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Posts posted by Bodigger

  1. 11 hours ago, SOUL said:

    It's in the US constitution..... allowing a corporation, group or individual to deny health care to someone because of belief, race, gender, nation of origin, creed or even profit violates their rights as a citizen. So to ensure the general welfare it is the government's duty and imperative to establish and protect the citizen's rights and to promote the general welfare of all it's citizens.... that includes but isn't limited to health care, clean water, safe food, safe housing, education, a safe working environment, living wage, fair market practices, preserving a clean environment, a stable currency and others all of which contributes to their general welfare.

    Healthcare is a responsibility, our responsibility, not someone else's responsibility.  Government's duty is to protect you from me, me from you, and us from them.   insuring domestic Tranquility, such as civil rights within the nation, and promoting (encourage) the general welfare is protecting the food and drugs so they are safe for consumption and protect the people as you have mentioned.  However, government's responsibilities regarding healthcare and living wages are only for protecting the people from bad medicine and poor work environments, not implementation of means and methods.  Are you advocating that government give out toothbrushes, soap, and shampoo as a right?  To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity is to help protect the people's rights for liberty, unjust laws, and freedom from tyrannical governments.

    IMO traditional healthcare in the U.S. is narrow minded and basically drug dealing.  I have had serious illnesses and injuries in this life and I have found more help in books, church, the web, people, prayer, and meditation thanks to Leo and this website.  For over 20 years I have watched my parents take more prescribed pills in volume than I have for breakfast.  Is this living or are they walking around in a pickled body.  I thank this Government for being there to protect me, not care for me, this is on the part of the collective and I am grateful to be a part of this collective.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Thomas_VH said:

    Bernie is on a whole other level compared to any other candidate. He is a visionary leader who is way ahead of his time. That is why the status quo is currently fighting him with all they've got; It's darkness fighting Light, and vice versa.

    I agree that Bernie is on another level, however, the status quo is fighting him because they don't think he can beat Trump.  VOX talks about people coming together for Bernie, but they did not discuss the over 45 group and IMHO, this is where Bernie suffers due to his social policies.

  3. 2 hours ago, Annoynymous said:

    Smartphones are not the same as medication. Medications are necessary elements, of which's absence can be lethal for a person. On the other hand, though smartphones have contributed enormously to the human evolution, they are less important relative to medication.

    If government would get out of the healthcare business things would be much more affordable because it would create a more competitive market.  It is not a rite to have cheap healthcare and medicine but I can certainly see a time where many people will push for the rite to have a smartphone.  However, it is nice to see the back and forth discussion.

  4. 1 hour ago, Vladz0r said:

    If we get Trump, our fate will really be in the hands of capitalism

    After watching the debates last night, if we get anyone other than Bernie, this will be our fate.  I like much of what you have illustrated, however, many people have many different ideas on how we get toward our goals and how we would like to see it happen.  In fact, almost all people want the same.  It's how to get there.  This is why it is good that we have many states within a country to implement ideas and see what works and what does not.  We are the United States, not the United Nation.  For instance, Amtrak gets $2 Billion in government subsidies annually and is in the red every year.  Most Americans have never been on Amtrak and are forced to give them Billions to keep it going.  This is no way to run a business.  Also, the education system is collectively in the tank, but many schools do well.  Allowing the individual States to mange their own schools so the nation will observe what works and what is not working.  The Idea that government is the answer to everything has been attempted many times to little achievement. 

  5. Solutions to problems are being discussed and resolved every day.  Reading some of the discussions which took place decades, centuries, and even thousands of years ago, it is a wonder how we have progressed to where we are today.  If we think things are worse than ever, then we do not know the history of mankind.  Leo has said many times that the process needs to take place slowly, and it has.  There is much discussion about what others must do, but having patience with others and continuing to work on ourselves is best.  I find that going into discussions knowing the answer only gives me a headache, and sometimes a heartache.  Exploring differences and becoming Willing to see it differently brings ME peace.  Could it be that, we need only what I need, or I need what we need.......nothing.

  6. I think the foundation of Pete's campaign is based on the Obama campaign.  However, the problem Pete is having is, his campaign comes with baggage where Obama would sit out on votes which may give him controversy during his future presidential run.  IMO Pete is not at a level of consciousness to effectively govern a State, let alone all of them.  Although the United States is shifting toward a higher consciousness, the Country is not ready for Bernie or AOC at this time.  The Consciousness of the United States has become stagnant by situations I will not address on this topic. 

  7. No doubt books will be written.  However, I recall many of the things being said about Trump were said about Ronald Reagan and years later the facts were that Reagan was much more sincere, mindful, intelligent, and honorable than what was said about him at the time.  It will be interesting what will be said about Trump years from now.  One thing for sure is, if it is good for Trump, it will not be said by the media....

  8. I agree with @Leo Gura on this.  I have fallen to the speculation of the end of man and as I am getting older, doing research, and self work, I have found that this has been going on for centuries for this reason.  It is fear based and an attempt to get people to do something such as giving them your money, time, or personal items.  Religions have done this on many occasions in order to get people to church.  As stated, sit with it, and then move on with what feels good to you today, not someone else's perception of the future. 

    Seek to 'know', not to 'know about'

  9. On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 6:29 AM, purerogue said:

    I do not really blame you, he has been slammed by media before he even got elected,  telling you how he is stupid, maniac , second coming of Hitler, if you can't form your own opinion then there is nothing else left then take opinion of others, especially when you are made to think like that every day. 

    In my book he has still done less harm to USA then all previous presidents in long time, even with all controversy and Democrats trying to jump at his throat at every opportunity making baseless accusations, they seem to have some very unhealthy obsession with trying to make him in criminal, to the point it is scary.

    I mean it is circus what is going on there, for now I feel sorry that he has to deal with with all of this, he has still left some time in presidency , so if he really makes some horrible moves I might change my opinion, but for now he is alright. 

    I am surprised their isn't feedback/pushback on this statement.....well said

  10. @Hatfort If the pro-lifers were to accept terminating limits at 5, 10, or 20 weeks they would lose ground in there stance because the pro-choicers ultimately win due to the life being terminated within a certain time period.  Think of it from both dynamic levels, does this make sense? 

    I find it interesting that many pro-lifers do not have a problem with trophy hunting animals and many pro-choicers are enraged if you stepped on a sea turtle egg on the way to the clinic.

    @Leo Gura Would you mind pointing me in a direction where I may find these polls or percentages you are talking about?  I have been unsuccessful in finding anything like the 75% you have been saying. 

  11. So few abortions take place due to health, rape, and other reasons it is worth little discussion, and it would help people in untruths to justify there decision to have an abortion.

    A cutoff time is a problem both sides because if you make it, say 20 weeks, then the pro-choicers are acknowledging that life begins at 21 weeks.  To compromise at anytime between conception and birth would acknowledge life beginning at a certain point.  My question is, if you narrow it down to the day, why would it be acceptable to abort at 140 days and not 141?

  12. Here is what I have found in contemplation.  The truth is that there are billions of people in this world who are suffering.  If these people had the choice to go to any country of their choice, we would still have billions of people suffering, even if they all chose the U.S.  I know many people who have suffered and thought going elsewhere would change their lives for the better, to no avail.  Love.....There are many people who love their children and cause trauma to them, me included, we still neglect, cause physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harm to them and we still Love them.  Empathy....I empathize with many people, and I spend much of my time helping those in need.  It is the ego which say's your empathy is better than mine.   I don't think I am arguing, only stating facts and sharing thoughts, and not attempting to change anyone's views....ARE YOU?  The reason you think it is arguing is because my thoughts and facts don't fit your narrative.  The collective is best when the fortunate go outward and expand.   



  13. 6 hours ago, tenta said:

    Wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned, separating people from their families at the border, making legal immigration difficult and ad hominems towards someone for stating climate change science are also "There, take that!" things, but you easily excused them

    I'm not for vandalism but now you're focusing on that specific example while you easily excused all of the above

    Again why support trump over others?

    Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?

    Separating people from their families - My youngest daughter was born in prison.  She went through withdrawal for quite some time from drugs when she was born.  We fostered her until she was three years old and we then adopted her.  I think this was the best thing for her and I pray that her mother can someday get her life in order so they can establish a relationship.  The reason I tell this story is that children are separated from parents every day and the reason is to protect the children.  Taking children through several countries, risking starvation, injury, rape, torture, and much more, create unnecessary trauma on the children and you think separating them will make it worse.  I don't.  Immigration may be difficult but Trump is not making it that way.  Illegal immigration is making it more difficult and I think we need to work on this first, and this is what Trump is working on.  Immigration needs to be taken up in Congress and Trump is not Congress.  The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration.  I have stated many reasons which I support Trump over the Democrat candidates.  If you would like to talk about a specific subject, pick something which is important to you and lets discuss the differences in thought. 

    I prefer chocolate over vanilla, but I don't hate vanilla......