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Everything posted by Huz

  1. I haven't tried it yet, but interested in how people are doing while using this substance. I going experiment with 4-ACO-DMT for a while before I get involved with Meo. But need to wait until my exams are over for that. Apparently this substance has a huge potential for spirtual growth and stuff so can't wait. Seems more introspective and smooth then shrooms from my research. I always though mushrooms are a bit nauseous even when I make a tea, so should be good
  2. Hey guys I wanted to make this post to see if anyone experiences this also. Basically I have stopped using alcohol to mask my fears for around a year. Recently, whenever I go out to socialise I feel super hungover the next day, like I was drinking. I find this funny. Maybe it's due to the combination of the flatline period in NoFap (currently 1.2 months in), experiencing intense emotions whilst socialising (because not masking the fears and stuff. I think takes a tax on my energy levels and body hugely), maybe due to my diet being on the unhealthy side atm. I was just wondering if anyone else socialising without drinking experiences this. If so can share ya situations?
  3. Yeah I do feel it is the fears. This that is kinda of the work I am doing at the moment, which is why not drinking is so pivotal for this process to me. If i were to drink these fears would still be kept from my awareness. So thanks for your advice!!! I am doing no fap as an experiment. I want to see what happens if I don't touch my donger for a period of time. If nothing happens then I masturbate moderately. If it seems to have benefical effects I will masturbate infrequently. But I had a huge addiction to porn. Been watching that shit since I was 12. I tried to masturbate w/o porn, but I would always end back watching porn. So I decided to stop all for a while. Along with meditation, no fap had brought up so much shit that I used to suppress when watching porn and i am exited by this. I am interested to know why you think nofap is dogma? Sure it could be, but that can only be proven if it is tested out for real. Not by assuming that it is just dogma. So have you actually done nofap before?
  4. Yeah, I get this experience. It's crazy. When I really focus on being aware during long SDS sits, it is like your entire emotional composition explodes from the confinement of the body and mind to an expansive space in the room. The energy is flowing without control. I also get psychedelic-like closed eye visuals. Like tunnels and stuff. What I love to do here is to realise that this right here, is a nature of experience. There are just things floating around in some sort of existable awareness. With phenomena seen with such clarity of what they actually are. These sensations lose the story you have attached to them and become harmless and something worth crying over. When I spoke to Shinzen Young about this he said that anything you can experience on the cushion you can experience in your daily life. This is nuts, imagine experiencing this when experiencing an intense negative emotion in your active (sight based) life. Or experiencing a challenging situation. It is like you fully align with nature and the the concept of "negativity" can be easily seen through. This to me is a hypothesis, but if this is possible boy it must be fucking powerful. So keep going this stuff is revolutionary.
  5. After about a year, when you start to feel like the reality you perceived starts to break down. Everything you thought you know can be lifted like a veil from your mind showing you a completely new reality, with new possibilites. It gets interesting when you get the feeling that you are really not a "human". I like to question this belief actually a lot. And you really start to wonder what the fuck you are deeply, because you have no idea. It freaky but amazing that its possible to do this.
  6. Ahh yes, this is one of the questions I kept asking myself when I embarked on this journey to question thy believes. For me, the key thing I got down was to create structure and order. This is a serious game. Your web of believes are entangled, looped and overlapping within your mind. Running your machine as live goes on, and what a complicated thing you are. The first step is to notice and become more aware of your emotional reactions to certain situations. Areas where you invest heavy emotions, like fear. These are the beliefs ideally you want to doubt first as they are the ones that inhibit you the most from self transcendence. As you attach to them more (because the feel more real). So start slow, you are climbing a mountain here. You don't climb up Everest by running!!! I assume you take you time and care so you don't get sick or die. Whenever you have a emotional reaction to something, write down the cause. Then keep probing questions like "Why am I emotionally invested into this situation?" "What is the reason why I believe this" etc. It is often due to a rock bottom belief you have deeply ingrained into your mind over time. You want to find this belief and question the fuck out of it. Don't just question it once and that be the end of it. No!! You need to spend time doubting this belief over a long period of time for your mind to realise the need to hold on to it. So you continually change the way your mind relates to this belief overtime. It's not a one hit wonder. So this is why writing you believes down is important so you don't lose track of your work. Over time you can also categorise them over time (maybe create a mind map) and see how your web of beliefs looks on paper. I guess this is all you need to do for now because this is such a big task.
  7. What is your prime methodology of thinking? Is it through words or is it through visualisations/feelings/colours/pictures?
  8. Ok, so this year i decided that one of my goals is to get good at attracting woman and develop deep intimate relationships with girls. I currently suck at that. I live in London and want to join a community or PUAs whom i can learn from this year does anyone know of some connections? Also some advice on how i could get started. I joined RSD inner circle London already. I dont have that much money as am a student at the moment. Would that effect results? Thanks
  9. I was born and raised in London (want to move out pretty soon). But i am of Indian origin. Some say I am like a chocolate Bounty bar - brown on the outside, white on the inside and sweet as fuck hehe. Thanks for all the support guys. Yeah I generally suck at attracting girls so I want to get better at that. Quick question. There is this girl in my class whom I met this term, she's cool, but likes to tease me a lot. Can this be a good sign that she is into me?
  10. The thing that holds me back I guess is the scale of my impact. I generally feel like I want to impact a large portion of the world in some way. Yeah, I know this is silly but this is a deep rooted issue that i am trying to grow out of. As Mother Teresa said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can all do small things with great love.”
  11. I love the way Rupert uses language to dig deep into the heart of non-duality. This video is incredibly helpful for you to develop theoretical knowledge about enlightenment AND for you to follow his words to go deep within and discover yourself. Enjoy
  12. "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." – Lao Tzu
  13. From the local sweet shop, it comes in a form like popping candy. But this will pop your brain wide open.
  14. I think the majority of us who take it aren't enlightened, how do we really know if we trust the answers our mind gives even though they are intuitive (the ego could still be involved) and we thought about them ALOT? Do we need to have a lot of life experience before taking the course? I am 21 and would know myself on a less deeper level then at 30. I could take the course now and then at 30 and it could yield spectacularly different results. Is it possible for the most unambitious, lazy, ineffective, emotional cuntary, tv-watching, dependence on others, sugar-eating, porn-thriving slob (who basically made their nest on their couch) to have a zone of genius deep within him? And all of the questions you posted yourself
  15. Haha thats so interesting. Yeah and there is no reason not to get to work because you love it! Martin said it took him 10-12 times to permanently awaken from the dream. Are you still pursing this path through Meo or still on a break because of how brutal it is?
  16. can you elaborate on this, do you mean it can shift your world view so much that it could halt you pursuing your passions/LP for example? I know this is personal but could it be that radical?
  17. I noticed that your unconscious vows of which you have taken when your a child are linked quite closely to the judgements you make about life and and people. The vows that you created when you were child are a lot more difficult to find. What I did was make a list of all the recent judgements I have made in the past 5 or so years. This gives you an idea how your ego views the world. Then you can group sets of general themes of judgements to help trace back in time to what vows you took that could have caused them. I found this helpful.
  18. I love how much your work is contributing to society and to all of us aspiring actualisers. This advice made my heart sing and my eyes water. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK! You set an incrediable example of how a meaningful live can be lived!
  19. I wrote a poem about this in my life: How can I become a creative force in the world..., The issue is that I am painting it too pearled, Making it "grandiose" so my name can be told, I am in such doubt to how it will unfold, But Hari, now please don't fret, Because you have discovered the best step yet, And that is too rid the ego of all of its mess, So you can function at your very best.
  20. Here is a user guide which Martin Ball sent. I know you have already taken it but still would have some good advice 5-MeO-DMT User's Guide.pdf
  21. Tattooing relevant information on my body. Works a charm
  22. What specific thing/action step that you have done to grow do you find has caused the most growth? Or caused you to grow at a faster rate? eg mediation, pickup, LP etc
  23. Hi fellow amazing people, I have been brought up within a very materialistic culture. Especially derived from my family who value success, money, and spending it on stupid shit. Which gives you some excitement at the start but then dies down. And they don't see that it doesn't work. I mean they are unconsciously successful. I have always been like a lone wolf in my family in a way. I have been and allowed myself to be manipulated and abandoned by people as a young child and that has cause me to isolate with people due to fear of them leaving me again. But this is good because it has aloud me to contemplate about society etc. I realise that they still have a big influence. I guess I have been around them for along time and I still value excitement over knowledge and learning in some way, because that's ingrained within our family. I want to develop a deep passion for independent learning and wisdom. But I find reading books boring. It's something I want to change. What can I do to really dig deep into knowledge. The thing is I study well at uni but independently I would rather do something that exites me like improv, comedy, or watching shit. It's a form of procrastination and sensory titilation. And stopped me from doing heavy research. Any tips to overcome this mental block?