 hours per day for a stretch if it will cure my depression. I should definitely try this.

    I went to yoga today, and my negative mood affected my practice and how i interacted with my instructor. I was very needy and annoying, ahhh so frustrating. I just want these dark cycles in my life to pass, or at least I need to learn to be productive during these cycles. I WANT TO BE BETTER.

  9. Sometimes i recognize i'm in a bad mood, or i'm feeling lazy and i don't want to do something i know i have to do. In these cases how can i use meditation in the moment to get me feeling better. Recently i've been trying to let go in the present moment, but deep down I feel like this won't work and the negative feelings usually resurface. How do you deal with these kinds of emotions? 

    Finally, can you give a few steps of description going over how you would use meditation to deal with the problem. For example, 1. Aware of negative emotion 2. Become fully present of the feeling. 3. Let go by fully embracing the feeling for a few seconds.
