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About jamsterX

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  1. No 'do-er'...
    No 'do-er'...
    @Paul92 Paul as a biographical, biological, physical entity is constructed fiction. A narrative.
    But there is a True You -- the True Self/No-Self/Nothingness/Void/God. Your true nature is not human but God. You are God thinking it is Paul. So when you realize that you are actually God, you will also realize that God has Will. God has infinite Will, in fact. Paul's will is a tiny splinter off God's infinite Will.
    So in a sense you will discover Paul was never really in control.
    But then you will also discover that since you are God, you control and create everything. As God, you have Will which you can use to create. So literally God allocates a tiny percentage of its infinite Will to this body of Paul's so that it could create a life. As a human your creative capacities are not infinite, they are limited so long as you are in a human form. If you exit the human form your creative power will be infinite, you can literally materialize physical objects out of thin air. But at this point you're not a human any more, you are the Godhead. You are that which you were before you were born.
    In the end, everything is God's choice. But the kicker is, you're God! But simultaneously you're human
    None of this is to be believed. You must discover if it is true through consciousness practices.
    The more conscious you become the more of God's Will will be at your disposal. Eventually you and God will merge into one such there will be zero distance between your lifting a finger and God willing it so.
    The definition of a devil is someone who thinks he is separate from God. The devil seeks to separate itself from God and rule using his own will. But the devil is always just a partition within God. So the devil is tricking itself into thinking that it is in control. Eventually the devil must surrender control and accept that it was God all along. This merges the devil back into God as if the separation never even happened. That's nonduality in a nutshell. Nonduality polarizes into duality and then depolarizes back into nonduality.
    God is the doing non-doer

  2. Notes
    Does Reading Interfere With Being In The NOW ?
    Here's a fun exercise: journal about "what is an action?" What is the relationship between thought and action?

  3. All Personal Questions For Leo
    All Personal Questions For Leo
    Not sure why it's necessary to restart it. Just finish it from beginning to end. And if you leave off half-way, pick it up where you left it.
    Sure, you could re-visit again next year, just to refresh your memory.
    But I would rather you focus that energy on reading the books, for example. They will keep taking you deeper, and should remind you of many of the things I said in the course.
    Actually, right now I'm finding my growth is so fast, I cannot predict where it will go.
    Maybe I'll go live in a cave next month.
    Maybe I'll create a new course.
    Maybe I'll decide to kill myself.
    I'm open to all of it. Cause the illusion of control is becoming pretty obvious now. I'm not in control of Leo. I'm becoming less plan-oriented as I grow.
    I listed the books in rough order of importance. If you haven't read Mastery cover to cover at least twice, you definitely should.
    Thanks, hug back at ya
    We'll see. I don't know where this path will take me.
    How can I quantify my happiness for you?
    No, you cannot be happy without Truth. If you ever awaken, you will instantly understand why. The mechanism is much deeper than merely "my model of happiness" vs "your model of happiness". True happiness is outside all models.
    Yes, there is such a thing as True happiness. It's the annihilation of YOU.
    My life purpose has evolved into embodying Truth. My grail is literally HOLY!
    It's not really a "thing" that one can quit. It's interwoven in my consciousness and understanding of reality.
    I'm definitely past the point of no return as far as enlightenment goes. There's no way I will give up on mastery of enlightenment.
    No, I took no coaching.
    I have done a bit of improv. It's great. Although its not like it will teach you have to shoot great Youtube videos. Those are separate skills.
    You basically just gotta spend 100s of hours speaking in front of a camera.
    I take a lot less than I used to.
    These days I take specific supplements that I've identified I'm lacking, or that I need for detox purposes.
    The most useful ones are the ones your body needs. Get comprehensive bloodwork done, and then you'll know. And you need to experiment with your own body. My body ain't your body.
    Very rarely. It's hard to do that when you run a business of any kind.
    You don't need any prep to do a retreat. Just go with an open mind.
    I've found that $2000 for a retreat -- any quality retreat -- is worth it. But that's me. I probably have more money to spend than you.
    No, seems silly to me.
    About 2 hours.
    Not yet
    It's really not an important goal for me. It will happen on its own.
    Yeah, I've been thinking along those lines. I will be releasing a resource list which will scratch that itch.
    As far as shooting more videos, that's a tricky commitment to make.
    If they're being manipulative spammers or self-promoting, I will ban them. But that's quite rare.
    Very tricky issue. It's probably possible, but we're nowhere close to that I would guess.
    And it's not that they would acquire consciousness. Reality IS consciousness. Consciousness is not something one acquires. It's what reality is. The question you're asking is whether robots can acquire sentience or ego.
    Yes, it's hard. Then again, sustaining a relationship without doing this work is even harder!
    Think about scaling back how much time you waste in your relationships. Perhaps try to keep your interactions shorter and less often, but higher quality. For example, don't be sleeping every day together. Maybe once or twice per week tops.
    That's good. That means Leo is changing.
    In a few years, you will not recognize me at all. And many of you will of course justify that as "Finally, Leo has lost it." That's how it must be. High consciousness doesn't look like high consciousness from the low consciousness perspective, it looks like lower consciousness! OF COURSE! That's the only way low consciousness can persist! So I will be demonized more and more as I develop. That's part of my lot. You'll be demonized too if you make any drastic enough leap in consciousness.
    The old Leo couldn't even fathom what God is. Neither do you.
    You can come to a complete understanding. But the cost is a total annihilation of yourself. If you are squeamish about doing psychedelics, you're not nearly openminded enough to achieve this annihilation on your own. The degree of openmindedness required is ABSOLUTE!
    If you ever awaken from life, you will understand why there is no hesitation. Everything you think of as "life" and everything you value as highest "knowledge" is but a dream.

  4. Sacrifice Of Training
    Sacrifice Of Training
    @Shakazulu You want to satisfy women?
    Work on becoming totally vulnerable. Be so vulnerable that you allow others to become vulnerable. 
    A sex god is someone who inspires other people to let out their inner sex god. See? 
    I've literally had girls cry of joy  after fucking me because they didn't know it was possible to feel so sexually open and unleashed. 
    The greatest sex organ is an integrated, in-tune, in-the-present, open mind. You can make girls come without touching their genitals just because you are so at peace with yourself and them and the situation you find yourselves in. 
    Non neediness + the ability to express sexual desire = the hottest thing in the planet. 
    So your training should first and foremost be about becoming totally vulnerable with yourself here and now forever.
    Get to a point where there is no "effort" involved whatsoever when it comes to opening up to women.
    If you make an effort to please her, stop the effort immediately. If you  make an effort to pretend to ignore her, stop the effort immediately.  If you make an effort to keep up conversation, stop the effort immediately.
    You will find this practice takes an incredible amount of effort. Weak people cannot do this practice.
    Emotionally unintelligent (read: weak) people try to mask their weakness by faking strength. After some time, Emotionally unintelligent people unconsciously make themselves look weaker than ever. And the only people who don't see this pathetic show are Emotionally unintelligent themselves. So Emotionally unintelligent people end up with Emotionally unintelligent people. 
    Only the strongest, most emotionally intelligent people consciously allow themselves the possibility of showing weakness. They are so strong that any weakness is no big deal.
    And only the strongest people will recognize this nuance. So emotionally strong people end up with emotionally strong people. 
    At the beginning, the only real concern should be whether you two are compatible. 
    Not "how can I make myself fit her" 
    Not "what can I say to make her like me"
    Not "how should I present myself? What should I text her? When should I text her? etc." 
    Compatibility should have no effort. 
    The only questions should be:
    "Are we compatible? Are we both self-aware? Are both able to help each other grow?" 
    Learn to be so comfortable being you that people can't help but take notice. 
    This begins before the bedroom. This begins before the approach. This begins before the training room. 
    This begins every moment you take every action NOW.
    The training is itself becoming totally fucking okay with everything NOW. Surrender NOW. Be vulnerable NOW. There is no other time!
    @Leo Gura is right: you will one day realize that girls cannot satisfy you - the only question is when. That said, there are two ways this could go. One is that this is itself what's going to make it so that every single girl goes out of her way to satisfy you, ultimately satisfying you when you find the right one - the only question is when. 
    It seems like a paradox, but you will get it when you go through it.
    And you can't fake this realization. If you fake this realization, you will only delay the realization. 

  5. yguiy
    Strategic Thinking After Reading Book Of Not Knowing
    Man you gotta follow @Nahm's solid advice, If you are really serious about your life purpose (Being a successful musician) and care about producing quality content until the death of your body. 
    From my experience, I can say that there is no shortcut in the long run. I remember practicing guitar blindly for 6 years and making huge momentum. Then all of that crashed and burned in 1 year due to a series of addictions, health issues and depression. Discipline for discipline's sake is the legit way to master your craft and sustain that over a long timeline. In case of your life purpose especially in some very technical field like being a performing musician, there is really no other alternative than solid discipline and practice routine. Cause you know how skipping just a single day of practice disturbs your form.
    And about enlightenment, I think being a disciplined musician itself is a solid path towards that higher consciousness. I'm sure you know many virtuoso musicians (In many genres), who have practically surrendered their whole life to their practice and craft. After some good years, they are not really looking for anything particular. Their solid discipline carry their flow state. That goalless, dedicated practice itself consumes their ego, pride over time. Some of these people are extremely grounded and you can almost feel their aura (the way you feel in front of a guru)
    After a while, practicing those scale runs, chords and songs get mechanical anyway. Start practicing 24/7 awareness on breathing while you practice to keep it fresh and conscious. NEVER let your daily practice become mechanical even if you are doing it for 50 years. Cause it WILL come back to bite your ass. When you are mechanically doing stuff, all sorts of things go on in your mind (mostly unconsciously) which inevitably depletes your mental and physical energy that leads to low conscious behaviors. Every single day counts!
    How about this for a strategy?
    1) 8 hours of solid, conscious music practice (after a while this will become your meditation session). Start block time practicing in 30 min/1 hour chunks instead of planning and grabbing all 8 hours by the balls at the same time (It will seriously demotivate you to practice that day) lol.
    2) 1 hour meditation. 1 hour breathing techniques + exercise/yoga. 1 hour PD stuff (visualization, affirmation, journaling, reading)
    then you got 5 hours still left in day to rest, maintain relationships, do other stuff, enjoy nature, studying more etc. (24/7 mindfulness goes on  ) even if you sleep 8 hours. Make a routine that suits you most at your particular life situation.
    Then maybe take 2 vacations every year for psychedelic/solo retreats. Consider trying this out. I think you can discipline yourself easier as you already got solid meditation practice going on.
    I know it may sound like a very tough and mechanical lifestyle, but remember a musician's life can be either a very fulfilling one or a very miserable one depending on how you build it. Yeah it will consume all of your personal agendas and low consciousness cycle. Yeah It will consume your whole life. But wouldn't a hardcore lifestyle solely towards full enlightenment and understanding do the same thing? 
    Finally, I will attach this link of me playing guitar at almost my peak performance level. Not to brag but to verify that I'm not just throwing 2nd hand knowledge at you. A musician got a HUGE road in front of him. Gotta figure a lot of stuff out and it's very easy to get lost somewhere. That's why staying conscious and strategic in everyday life is the key. All the best!