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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. It means that your mind will constantly think of something. Unless you are powerful or something and you can direct your mind to think of nothing for hours, your mind will be thinking about something. So if you are thinking about nothing right now, nature abhors a vacuum and your mind will think of actualized.org or something. PS: You can also bring to other contexts other than mind stuff.
  2. The red bar at the bottom of YouTube video will go missing sometimes.
  3. Read Gorilla mindset. Instantly transformed from Monkey to Gorilla!
  4. Leo's book list is more than sufficient. In fact, most people won't be able to read 70% as many books as the book list in 5 years.
  5. I don't think there is a conflict at all between constructing own meaning and surrending to God. You have to tell us how and why you get a conflict in the first place in order for us to help you.
  6. The Power of Now by Echkart Tolle
  7. Because Kobe is not just famous, he's also a great leader and more. Nobody talk about the Wuhan Virus here even though more than a 100 died because you dunno any of them. (Part of the reasons)
  8. Yeah considering how healthy Kobe is, he can easily live double this age...and outlive most of you.
  9. Yes all the stuff you listed are energies. All matters vibrates as mentioned so they contain kinetic energy at the very least. Light gives all light energy even though it is supposedly weightless (or lightless pun intended). All electromagnetic waves also gives off energy. Electrical energy gives off energy. Thoughts contain electrical pulses so they also contain energy. So this brings us to magnets. The magnet itself is a matter so it contains energy. As for the magnetic force...not so sure...it's a mystical force. Concepts are just words invented by man. Concepts like Frequency, Math, Art, Gravity do not contain energy although it may involve energy. So other than some weird force like magnetic force or gravitational force, its safe to say most other things contain energy.
  10. Helicopters are too susceptible to weather conditions. And there are also too many moving parts leading to wear and tear. Only 1 engine as opposed to some airplanes having 2 or more engines. Pilots also may like to switch around with controls or go around obstacles, leading to unsafe positions. It's too dangerous.
  11. I deeply respect Kobe and his work. RIP
  12. Ok every matter, living or non living thing is energy. For living things, it's obvious as cells grow and they contains atoms anyway. For non living things, they contain atoms. Atoms consists of protons, neutrons and electrons and we all know electrons move and the rest vibrate. So all non living things is energy.
  13. Energy is the capacity to do work (1 mark)
  14. Watch A beautiful Mind!
  15. Think and grow rich have two rather different versions. One by Hill and the other is a more modern version updated for 21st century.
  16. Yes in the eyes of the law, A fraudulent misrepresentation usually carry greater penalty than negligent or innocent misrepresentation.
  17. Yeah everyone should watch this! Most profound video by Leo ever!
  18. Just switch between books. If you get bored of book A, read book B and then book C and back to book A again. You will read a lot and pretty soon, there won't be book reading problem.
  19. Yes. Maths is the root of all Science as some laymen like to put it. Why? Because Maths is tied to logical thinking, systematic formula and calculations and without the calculations and time, you cannot really do experiments or even observations in Science.
  20. IMO, McGregor was only self actualizing at that moment. Against most opponents, he was confident and then humble in victory. But against Khabib, he was no longer confident. He was starting to pretend. You can tell from his body language when he stepped into the cage with Khabib, he wasn't confident. He wasn't dancing or showboating that much. He did not fight for close to 2 years and he knew he may have lost some edge. Also, Mcgregor being mainly a striker know that Khabib has longer reach and also a good striker. He also knew Khabib is a strong takedown fighter and a strong grappler cum submission specialist. Basically, Mcgregor already knew very well he may lose the fight so his body language was very subdued before the fight.
  21. Take free personality tests online to find out? https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test Anyway, INT/EXT are just words.
  22. I don't think McGregor has low consciousness or high ego. He clearly knows what he is doing most of the time. The only few times he went overboard was with Khabib but it was all for show business but Khabib doesn't get it.
  23. Well, define 'All in on life'? so if let's say I love football, I go all in on watching football, discussing football, gambling even though I am not a football player or staff? LOL