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Posts posted by VeganAwake

  1. 25 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @VeganAwake I don't mind being judged.

    My definition of awakening is you feel so good about your self and your life, that you never ask the question again. Your life is better than you could have ever imagined, and it's basically heaven on earth.

    Also, you perform at your best at whatever you do. You can be sure that you are the absolute best you, you can possibly be. No doubts.

    Also, a complete understanding of reality. There are no questions as to the big picture, existential question. 

    Complete peace.

    Honestly, the list is too long to describe. It's more of a you know it when you see it.

    Those sound really good..❤

    I was a die-hard Seeker for a couple years... the paradox of it all was when I stopped seeking outside of myself and turned within the realizations started happening.

    I remembered listening to an Adyashanti video where he was explaining it's a falling away process and not a gaining.

    I also listened to one of the Leo self-inquiry videos.

    I began to recognize the story of 'ME' wasn't real... I started noticing it was just a bunch of ideas and beliefs that I held about myself... once I caught on to this fact I started dropping the layers immediately and feeling lighter and lighter... it was like taking a bunch of Weight off my shoulders...

    There is a lot of other Awakenings after that, but that was the big shift... needless to say things have never been the same since then.

    Enlightenment isn't for anyone because what was recognized is there aren't any individuals to begin with.

    Enlightenment ends up being what was already the case❤


  2. 9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @VeganAwake Haha very nice. I would have asked you to the same thing. 

    Non-duality wars are not allowed, and I already got a few warnings :D

    We will see who's the most woke though, because when you're fully awake there' s no reason to lie.


    I was thinking more like meditation, yoga things like that.

    What is your definition of Awakening?

    I'm not trying to judge you or anything like that I'm just inquiring?

  3. 33 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @lostmedstudent Don't listen to @VeganAwake the guy is very confused. He's not done with enlightenment work, yet he thinks he is.

    Just him huh? ...but it's okay for everybody else to listen to me... not cool bud... I believe this violates the forums Equal Rights Act of 1974 ERA 1210.

    I truly love you man maybe I can help you wake up... sounds like you've been struggling... shoot me a private message one day and maybe we can talk about it if your open to it ❤




  4. 21 minutes ago, ivory said:

    @lostmedstudent That's not what I gathered from this thread. Life has no inherent meaning, and although that may sound nihilistic it's actually very freeing. No outside source can tell you how you should live your life. You don't have to be a certain way or live to anyone else's standards. That said, life is only worth living if you live in such a way that matters to you. So, one could say, life is radically important.

    Yes absolute complete Freedom for nobody.

    Nothing matters because there isn't anyone here for it to matter for... 

    Crazy right lol ?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Consilience said:

    Here’s an incredibly important counter point: 

    How many sides does a circle have? 0... right... but we notice:

    triangle: 3 sides

    Square: 4 sides

    Pentagon: 5 sides

    Hexagon: 6 sides


    Interestingly, as a polygon’s amount of sides increases its shape naturally starts to transform into a circle. So using our implicit mind abilities, we can see that as a polygon’s number of sides moves towards infinity, it slowly transforms into a circle meaning that an infinite amount of sides and and a 0 amount of sides are mathematically equivalent. 

    This has massive implications on the nature of dualities like “no meaning” and “meaning.”

    Sure what Vegan man writes about here is correct, but it’s still a dualistic perspective which must acknowledge and integrate infinite meaning. No meaning is precisely infinite meaning. Your life is so fucking sacred, so fucking precious and until you can become conscious of this inner divinity, you will not truly understand what no meaning really means. 

    Everything is absolutely infinitely meaningful, perfect, empty, and absolutely nihilistic. ❤️

    This is a non dual message... it's explaining there isn't an individual to have a separate experience...

    It's free it's whole it's complete it's Paradise it's heaven on Earth it's enlightenment... but for No One ❤

  6. 5 minutes ago, Visionary said:

    Yeah man❤, thank you.

    As a beginner I tried to understand this conceptually and this resulted in a lot of repression. But now I kinda understand that, especially thanks to meaninglesness, its rewarding to express anger, hate, jealousy, guilt etc.


    That's awesome to hear ...yes with that freedom embodied one typically starts naturally behaving more neutral because if nothing matters nothing matters...hehe ❤

  7. 3 minutes ago, Visionary said:

    No meaning means everything is already forgiven, everything is loved and there is nothing to gain. The reward of work is the work, ain't it? That makes everything incredibly meaningful. It's like the death and birth of every new moment. Thank god every moment dies into meaninglesness. It makes the universe incredibly meaningful.

    Nice one got it in one Fell Swoop ❤

    Nothing matters = Unconditional love


  8. 9 minutes ago, silene said:

    me too ;) except that when I looked up self-reference I by coincidence discovered the Ouroboros symbol with its links to alchemy, gnosticism, hermeticism, even Jung.  But I think that meaning exists in our imagination. These letters I'm typing right now are just squiggly lines but they are given meaning in the shared space of our collective imagination. 

    Yes things appear as meaningful to the individual who believes there is something to find.

    The secret is there isn't an individual and there's nothing to find lol...

     oh crap my mom just got home I forgot to take out the trash got to go...❤

  9. 9 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    So you are saying that these things doesn't matter at all, and have no meaning or value at all?:


    @Mikael89 yes exactly they don't mean anything or serve any purpose..

    Now someone could say yeah but it made me feel good.. I had a better day

    But feeling good or bad doesn't mean anything it's just what happens..

    And having a better or worse day doesn't mean anything... that's just how it's perceived... and how it's perceived doesn't mean anything either.


  10. @Inliytened1  I'm going to start walking around naked so you don't label me a materialist paradimer..

    No clothes no shoes no jewelry I already don't have any tattoos and I eat vegan does this give me any bonus points at all? Come on I got to get something out of this I'm a materialist ?

    They said that Jesus wore sandals... is this a possibility if I make them myself?

  11. The claim is "Nothing Matters"

    Nothing in the universe has any meaning, purpose or value whatsoever.(this doesn't mean there won't be consequences for your actions... what it means are those consequences don't mean anything either)

    I don't mean this just Absolutely speaking, I mean it in every possible way that anything could mean anything(which it doesn't)....including relative.

    It doesn't matter whether you sit on your couch and eat cookies until your age 42 and die of a heart attack or you become the President of the United States and save the planet from the third world war nuclear attack.

    There is no one here for it to matter for...

    This isn't bad news... this is pure unconditional freedom for No One.

    Nothing you do has any significance. You are just one individual among a species of primate with billions of relatives living on a tiny rock in the middle of nowhere. So why do you worry all the time?

    Why do you fret over what other insignificant primates think about your own insignificance? Who cares what they think? The rest of the Universe certainly doesn’t.

    Why do you panic about deadlines and let that panic paralyze you? Trust me, your work is not worth the panic. Your work doesn’t matter. There’s no point in getting all worked up about work.

    Why do you care so much about getting money? So that you can buy things that don’t matter? If you have enough food to eat, what’s more money going to do anyway?

    Why do you hold on to the hurt from when others have wronged you? What they did has no significance at all. Let it go: set it adrift among the stars and all the empty blackness.

    There is a certain usefulness to the nihilistic vertigo that comes from casting your gaze across a cosmic scale. We silly apes spend so much time fretting and worrying about our imagined importance that we miss out on The Thing.

    The Thing is life is a remarkable and unlikely gift. It doesn’t matter if you are religious or anti-religious, or some more reasonable perspective in between–life is a gift. Some of the power of the Universe coalesced into a little bit of matter and energy that can know it’s here: you. You can see a sunset, climb a tree, kiss another living fragment of the Universe, and laugh. Even more powerful is your ability to extend grace, friendship, and kindness to other bits of the Universe. You can’t do a single thing of cosmic importance. 

    So tell someone to have an amazing day. Tell a stranger that their shoes look awesome. Embrace your smallness when you think about your problems and stress, but own your incredible power when dealing with other living things. You are small, but you are very big to other small things.

    Enjoy the freedom that comes with being alive. Don’t let the grind of all our imaginary importance take away The Thing.

    " Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God"

    - A Course in Miracles


  12. Parsons and Newman have the same message..there may be very subtle differences in the way they explain them that's all. 

    Also Parsons studied Osho's work who pointed out not having a belief system isn't a belief because it doesn't lead to anything... reminds me of the unknowable message from Parsons.

    Just figured I would throw that out there ❤

  13. Negativity can still happen because there is still a conditioned body that may have been abused or taught bad habits and things like that... what has changed though is the identification with the human body / Ego construct as the self, and the resistance to what is has been dropped. There's no longer suffering.

    So basically what happens are these conditioned unhealthy patterns aren't entertained any longer or fed any energy so they are usually drastically reduced if not completely eliminated ...sometimes upon awakening these shadows are surfaced immediately from the subconscious and dissolve in the light of awareness. 

    As Consciousness expands and the further one moves on the path towards Samadhi the less suffering and negative behavior seem to arrise.


  14. 4 hours ago, ivankiss said:


    @VeganAwake "THIS" is consciousness. Otherwise there would be no notion of THIS. No awareness of it. Consciousness is still duality. Surprise! xD


    You are correct from your view point.

    There is existence and something that's conscious of existence..

    That which feels like an observer and is conscious of existence is Maya the illusion of self. There never was a separate conscious observer outside of existence. That's quite literally the illusion itself.

    It's absolutely crazy and irrational.