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Everything posted by Espaim

  1. Have you tried salvia? From what I heard it could really change your mind at this point...
  2. The answer is going even farther into tier 2. If you really understood why they were this way you wouldn't get triggered. To be more practical: try to get why viewing the world with stage blue and orange lens could be a good thing, maybe even better than green or yellow.
  3. Make tea. If you want it stronger and shorter use lemon. If you want it tasty add some honey. Never had nausea when taking mushrooms and always did tea.
  4. Shadow much? Search about integral life practice 3-2-1 shadow work I'm on phone now so I can't link it to you It'll help you get into terms with your repulsiveness to aggression.
  5. Above advice is pretty sound Search for enneagram type 4 on Google and see if you can relate. If that's the case there's a lot of material specifically for your kind
  6. Seems like a heavily SD Green subreddit. I liked it! Thanks!!
  7. When you say objective I understand "socially agreed to be true due to shared subjective experiences" and your post doesn't make a lot of sense to me... Please!!
  8. You seem to have some issues regarding social anxiety that may be related to traumas as you said. There's nothing "wrong" with you if that's what you think. You can work on releasing those knots you have with therapy and maybe psychedelics. Or just by doing self-development.
  9. That's an awesome insight. Speaking for myself, after psychedelics and going deeper on my psyche my advice seems to be way more congruent with what I live. I used to think I knew how to solve peoples problems and break it down to simple things but that's not really how it works.
  10. Wow man!! The majority of people are not calm and on a quasi-MDMA high daily. From my experience what I see is varying levels of struggling. It's a wide spectrum. It can be reduced though through therapy and psychedelics and even MDMA. I suggest you go through therapy first. I went to psychedelics and MDMA simply because it's cheaper and I think I'm responsible enough to do it. They proved to be very effective for self-acceptance and trauma release. I can't speak on such intensity of trauma but on MDMA it was way easier to release traumas I had regarding bullying. Maybe you can study the psychology of traumas and take it again to help you release. On MDMA it seemed a one time experience for me. I released almost everything I needed to be free from my major blocks regarding socialization (bullying does that to you...). Leo has one video on trauma releasing. You could watch it and gaing some insight or even do the exercise on MDMA. IDK.
  11. This could have a million causes! You need to be more specific about your lifestyle so we can help you better.
  12. Shit I'm at Blue
  13. @Meta-Man awesome
  14. There's those vacuum equipments where you insert your dick and pump it over time. You can gain one inch or two maybe if you do it correctly. I don't know if this is legit but you can search. Be aware that this won't actually fix the deeper problem in a insecure person, only mask it.
  15. Lol Using a nuclear bomb to kill a fly
  16. Just one more suggestion: Adopt a "I don't know" approach to life. This will get you curious about things and deprogram your default positions.
  17. Study systems thinking and do some exercises. Systematics: the systems Bible has lots of exercises if you want to practice. Your main focus should be systemic conceptual understanding of reality. Gather as much models as you can and mix them, create alternatives and apply them to your reality to see how you could use them to improve the world. Psychedelics and questioning of your stage green dogmas would be really nice too.
  18. If you explain it fast it'll look like this Red will just not care Blue will think you're deluded and should drop these concepts and just follow the word of God Orange will think it's Yellow because it wants to be at the top and that this model has little "practical" use Green will tell you they don't believe in hierarchies and you're trying to opress them by saying there's a better stage to be in Yellow or higher just send them Leo's videos Source: personal experience
  19. Yes. I would prefer to be meditating for 4 hours in a nice house than in a cave. Or to have some nice bucks to visit Tibet and have live classes with enlightened monks.
  20. Yes you're definitely moving to Yellow. I'll be waiting for your deep insights here on the forum. Don't forget us!!
  21. Well, if you drink coffee frequently and then stop one day and do the same routine you'll certainly be demotivated. It doesn't even matter if you like what you're doing. It takes some time to get over caffeine addiction. And sometimes it takes a lot of time. I do find it helps me do boring shit. I've been caffeine free for 15 days and I find it hard to find motivation to do cleaning and more boring tasks. One time I quit for 6 months straight and at the end I was as good as I felt when on caffeine, without the downsides.
  22. Download Cold turkey blocker and schedule a total block from 2am to 6am or any other good schedule for you. This will allow you to browse and have some fun but when the time hits you gotta sleep.
  23. He clearly said he doesn't want more suggestions and that's like the 10th one I see here
  24. So I noticed everytime I smoke DMT I black out if I go too high on the dosage. I have around 10 trips and this happens everytime. To put in other words I can't remember exactly what happened. But yesterday I went and smoked weed before the trip and I could actually remember what happened and to be honest that was frightening for my egoic ass. I surrendered through the whole thing like a boss though Anyone that has used this combination for a greater length of time for consciousness could comment here? I also appreciate any other related comment.