
Energy and life

12 posts in this topic

OK so energy. What is energy? 

I sit and think about the concept of energy. 

Why do we call it energy. 

  • Electricity & batteries? 
  • Solar & Thermal? 
  • Radiation? 
  • Kenetic energy?
  • Potential energy?
  • Vibrations from sound? 
  • Nuclear power? 
  • Chemical? 
  • Is money a form of energy? 
  • Food & Calories ?
  • Mitochondria & ATP? 
  • Sleep creates energy? 
  • Stamina & physiological? 
  • Will power from the mind? 
  • Emotions as energy in motion?
  • Thoughts and ideas? 
  • Attention is energy from the eyes? 
  • Sensations? 
  • Conciousness? 
  • Everything is energy?

So... energy can not be created nor destroyed. Energy is just transferred. Entropy is a weird form of energy that seems chaotic. We go to sleep for the purpose of recharging our energy. We eat plants or animals to convert into ATP energy. Other insects or animals can eat us for a source of energy. Such as a parastism.  Emotions carry a weird energy or vibe. Can people take your energy or attention? Music creates a form of energy in vibrations through sound. We can feel energy from a roaring crowd of people at a sports game. We use a defibrillator to send electrical energy to re·sus·ci·tate the heart (put consciousness back in the body¿).

Even an amazing speech or deep intimate conversation can have a form of energy. In the state of flow a weird momentum of energy comes out.

If there is a soul is it a form energy? 

Energy is such a weird thing to think about. Just putting some thoughts out there about the concept of energy. 

Feel free to add if you know something I didn't think of. Correct me if I am wrong on anything. 

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Ok every matter, living or non living thing is energy.

For living things, it's obvious as cells grow and they contains atoms anyway.

For non living things, they contain atoms. Atoms consists of protons, neutrons and electrons and we all know electrons move and the rest vibrate. So all non living things is energy. 

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Another idea : Decision fatigue. The amount of decisions the mind can make in one day. The max amount of thoughts before the mind is exhausted.


Or just fatigue in general which is the opposite of creating energy. Lacking energy. I question the different forms which cause fatigue:

  • Stress can drain energy
  • Certain food can drain energy
  • Arguments create fatigue 
  • Physical fatigue 
  • Thinking fatigue

The more energy you generate. The more you can create and do. So makes sense to maximize energy and minimize fatigue.  Probably explains why people abuse certain energy drinks to artificially create energy. 


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@NahmThank you saying that! I really have no clue if I'm being rhetorical. I throw ideas on this forum that I've been thinking about over a few months. I recognize that there's so much I'm unaware of. I'm open for opposing views to shine light on my unawareness. I go down these weird rabbit holes but don't truly understand the depth of them fully. 

Feels like I'm going scuba diving with a small flashlight(awareness). I can see certain things but I have no clue how big the abstract idea is. The deeper down the less you can see and the less people around to shine light too. Takes too much energy. I just enjoy the process of going diving. Personally I love scuba diving as a hobby. 


Another thought on this energy thing. I find it interesting how the sun is our main source of energy. The solar heat and energy it produces supports all of life. Without the sun then what would life be? Even gravity is a weird form of energy. Magnetic energy is bizarre too.. Makes me question how much people who study engineering and physics know about this energy thing. 

Edited by Ethan1

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@Ethan1 lol. Awesome. No, I see you are not being rhetorical. From my view, you’re so at the ceiling of knowing, and the cusp of Not Knowing...that honestly, it messes with my mind in very joyful way. Can’t really explain it, but I believe you’ll know what I mean soon. 

Love your scuba analogy. Also, if you don’t mind me saying, your clarity and humbleness is so refreshing. Comes right out the screen, so to speak. Imo, that is the mark of the seeker who seeks Truth, simply, only, and directly for a love of Truth. I see this as a divine calling, of a path which you need do nothing about, as you are already on it with ease.

There’s an interesting paradox of paradigms at play here. There are of course exceptions to this, such as @Serotoninluv (edit: and now that I think about it, all of the mods here)..but generally speaking...the more one studies and works with areas like engineering & physics, the more they know about it, and the less they are seeing what is actual about it. I believe anyone who stares at a rock long enough, Sees the rock as it actually is, and therefore, awakens. Unless of course, this person is a geologist. Then, identity is involved, income, reputation, accolades, etc. Many potential, but not inherently existing, filters are invoked to be seen through. 

Likewise, using the rock analogy for reality itself, there is seeing reality more for what it actually is. As they say, “enlightenment is only the beginning”. From there, insights coagulate just as there is the ‘connecting of dots’ with thoughts forming ideas & concepts. But insights are different, as they are illuminations of Truth, rather than “reality”, or, the Truth in reality. There are “further enlightenments” beyond enlightenment, a seeming paradox of wether awakening is binary or infinite, and it is both, experientially & actuality wise / speaking.  

I believe what you’ll be finding, given your trajectory (which is a delight btw) is there are “orders” or “levels” or “magnitudes” of experiential consciousness, which can’t truly be labelled, but for communication sake, I refer to the coming revelations of the specific nature of your contemplations and inquires as, cosmic consciousness. That is, first the understanding of the most fundamental nature of reality, and then ‘everything changes, and nothing changes’, and these things you, entropy, chaos, thought, emotion... all actually make a most joyful prefect sense. 

You’re no doubt employing a graceful delicate balance of analytic & feeling, thinking. To you, this might be so ‘just how I am’, that it’s tough to even notice. 

You might consider...where’s the sun’s energy coming from? 

Another contemplation might chaos in reality, or the nature of the mind of the observer? And...maybe the double slit reveals another, third perspective.




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“What is energy?” is such a delightful question. You listed many questions related to energetics, which suggests you want to develop a deep, holistic understanding. One thing I find helpful is to be opened to seeing from different dimensions.

One of my favorite things to teach in cellular biology is energy flows during photosynthesis and cellular respiration. To me, memorizing every molecule involved in the Kreb’s cycle is like chewing on tin foil. Yuck. I’m much more interested in how energy flows and is transformed. There are so many energetic forms - wavelengths, photons, excited electrons, electrical and chemical gradients. It’s fascinating. . . . Most students simply take notes and study for exams. Yet occasionally, one will pause and ask “But what is energy, actually?”. I could give a standard definition like “energy is the capacity to do work”. Yet then, what is “capacity”? What is “work”. This eventually will take one into a circular rabbit hole that never ends. In a way, it’s intriguing - in another way it’s a trap. . . . From an analytical perspective, energy is so mysterious. I couldn’t give a definition that captures what energy actually is. 

Yet the science of energetics is like playing in a sandbox, trying to figure out how the plastic shovel and bucket work. The actuality of energy goes well beyond theory. The best way to explore this is through exploration and direct experience. We get out of the sandbox and start exploring what this playground actually is. There are all sorts of ways to do this. Some of my favorites are yoga, exploring nature, eye gazing and psychedelics. Here, trying to figure it out through thought theory can be a deterrent. For example, I may be walking in nature and observe / see / feel an energetic flow. The tendency of the mind is to question it. My mind may ask “Was that real? How would I know? How did that work? Was that some type of electromagnetic phenomena?” This type of stuff is fine - I love exploring this also, but this takes us back up into the area I described above. If I want to explore the actual ISness of now, I’ve got to let that theorizing go. And when it’s let go, a whole new world of exploration through direct experience can arise. You actually are the energetics and are observing / experiencing directly without any thought filters. Last night I had dinner with a Reiki practitioner and I got caught up with trying to figure out what it is. After a few minutes of her trying to explain, she said “why don’ I just show you so you can directly experience it”. I put my hand over her head and relaxed. My hand started feeling warm and tingly. As I immersed into it, I lost track of where her head stopped and my hand begun. I couldn’t tell if the energy / sensations were coming from her head or my hand. . . Then my mind pulled back and started thinking and figuring: “Was that it? How do I know that’s Reiki energy? Maybe I was just nervous putting my hand over her head - and that’s why my hand was warm and tingly. Or maybe it was the meal or high blood pressure”. . . As soon as I started thinking like this, I lost it. I entered a conceptual space and lost connection to the actuality of the energetics occurring Now. 


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@Nahm I appreciate you seeing this as a divine calling. Really do feel like some of these thoughts hold a deeper meaning. A spiritual awaking or a process of enlightenment. I get confused because people talk about an inner light with enlightenment. 

Light is also an energy that comes to mind. Shining light in a dark room. Shining awareness in a room of ignorance or distraction. Even the colors that light projects are different levels of energy. Our eyes pick up this color energy. Light is information too? I question how eyes pick up this light to even create perception.

I'm open to learning from this community. I'm really trying to do some inner work and hear new perspectives on consciousness and energy stuff. Everything you said resonates with me and I feel it. Trying to come with the beginners mind. 


Makes me question reality following these chain of thoughts. I do see where it's important to be grounded with direct experiences rather than mindlessly thinking or being distracted by thoughts. It's easy to let the monkey mind to get lost in this. 

I agree with finding the healthy balance between this. It's all an act of balance of feeling vs thinking. It's one thing to think about energy but another to interact with it. I'm clueless to Reiki but I'm open to new experiences and learning. 

I did something similar with a yoga teacher a year ago I met that claimed to be a healer. She did some form of tapping or psychological acupressure on me. I'm still not sure what I think about it. No clue if it was a placebo effect or what. Was relaxing though. I can relate to what you experienced last night. 

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On 1/25/2020 at 0:00 PM, Ethan1 said:

OK so energy. What is energy? 

I sit and think about the concept of energy. 

Why do we call it energy. 

  • Electricity & batteries? 
  • Solar & Thermal? 
  • Radiation? 
  • Kenetic energy?
  • Potential energy?
  • Vibrations from sound? 
  • Nuclear power? 
  • Chemical? 
  • Is money a form of energy? 
  • Food & Calories ?
  • Mitochondria & ATP? 
  • Sleep creates energy? 
  • Stamina & physiological? 
  • Will power from the mind? 
  • Emotions as energy in motion?
  • Thoughts and ideas? 
  • Attention is energy from the eyes? 
  • Sensations? 
  • Conciousness? 
  • Everything is energy?

So... energy can not be created nor destroyed. Energy is just transferred. Entropy is a weird form of energy that seems chaotic. We go to sleep for the purpose of recharging our energy. We eat plants or animals to convert into ATP energy. Other insects or animals can eat us for a source of energy. Such as a parastism.  Emotions carry a weird energy or vibe. Can people take your energy or attention? Music creates a form of energy in vibrations through sound. We can feel energy from a roaring crowd of people at a sports game. We use a defibrillator to send electrical energy to re·sus·ci·tate the heart (put consciousness back in the body¿).

Even an amazing speech or deep intimate conversation can have a form of energy. In the state of flow a weird momentum of energy comes out.

If there is a soul is it a form energy? 

Energy is such a weird thing to think about. Just putting some thoughts out there about the concept of energy. 

Feel free to add if you know something I didn't think of. Correct me if I am wrong on anything. 

Yes all the stuff you listed are energies.

All matters vibrates as mentioned so they contain kinetic energy at the very least.

Light gives all light energy even though it is supposedly weightless (or lightless pun intended).

All electromagnetic waves also gives off energy.

Electrical energy gives off energy.

Thoughts contain electrical pulses so they also contain energy.


So this brings us to magnets. The magnet itself is a matter so it contains energy. As for the magnetic force...not so's a mystical force.

Concepts are just words invented by man. Concepts like Frequency, Math, Art, Gravity do not contain energy although it may involve energy.

So other than some weird force like magnetic force or gravitational force, its safe to say most other things contain energy.



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18 hours ago, Ethan1 said:

I get confused because people talk about an inner light with enlightenment

Is the speed of light a ceiling, a limit...or how All Experience can be?

What isn’t light?

What isn’t energy?

Why do you suppose, you’re loving all this contemplation & inquiry?

Why’s it have that good, reconnective, wholeness feeling?

Reiki. Ray-Key. Light-Love. 

Go try it.

”In the beginning, God said......

(Swap “firmament” for “forgetting”, and it’s makes a lot more sense)



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