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About Poop

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  1. In One Word, What's You Biggest Fear?
    In One Word, What's You Biggest Fear?
    Being a loser.  I've made a lot of progress here, but here goes.  Ruining my own life by not taking the actions that I know I should be taking because I am too weak and spoiled to get my stuff together and do it for real.  Always finding some reason to postpone my dream until tomorrow.  Letting my negative emotions weigh-me down.  Enacting self-fulfilling prophesies or death-wishes because a part of me feels very at home in failure, in quitting.  Part of me feels very used to being depressed, comforted by it in a way.  Like the forlorn loner talking to himself, off by himself in his own mind, in his own displaced world.  Being a loser addict, not capable of being responsible in this dog-eat-dog world.  Like the perpetual College kid who never grows-up, never having to worry about making money, distracted by his own constant theorizing and thinking.  Now that spoiled-brat guy is dropped into this world and has to pay real bills, has to get his own act together for real.  Happiness means change, and change is scary.  Like I said, I've made huge progress with this, but I wanted to give you an honest answer to a question that made me think.  
    For some people being practical comes easy.  For me, being in my head and philosophical comes easy.  So, I really had to change some basic wiring in myself to start getting practical results, which I have.  There's nothing worse than feeling like you are an alien on this Earth.  

  2. Enlightened Masters WANT To Help You!
    Enlightened Masters WANT To Help You!
    After watching @Leo Gura‘s video on “Life is a Maze” I remember him saying how rats who’ve escaped the maze want to help us other rats escape as well and sometimes even for free. 
    Not long after that I said fuck it and emailed Peter Ralston and called Shunyamurti at his ashram/community on burning questions I’ve had and I couldn’t believe how I actually got a response. That really was what floored me more than the answers I got to my questions. I mean, Ralston got back to me literally in a couple hours. I called Sat Yoga and they put me on the phone with Shunyamurti who happened to be available. I couldn’t believe it. 
    These people who’ve really mastered themselves genuinely want to help you. There’s people are available to you. If you can’t afford to pay thousands of dollars for an enlightenment intensive or meditation retreat or solo retreat - I understand that, that’s where I am - go hit these people up! What other field or domain of life in the world where you have someone that’s an absolute utter expert and master to the core of all of life be available to you for free over email? I mean, if you’re a quarterback on football team and you need help from the best like Tom Brady, good luck trying to get in contact with him. If you’re a scientist, good luck trying to get in contact with a big named scientist. If you need business advice from the best, good luck hitting up Bill Gates or someone of that magnitude. And guess what? This is the most important field - as far as I’m concerned - to develop really mastery in. 
    If you’re stuck on this path, hit someone up!