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Posts posted by Kensho

  1. 13 hours ago, SamC said:

     There is no stability at all. 

    I don't know, it's just makes me freak out. Anyone experienced something similar? Any tips on how to deal with this?

    You were sitting on your surf board when suddenly  you became aware you cought a wave. 

    Your motor skills do you little good to enjoy the ride. Feels so unstable and scary, nevertheless you managed to lift your head up, looked around and saw others  struggling to find balance too. Their whole effort goes to balancing and their eyes are fixed on the board. Their whole world is their board. 

    But if you look further you ll see some few controlling  their board beautifully enjoying the ride. 

    They have realized the beauty in instability. They are the wise among us. 

    Waves just come. 

    Keep evovling. Learn to ride, enjoy. 



  2. 2 hours ago, Opo said:



    What do you think? 

    In the current situation, with the majority of toilets appointed as women/men, one can use the restroom that makes the others feel OK too. If someone looks like a man, women don't feel ok with him being in their toilet. So, if someone looks like a man but feels like a woman inside, he has to respect the other women that will may feel uncomfortable, and go to the men's toilet. Using the women's toilet and explaining them the situation is not an option because things will go off track very soon (men going to the women's toilet telling lies just to enjoy and take a peek etc.)

    A couple of times I ve seen unisex toilets where the sink area is common for both sexes and the toilet-seat cabinets are appointed as men/women for obvious hygiene reasons (standing up or sitting down). That's ok too, if most people aggree with it.

  3. In my POV, IQ measures the CPU speed but that's not what is important. It quantifies the ability to use current knowledge in order to solve problems. It's an orange value.

    An analogue would be a computer with a really fast CPU (IQ 160+), with an outdated operating system that can do certain things, like an old command-line OS that operates databases. Sure, it would be very efficient in doing certain things but it would miss the whole range of capabilities.

    Imagine now a computer with an average CPU (IQ up to 130) that has a graphical OS which gets frequent updates (awakenings, broadening of consciousness) and receives new programs that can execute different kinds of tasks like graphics, music, etc. It may start to have AI capabilities. 

    I've met people who are members of MENSA and they are very dogmatic and close-minded. They may excel in their field of expertise, but that's all they got.  

    High IQ helps to expand horizontally but in the work we are doing here, one wants to expand vertically.



  4. 57 minutes ago, evolving55555 said:

    @Kensho By the way, are you allowed to use the eye mask and earplugs while meditating in the hall? Or from your experience, is that what you did? I was going to use them while sleeping of course but I see how they'd be beneficial in group meditations as well.

    I did use them but not all the time. Maybe in the first morning session when there is no audio or when i felt easily distructed by coughs or other sounds. The eye mask is mainly if the sleeping room is for many people. If Light is distracting  during sittings, a hoodie is very helpful if you have it over your head down covering the eyes, but that s probably only for winter time. 

    Try to get enough sleep every Day. 

    My cheating was some cerial bars i had in my suitcase in case i got very hungry. In the course of the 10 days i  ate them all... (shy) 

  5. Take some earplugs, an eye mask, and whatever you need to make your sittings more comfortable, like small pillows for under the thighs. Ask for back support if sittings with a straight spine gets painful, or move against a wall. 

    An other point that I d like to mention is that the mind can at times become like a rollercoaster during the retreat, and among others, thoughts about leaving can occur. So... whatever your mind tells you, no matter how convincingly it will justify leaving the retreat, stay till the end!

    Have a great time!!

  6. I just finished the Jordan Peterson video and I have to say that this may be your most complete video ever. As you said, it explains all life in 2.5 hours. 

    One point I have to mention though is that the title doesn't do it justice. It's so much more than a critique on JP and gives a kind of negative first impression. A title like "What is Jordan Peterson missing" would sound less aggressive  IMO.

    Overall it's a true representation of the Truth about him, but when you point out the ways he could step out of his paradigm lock, you don't mention psychedelics. He has tried shrooms I and he has made lectures on them despite his lack of experience (I think he got scared from the potential he experienced in his trip). Furthermore, when you compare your level to his and you state that he hasn't directly experienced what religions talk about, you don't mention that your direct experiences were greatly aided by 5-MeO-DMT. It's known that he had a serious problem with benzos recently and maybe he can't do 5-MeO-DMT, nevertheless you could mention psychedelics.

  7. This simplified non-metaphysical example might be easier to understand. 

    Your body has several functions, and several organs to serve them.

    The pancreas produces enzymes. The liver produces bile. The glands produce several hormones. These chemical substances are exuded in your system and serve a specific purpose that has been developed by millions of years of evolution.

    The organs do what they are designed to do and as you know, you have no direct control over them.

    And then there is the ego. 'Produced' by the Default Mode Network, although not tangible, it acts like a real entity inside you, like another organ. Its role is to give you a sense of self because evolution-wise this helped for survival. 

    How does it fulfill this funtion? By producing thoughts. And it's doing a damn good job at it, as all the other organs. (The complicated way thoughts work to develop the ego it's not the point here) 

    So, like you cannot voluntarily stop your liver from producing bile, you cannot stop your ego from producing thoughts. 

    As you may interfere with your organ's functions by taking a supplement or a drug or by doing a special practice, likewise you can interfere with the ego's function with meditation, yoga, and of course, psychedelics. When you experience an ego-death your sense of self is lost and thoughts seize. It's completely controlable, but...

    In order to take control, a disidentification with the thoughts is needed. Then, you realize that the thoughts are not your own, you don't have control over them, and that there is something inside you that is not you, that is producing them.