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About bambi

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  1. Not really, at some point youll release that everything being a dream, and nothing being a dream are equivalent. Start your authentic spiritual practice and keep going, youll get there
  2. Yes I have watched all his videos, and my critique is accurate. Yes he is developing and trying, every human is forced to confront themselves at some point. This doesnt negate anything Ive said.
  3. Peterson gets dismissed as he himself has a very low level of spiritual or conciousness development, and hides behind a highfalutin self-aggrandising intellectual veneer. Hes in no position to give anyone advice on development. Hes rude, resentful. arrogant, domineering. He nearly died from drug use. And has almost 0 humility, joy, lightness, happiness Essentially to me he has suffered deeply in life, and then uses his intellectualism as a coping mechanism for doing any deep self-reflection. Imagine how hard it would be for him, at his age, after all his life, as intelligent as he thinks himself to be, to admit he completely fucked it and got it wrong, all his mental masturbation and gymnastics was not only for null, but led him to completely wrong decisions and ways of being in the world
  4. Thank you for the detailed info very useful. I am struggling to get 5meo malt and dmt, but 5 meo mipt is readily available. Im mianly working with LSD at the minute, will give MIPT a try too
  5. Im a recovering porn and sex addict, in 12 step group, I find LSD and psilocybin very healing, but now Im worried to try MiPT incase I relapse, is the sexual urges really that strong on it?
  6. Got it, thank you
  7. So interesting some of these compounds arent they, as the receptor profile and mechanisms are not known neurotoxic, but they seem to provide such fun experiences to deeply spiritual, without the downsides of cocaine, meph, alcohol, etc Did you feel any emotional healing or spiritual work on MIPT? Or is it purely fun/recreaitonal
  8. I built this with GPT, shows receptor profile and affinity, based on Thomas Ray work
  9. Ive also seen and consider 5meo MIPT, people make out like its a party drug though lol, no one really mentions it for spiritual work. @OBEler can you give any more info on it? Is it comparable to MALT?
  10. Yeah I dont find all of this distinctions at all lol! LSD simply has a broader receptor profile and fuller experience to me. Theyre both similiar, except LSD more broad, which feels more stable to me. Psilcybin is similiar though, seems more focused then LSD in certain areas
  11. This is the most idiotically informed post I have ever recieved by an ego on any forum, your delusional dude! Go ego-posture on someone else lol! It's not possible for you to help me, Im more experienced spirituality and more advanced, your only helping yourself feel smart and superior, which is false; you're an idiot to me, thats the reailty, hope that helps.
  12. Jordan peterson is such an aweful conversationalist to me, he constantly interrupts Musk while he is trying to speak, he literally is incapable of someone else speaking and formualting their opinion. He cannot sit there and just listen. He further thinks himself agreeable lol, hes a fucking self-decieved ego maniac like the rest of them.
  13. Hell is a real state of conciousness, its a deep disconnect from God, I have been there after relapsing to cocaine, alcohol etc after 3-4 years of deep spritiual practise. I systemetically ignored all warnings from God (light of conciounsess in dreams etc), until I had torn all my chakras in my head. Not blocked, but torn. I was having constant demonic thoughts, and I could barely get out of bed to the couch, breathing was painful, it was utterly terrofying to be alive, and the thought of dieing was even more terrofying So I take hihg dose lsd and psilocybin, and had possible the most traumatising experiencies you could possibly have. Imagine an infinite ball of light like the sun, and then being disconnect from it and thrown deep into the edges of a solar system, whilst simultanously feeling pure terror, not anxiety, pure terror, the must uncomfrtaoble feeling you could possible face, and then on the outskirts of this glaxy a red portal appears and starts sucking you in, at this time you beg for mercy with all your heart and soul. The problem is your soul is full of resentment by this point, you truly have hatred for life and God and yourself due to the pain and resentment you harbor. My life after relapsing to cocaine for 18-24 months was pure hell, I was in so much pain. I had been in serious pain for the 2-3 years of sobriety too, so I was compeltely done by this point It became clear that if I dont dig deep and change my attitude and ask for forgiveness and surrender, the place I was going to is beyong terrofying So i begged for mercy and forgiveness, and told I was in purgatory. My chakra system in my forehead was totally fucked, 1cm thick blockaged in forehead, all the meridians around my head torn, and trying to reconnect, uttterly utterly terrofying, Theye improved in the past 5 months of celibacy, and absolutely no durgs and alcohol daily mediation and several more trips. the blockages are down to 40% of what they were. Im still completely fucked but hopefully I can heal if I dont relapse Oh I also had a message during this experience of 'last chance', so thats also terrorfying. Now whether if I entered the portal would I be stuck there forever, I dont know. But I do know your resenment and hatred would grow exponentially and your ability to forgive and reconnect, and the pain you would have to overcome would be truly remarkable. So Im not making any claim to whether its eternal or not, but for sure its not possible to want to find out Also whether there is an act of mercy from God, I dont know, I actually think not, as it seems God-agnostic. theres a sense this is total down to you, your own making, you systemetically brought yourself here and became this person, now you have to get yourself out.
  14. Fair play, you have a video for almost everything lol! Did you ever have any intense trips of seeing the devil or encountering an image of the devil?