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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. It depends on what you mean with worth It.

    My understanding is that organic VS non organic is not just about pesticides. 

    It is about the whole process of producing the food, which includes a conscious use of the soil where the food grows.

    Most tradicional farming have almost destroyed soil, your food might have "Only" 20% less of vitamins than organic food (or just the same) but might lack the complexitiy of micronutrients that a rich healthy soil has.

    Organic farms not Only Apply conscious and healthy measures to pesticides, but also to the basis/structure where the food grows, which is the soil.

  2. On 1/6/2024 at 11:52 AM, Schizophonia said:

    I meant you probably dont eat enough and : 

    - You are chronically deficient in nutrients, particularly proteins, and you are “stuck” with systemic muscle inflammation.
    So when you stop eating a lot you find yourself with this inflammation to manage which requires too much energy, and you find yourself being lethargic.

    -You have lost your metabolism because of a chronic energy deficit, and you are more prone to torpor.


    @Schizophonia Yes, my diet is pretty deficient to be honest, is probably that.

    What is torpor?

    I have decided i am going to start eating more protein definetely, i am eating none almost 

    Yesterday i ate 5 eggs and i felt I was woken Up from the dead Lol. Im definetely going to eat more protein based food and less simple Empty carbs

  3. 14 minutes ago, bambi said:

    I had every possible 'realisation' you can have on ketamine, Ive done it over 1000x probably, including 200+ with intensive spiritual practise.

    It was always short lived. I found psychedelics way more healing, they can be more scary and more loving depending on your sins/behaviours etc, but they feel more like real spiritual work.


    Yeah thats true. Ketamine after effects last way less than psychedelics.

    A profound trip can have implications in ones Life for months. 

  4. Get the same shit done you want to get done but working on 'your spirituality' at the same time.

    Meditation psychedelics yoga...etc this are internal tools where obviously being in silence one can go the most deep but one can also work on his path while engaging actively in life. 

    You can absolutely work on the field and work on yourself. 

    Is not that when you go do humane shit you disappear. The human body and mind is only there because you are there. Giving it Life and Intelligence. 

    So wherever you are you can exercise the skill of going deeper within yourself. 

    IMO, is a complete myth that spirituality will damage your productivity.

    (Of course, if you want the Peak of the peak, then there is no other way but to seclude oneself in the mountains, but until that moment comes, there´s a lot of progress one can do while engaging in normal human activities :) (They can be your ladder, not a limitation. )

    In summary, advancing in your spirituality should mean that you are able to do the same job in a more peaceful, intelligent, profound and effortless way than a human that has not worked in his spirituality. 

  5. 56 minutes ago, bambi said:

    Ketamine just isnt going to awaken you to love anywhere near the same as traditional psychedelics. Im really dubious about Ketamine for any spiritual work at all. And I have explored that compound more than anyone else I have come across.



    Ketamine for any spiritual work at all.

    @bambi I had a massive awakening snorting just 2 lines one night at my room with lights turnt off.

    Set and setting is very important.

  6. 55 minutes ago, BlurryBoi said:

    @Javfly33 maybe this Love you felt on this dissociative came mainly from your Contemplation or ammount of Experience with spirituality.

    yes, it definetely influenced it.

    I did not do a big dose/hole dose, and it was very potent spiritual set and setting too. 

    Also, I didn´t insufflated it but I orally ingested with water. I think the ROA also matters. 

    My other very intense experience with 2-fdck completely lacked the Love aspect of it. It was more of a total void/hole. Which apparently is how dissos are known for. 

    Next time try this: 

     Putting this mantra can help awaken the Loving nature of God. 

  7. 17 hours ago, BlurryBoi said:



    It seems Ketamine would be a good answer, but its not really a psychedelic nor a great molecule for Love.


    I had a very profound Love of experience on 2-fdck .

    Maybe give It a try, but dissociatives are meant to be use sparingly, be careful to not use them too Regularly.


    I would also recommend maybe a low dose of LSD and then at the start of the comedown some Phenibut to take the energetic Edge off.

  8. 1 hour ago, aurum said:

     They seem too well-adjusted and intelligent for that. 

    Yeah, thats a fair point.

    42 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    If you want the proof that souls exist and can talk to you. Watch this video. And you will shit your pants brother. You will shit your pants ma friend. 

    Because it's so mind blowing..... :D

    Disclaimer: the video itself is not scary. But insanely eye opening. 

    Those guys are fake though. 🥲

  9. You are right, there are no such a thing as a soul.

    Let´s understand it like this: When the moment of Creation, God was undivided. For Creation to happen, the Mirror had to break into a lot of pieces.

    Each of this pieces, is what you call a soul.

    But is not actually an individual soul, it has no quality of its own. Rather, is a certain memory/information of God.

    Let´s call it a karmic bag. A karmic bag which is nothing more than a certain memory of God. Or... A certain piece of the mirror. 

    Now what will it do this bag? It will find bodies or wombs where it can be expressed, or rather, where it will try to survive, maintain itself as a certain memory/configuration.

    The whole process of reincarnation is just that. Enter a body that matches the tendencies of the karma or the memory. 


    Having said that, i never head about two 'souls' sharing a body. I read somewhere about a Yogui doing a certain process and was running out of time in his own body so it decided to get into another Yoguis body to finish the work, avoding having to start all of the beggining again (to avoid doing again sadhana).

    But not sure if what this women is talking about is the same. It looks this women has two personalities inside their head. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Ishanga said:

    @Javfly33 The problem is today there are so many contradictions around, one set of ppl say one thing, another set says something else, all claim to have proof, and if proof is given its then said to be delusional or romanticized lol, so this way of communicating and such as is done here on this forum talking about "Subjects" which are not Subjects at all, but living experiences, is no good, one just have to try it out and if its working for them then it works for them, forget about what anyone is saying or doing, that is what Sadhguru preaches the most, just try it and see, if it doesn't work drop it and move on, debating about what is original, what is not and bla bla bla, reminds me of the martial arts forums they do this all the time, its hopeless and useless debating, makes them look like children and their grown up men and women, very low on the consciousness scale!

    Very well said. I don´t know why I still enter this kind of debates. 

    12 minutes ago, Cireeric said:

    @Javfly33 Very well written and inspiring post and especially timely for me , since I just started a yoga practice 2 weeks ago. Yesterday I tried a small dose of Malt and done my yoga exercises, inspired by this thread. Amazing experience and it showed me some of the things u mentioned here. I already noticed that I feel better and more aware with my body. I started my practice based on the book: Kokoro Yoga by Mark Divine. Do you have ressources u would recommand to learn the fundamentals?

    Great! Glad it inspired something in you man! This is indeed the point of writing this kind of things indeed. 

     I guess Upa Yoga would be a good fundamental. It is a sort of a 'pre yoga', to do it as a preparation. You can find in YouTube videos. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, bambi said:

    Where is the mistakes/how would you improve them. 

    Your constantly creating and suggesting your own models even if your doing it informally...  I dont see the mistakes in these models even in relation to what you speak.


    Didnt i Told you yesterday?

    Putting consciousness inside a pyramid like the food pyramid is just not realistic. 

    52 minutes ago, Water by the River said:







    The problem with God Realization is: There remains a subtle "realizer" of all of that. Very subtle, very hard to transcend, since this is just a totally empty "Individuality". That is the last hindrance to Enlightenment, which then is therefor also stable if that element is seen through

    Which would be a pity to not go all the way after having all those trips of God Realization or 'almost-there but not Fully there'. 


    While there is only one Being/Reality, we now have an Infinity of "god-realized" egos.

    Much of actualized forum 😬


    Selling "going all the way" by the River

    God-Realized ones are not interested in going all the way because they would lose their throne of their non-duality kingdom 😂 👇


    With the former one, a nondual, or god-realized, or whatever ego/separate-self continues dreaming its nondual dream... Lovely place to be at, but still a dream ^_^




    Even the God-realized ones need to fully jump into the mixer Void


  13. 21 hours ago, koops said:


    I dabbled around with yoga. I know there is something there, but never gave it the time and focus, since I see tons of people that have been going to classes for 3-5-10 years and I see no progress in them aside from more fluidity in their moves.

    Thats why Im skeptical to go to yoga classes, but I like your approach on focusing on 1-2 asanas.


    That's completely normal. Studio Yoga is an aberration of Yoga.

    Yoga can not be taught in weekly classes. Is a transmission. An alive process of Awakening from Guru/Teacher to you. 

    Additionally, talking while people are doing asanas (like happens in Yoga studios) is terrible and it will fuck up your system. 


    So when you say the belief or feeling of individuality is dissolved, which asana are you doing? Do you get to that with a simple cat stretch?

     Yes, I´ve reached certain states of being that go way beyond any drug or psychedelic I've taken, with the 'simple' cat stretch.


    Or is more about the repetition than the asana itself?

    No, it can happen once I sit and I start doing it after a couple of times. But is true that I have practice it over this two years regularly to build myself to that understanding of whole process.



    @aurum If you have proof sadhguru Is lying here, prove it please.

    If you proof me is fake, I'll drop the practice this very day.

    Not going to read any book because my results speak for themselves, is you that is coming to the topic and arguing that Hatha Yoga is fake was invented in s.XX.

    Provide proof that is all fake, I'm all ears. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    There are some people who are by default as high as on psychedelics without any psychedelics. Then it's very easy to intuit this stuff. Otherwise it's very hard. Teal Swan is a good example.

    In what way you see Teal Swan as someone like a default high-like state psychedelic consciousness?

    All I can see from her is someone with lots of intellectual information and she are very good in communicating, but I don't neccesarily get any kind of high state of consciousness/psychedelic vibe from her. 

  15. 8 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    This dude is woke af 


    8 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    @Javfly33 when you say you are consciousness creating a hand, are you admitting you have no control over it? Like how you have control over the words you type?


    Whats willing consciousness? 

    The ego mind has no control over it that´s for sure. 

    Consciousness is a will on its own. 


    What’s willing those limitations? 

    What limitations? 

  16. 1 hour ago, bambi said:

    Hmm actually one onyl has to trasncend all of the levels. Each level or dimension is infinite within itself. Transcending all levels to full enlightenment would suggest a total perspective or absolute perspective on all of this. Hawkins wont be able to deliniate every instance or behaviour based on shame for example, he just needs to demarcate it, its a heuristic

    Is there anything specific you disagree with?

    makes sense to me that shame is in the lowest vibrations. 

    Is a good map for people starting

    However , the levels from 540 to 1000 seem arbitrary. Has Hawking really have explored that kind of amplitude in consciousness? 

  17. 32 minutes ago, bambi said:

    I dont know why people reject David Hawkins maps and works, they pretty much accurately encapsulate, integrate and explain the totality of spirituality and theology. It's like theyre so accurate and simple people prefer the story and complexity of ignoring them. Hawkins has the Void/Cessation/Nibanna at 800/1000 and an important purfiication step on the way to higher levels of enlightenment. His model intergates and explains literally every single spriitual disagreement, ambiguity and misunderstanding. Including non-duality, enlightenment, different levels and stages of non-duality and enlightenment, pitfalls, misunderstandings etc etc




    I think is a good map but IS quite the leap of faith to assume Mr David Hawkins have seen It all.

    Because...you know, to make a map of the full spectrum of consciousness you would have to explore the full spectrum of consciousness...was Hawkins a Yogui meditating for 3 lifetimes in a cave? I dont think so 

  18. 28 minutes ago, What Am I said:


    I've touched this to a certain degree sober when practicing, and I've most definitely experienced it on 5-MeO-DMT when practicing. It's like the saying, "When I heard the bell ring, there was no me and no bell, just the ringing." The feeling of liberation from the sense of self that's usually wedged between my experience was palpable. But the gravity of my ignorance is still strong enough that it continues to pull me back.

    Nice. Then once you get a taste of It theres no coming back, now we have to put certain work to stop the pulling back

  19. 43 minutes ago, What Am I said:

    Yeah, I got a little carried away on that one. I work in technology and it sometimes pollutes my thinking. I'm in agreement that a metaphysical realization is probably how it'd be grasped.

    Realize first you dont know what this experience is. You just learn shit from other humans and school about what this experience is. But you never had a direct experience of what is it. 

    Realize you dont what this experience is...a magical unknowing can appear.