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Posts posted by JayG84

  1. 4 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

    Can join hands and spin in a circle singing that WE ARE GOD. 
    and that's fine.

    But just as the person + the dance make a single happening: dancer

    same way, JayG84 & SoonHei singing together make a single happening: godliness


    there's one godliness - existence, but it has infinite arms and legs and heads


    branches can all sing together WE ARE THE TREE

    and the TREE sings I AM THE TREE

    Beautiful ??

  2. 1 minute ago, astrokeen said:

    How can God allow such injustice and pain to exist?

    It is pain and injustice in the eyes, feelings and nerves of the person in pain, who lives and functions in the 3D world - which is of God's creation.

    Pain and Injustice, feelings and nerves, lives and functions, are all relative. God is Absolute.

    1 minute ago, Moon said:

    or is God neither omnipotent, omniscient and morally perfect? and just "Love"

    Yes. Absolute Love.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    For sure. We could consider how each dot interacts and impacts other dots in a network. I like observing how dots interact and influence each other. The behavior of one dot can contract, expand, create and collapse other dots. So far, we haven’t added in any value judgements. For example, we could observe all the dots interacting in nature. There is plenty of life, growth, decay, death, sharing, stealing, protecting, killing in nature - yet we can observe this web without any value judgements of what is “selfish”, “good” or “bad”. Of course we could also add in these value judgments and that can have practical use. For example, we might want to conserve a forest - to do so, we need to make value judgements about what is “good” and “bad” for the forest. We may identify invasive plant species that are choking off the trees and we may remove those invasive plants.

    Great post man. To live consciously is realizing that we can choose to assign meaning to the meaninglessness. It's all good and all beautiful. Pick the parts you want to build your own reality out of. ?

  4. 16 minutes ago, freeman194673 said:

    Imagine a slave that has to work 13 hours per day everyday,and then comes God and say to him "that's love actually".

    What if God said, "Don't worry, your suffering will help the world realize one day that we should Love and respect all races as our own, all these lines that divide us are imaginary, and you're suffering will be used as an example to shine a light to the path to enlightenment for the rest of eternity"

    Would that be an act of Love?

    Would the slave accept himself as a teacher if he could see the whole perspective?

  5. 48 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    I dig that. But why can't I say to myself I Will embody the highest love and selflessness by killing people, stealing their money and accumulating it for myself?. You see this moral relativism will eventually lead to nihilism and chaos. Just do whatever the heck you want and it will be love. Let's be real.. No human lives his life actually by that principle.  It's impossible to talk from the absolute perspective. From the absolute perspective anything equals anything. It becomes meaningless when applied in the relative domain. 

    To keep with the infinite web analogy. Any act which expands or contracts of the holes of the web are Love ultimately. (even selfishness is a low conscious form of love for the survival of the ego). But think of how killing and stealing will affect the overall web. That selfish act which expands "your" hole will contract others, expand others, and even collapse some. 

    I don't want to use Hitler as an example, but it's the easiest to go to so here we go. ?

    Hitler's acts were done out of his love for a limited part of his reality. His people, his country, his race, his own self survival. So you can say that he acted out of love, a very limited form of love. But his actions made huge changes in the overall web of reality that we still see today, and will see throughout our lifetimes. Most people will only see the spread of hate that he started (which is just passing on the torch of limited love for the self) which is the expansion of a lot of peoples webs who agreed with him. But by far the biggest effect of what he did was expand the consciousness of the entire world to recognize that what he did was wrong and selfish and that all races and ethnicities should be accepted equally. In other words, he made most the world realize that love and acceptance is the path towards progress and ultimately Enlightenment. 

    That's why when we talk from the Absolute perspective, everything = Love. But from the relative perspective, the way that you expand or contract the hole (whole) of your experience matters a great deal. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, James123 said:

    In order to understand these situation more easily, just know that you are the moment (whatever you see, feel, think, all is you). Because of that there is no me as “I”, and there is no you as “You”. We are identical, which is pure awareness itself. 

    Yep, for sure. "We" is a relative way to say that it's all the Collective Oneness. Fragmented but whole at the same time. ??

  7. 12 minutes ago, dimitri said:

    A lot of points resonate with me apart from:

    "When you die, you collapse your hole in the web (your experience of reality), you de-materialize and become infinite"

    No-no-no. You are not going to die any time soon

    No-no-no. You are not going to become infinite

    You are Infinite now, sitting here forever ;)

    ?? Totally. I just meant "Die" in the relative sense, as in, if you get hit by a truck, your experience of this physical reality will change. A better way to say it probably is, you will realize that you're infinite ?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Yes could you give examples of these acts of love?

    Love is acceptance. So if you show the world complete acceptance just the way that is by understanding it, but realize that our ultimate goal is to help everyone raise their level of consciousness. Like a child that is learning how to read, you accept the child where they're at in their development but you also give them the tools and guide them lovingly to figure it out for themselves. 

    Every action you take or path you wish to choose should come from this perspective of compassion, acceptance, and guidance. ?

  9. 41 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    I get that from the absolute perspective everything is exactly in it's right place and there is nothing that can be added or subtracted. But then again from the relative we could say giving charity is more loving and selfless than killing people and stealing their money.. Right?

    Consciousness is a web of existence. We are the holes in that web (experience). The game we are playing is to collapse all the holes in the web for the web to be whole again (which it always has been in a way). Acts of Love collapse the holes, Selfishness (Fear) expand those holes. The expansion and collapsing of those holes affect every other hole (Karma). All we can do is help collaspe the web one hole at a time with Love. The rest will take care of itself. ?

  10. I've been reading many posts with questions and misconceptions about what people mean when they say "You are God". I thought I would try my best to conceptualize it the way I see it.

    In many ways, that's true. You are God. You are the only "Being", and you're infinite. But like Leo said in his most recent video, This one being is also fragmented into pieces, which is what you are. So it is also true to say that Others exist, and "We are God". We are sharing the same Consciousness. This is why sharing is an act of Love, because we are being selfless and reuniting as One and we feel whole again.

    This is where the notion of Solipsism breaks down. Many are misinterpreting it as "I am God, I'm the only thing that exists, all of you are happening in my experience, my parents don't exist, all of you are here to serve me, etc etc etc." Which, in a sense, is all true. But that's still a lot of the ego wanting to be in control of the situation. It's more nuanced than that. We are, in many ways, "real". I am real in my experience, and I am also real in your experience. You are real in my experience, and you are real in your experience. In turn, we are all connected in an infinite web of conscious experience. Even though it's "An Illusion" it's only an Illusion in relation to what we think real is. If we expand our definition from "physical" to "experiential", then we very much do exist because "Existence" is all there is. Everything we know as Phyisical or Reality is happening because of limits we place on infinite possiblity. So when people ask "why can't I materialize another reality?". You can. But do do that, you must de-materialize this reality, and manifest another. And your physicality doesn't just exist in your reality, it also exists in others realities. Their experiences are also placeing limits on Reality. So we are locked in this web that if we pull one thread, the entire web expands and contracts accordingly. For this whole Reality to dematerialize, our whole Collective Consciousness would have to be elevated. Which is exactly what "God" is trying to do. God is tightening each hole in the web little by little to collapse the whole thing into one "big ball of material" again.

    When you die, you collapse your hole in the web (your experience of reality), you de-materialize and become infinite. But you also exist in "others" experience of reality. So they will expand and contract to your death. They will become more Loving or more Fearful and Selfish as a result of your death, and that will result in the overall web being a tiny bit more expanded or collapsed. Eventually, when all holes of the web are collapsed. God will cease to be fragmented. It will be whole again (Which in a way, was never not-whole). Pure Love. ❤️??

  11. 24 minutes ago, Consilience said:

    Whoa this is awesome! The color is great too. Do you plan on trying to develop it further? Not that it needs it, but curious

    Thanks! Yeah, It's definitely a work in development. It sort of just maps my progress so far through my self-inquiry work. I'm sure it could be a lot bigger of a chart if I integrated more dualities, but I'll probably just use it as a quick perspective check when I need it. ?


    34 minutes ago, Jacobsrw said:

    Dude, this is good.

    Its much better to lay it out so you can understand what you are leaning. Also important to remember that all symbolism must ultimately dissipate and be left behind. Great work nevertheless.

    Should consider applying this to different cultures and filling in each section. Could provide a reflexive interface with some general utility.

    Thanks man! Yeah the middle of the chart is sort of the last stage where I realized that symbols and language have to be deconstructed also and that ultimately, you can't explain anything in the chart with anything else in the chart. Outside of the chart, there's only Consciousness and Love which explains itself. 

    Good idea with applying it to different cultures. I'm sure there's an infinite amount of ways that this chart could be changed to reflect each individuals personal journey. This is just the way it made sense in my mind. ?

  12. Hey guys. I was just messing around in a wordprocesser this morning trying to organize my thoughts about the path I'm taking to the realization of consciousness. I wanted to express it in a visual way and drew this.

    It's kind of a ruff draft, I'm still trying to organize and add more levels to it, but I thought I would share it with you and get your input.

    Each circle has a purpose to further question the next level of the chart. The construction flow goes inside out and the deconstruction goes outside in. Each word in the chart has to be questioned and realized. I built it going inside out, but the realizations probably came to me in the opposite direction.

    You can't explain anything on the outside of the circle without going more inside. But to explain ALL of it you have to go outside of the circle but there's nothing left to explain it with. 

    Let me know if you have anything to add to it, or any questions about it. ?


    Jay ?



  13. It may seem obvious to some of you, and it took a long time for me to truely grasp this, but I just came to the realization last night that everything that I have ever learned in my life can be deconstructed to Zero or Infinity, Nothing or Everything, Meaningless or Meaningful, Formlessness or Formed, God or The Devil. And ultimately, they are the same thing. Consciousness. The blank canvas of Nothingness that all distinctions (Everythingness) are made. 

    All branches of knowledge points to this when you break it down to what is actual, and not ideas about something. 

    There is a "consensus" out there to what the Truth is. It's just that no one wants to take that last step of saying "WE" are "IT" too.

    All Mathematics breaks down at zero and infinity

    All Science breaks down at Nothing or Everything, begininnings and endings, infinitely small or infinitely large, everywhere and nowhere.

    All of Philosophy points to this. Nietzsche, Descarte, Derrida, Heidegger, Kant. All their theories broke down when they deconstructed far enough.

    Religion, Psychology, Laws, Politics, Art, etc etc etc. It all breaks down. All of it is assigning meaning to the meaningless, making distinctions in something that's distinctionless.

    I used to think of it as only the Ego being false. But the Ego is ALL the distinctions we make in Reality. The Limits we place in the Limitless!

  14. 36 minutes ago, Lenny said:

    When you say you are finding sneaky ways that your ego is holding you back from day to day.. what is it holding you back from? I know here you mean Truth with a capital "T" or enlightenment (and as you've stated here: your higher self). But, if you don't know what Truth is, if you've never experienced it, then how do you know your ego is holding you back from it? What if Truth is in front of your ego, not behind it?

    I do indeed mean Truth. I'm not sure how I know what Truth is...questioning...deconstruction of everything else that could possibly be and seeing that everything is a distinction from the Truth...wrestling with fear and anxiety my whole life and "knowing" that there is a "self" deeper down that's free of all that. Not sure. But I feel a pull to it, to wake up, to 'know' my higher self.

    Interesting, what do you mean by in front of your ego? I've always thought of the ego as a mask that I put on my True Self. So in essence, my true self would be behind it. Put that's all conceptual thinking stuff. Maybe we just have different perspectives of it.

  15. @Lenny

    Thanks a lot for the detailed response man. It really put things in perspective. ?

    In some ways I think that my consciousness has shifted a lot in the past 5 years or so. My ego is definitely less of a problem in my life, I've learned to live with and accept who I am, and who others are, and try to practice no judgements and unconditional love. I'm generally more aware of my thoughts which help a lot with day to day living.

    But I have learned that I do still hold on to a lot of concepts and beliefs that limit my potential to become my highest self. And I'm working day to day to recognize the sneaky ways it holds me back. This forum is a helpful tool for knowledge, and a sense of belonging. But ultimately, I'm realizing that I'm looking for an "Ah-Ha" moment here, where someone is going to say something that makes my "brain" click, and I'll wake up and "know" that I'm awakened. I need to stop thinking this way, or anyway about it. The self-inquiry that I'm doing won't lead me anywhere because I keep trying to conceptualize and then deconstruct those concepts. I need to go past the deconstruction phase, but I think I'm too afraid to see what's on the other side of that.

    Like many have said, by asking all these questions, I'm standing on the river bank wanting to jump in and asking all of you how cold the water is, how deep it is, how many fish there are in there, where does this river go to...etc. I'm afraid that this will bring me somewhere I regret going. I still hold on to reality as a safety switch. If it gets too real, and can always question if Awakening is even "a thing" or "do I even need to go that far" or "this is good enough"....but all of that is just fear of the unknown and my ego kicking at screaming about it. At some point I just need to let go, at some point I hope I'll be ready. (Even though know I'll never be ready) haha.

    Thanks again


    4 hours ago, dimitri said:

    I remember having some ideas about awakening, they were holding me back in a sense. That's not what you think it is. Forget about enlightenment, awakening - just do the work, see for yourself ?



  16. 2 hours ago, Member said:

    It is a lot weirder than science fiction. Human science and imagination are super limited. To me, reality feels like a Pandora box... you don't know what to expect when you look outside of the box or human limitations.

    Yeah, that's what I was wondering. If God is truely unlimited and infinite, then our Sci-Fi stories are just basic, rational, little limited imaginations that people can come up with. I love Sci-Fi, and it can still be mind-blowing to someone who's never seen infinite possibilities before, but I couldn't imagine what someone could create that really captured to essence of awakening. But I guess then they would have to "dumb" it down to fit into our reality, which is pretty much what we're doing on this forum, trying to express the unexpressable. lol

    Does it feel like the only reason we are limited and can't do some of this Sci-Fi stuff in real life just that our collective consciousness doesn't believe that we can. And the "future" is truly unlimited by what we could come up with. Like the laws of physics could start breaking down if we all get on the same page about it?

  17. 4 hours ago, justfortoday said:

    When I awoke, my field of vision balanced and it became as if I was watching a projection from my eyes. I was “in front” of reality, but reality was a rectangle in front of me.

    That’s when I realized the physical world and 3D vision are illusions.

    Wow. Cool. How would you describe the space you were in if not 3 dimentional? How does it feel when you're in it?


    4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I sometimes get the thought "how the fuck is this possible?", but it doesn't quite have the Sci-Fi feel, more like an existential terror feel.

    Is it a terror that's hard to deal with on a day to day basis? Knowing that the truth is literally stranger than fiction?


    1 hour ago, James123 said:

    I am aware of what i am, which is awareness itself. Sometimes i as awareness watch the body or play the main character in the game thats it. This is not even happening now all is your dream, just words, just you :) Right in front of you :)

    Right. I am the computer making the vr world. We are living the technological singularity that they think AI is going to create in the future. We are it. Now! Lol 

  18. 3 minutes ago, James123 said:

    just imagine you are using vr butyou are aware that you put vr on your head as nothing but aware. You are watching yourself. 

    There's a Black Mirror episode where a guy is in a horror virtual reality word where the computer knows all of his fears. So the world is designed specifically for him and it's simulating his own fears, but he's also aware of it while it's happening.

    I wonder if it's sort of like that. Like you're aware of the vr world, the thoughts that are creating the vr world, and that you are created in the vr world too.  ?