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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @Rilles I used bell sounds before, really giving me zen vibes But i prefer to use open eyes on a medium range object and dont move them at all.
  2. Is it because of the authority or because they are less developed? What about green? Can collective based spiral stages be more cult like?
  3. @Peter124 I'm sorry for that. That is a subject to work on and self-heal, anything from visiting psychiatrist to doing shadow work. No one loves another one unconditionally, but can love in lesser conditional ways. The one that loves unconditionally, has no one else to love, it is only it.
  4. @Peter124 Realize why there is form instead of formlessness. When you do, you will just become divine absolute Love. Ego isn't evil, ego is nature's gift. Love the illusion.
  5. @Jacobsrw Leo and Rupert come from their mystical experiences. That is the similar part Before watching Leo I listened to Rupert Spira and Adyashanti, but now Leo goes much deeper that them.
  6. @Exystem Wow... haven't look into "hell" like this before.. Really profound insights. and yes, there is always a deeper level of enlightenment and consciousness. Stopping won't help. But what happened to the body after that much scratching? be careful about that from now on.
  7. @Nadosa Address why that state is uncomfortable. Why do you feel uneasy when you can't find where you are? Maybe it is how you actually are in an absolute sense. But in the relative everyday things, "you" are where your body is. That's how the culture agreed to think like. But instead of suppressing the no-place-you, use it for more contemplation in your quiet time. More insights and realizations await you
  8. @sunny33 Smack that ego with silence and it'll learn
  9. yeah I agree with that. I'm much more comfortable with voice recording and voice massaging that writing. It can also include more emotion in a voice recording!
  10. Search "Meta Sage" and watch his oldest videos. Really great teachings. https://www.youtube.com/user/SageBodisattva
  11. Sit down and plug in your earphones. Close your eyes and become very aware of the moment. Listen with great attention and consiousness. Stop asking. They will get you no where.
  12. @actualizing25 In my experience the only thing i needed was one video and a shit ton of contemplation. That video is Leo's ACTUALITY video. Learn what actuality is. Everyday sit down for an hour and become as actual and consciouss as possible. Then contemplate what you are or any metaphysical topic you want. Your only assumption should be: TRUTH IS ACTUAL. Science, religioun, philosophy, your ideas, goes right out the window! You have to start from a place of genuine not knowing. "Having no idea" You can meditate any way that works for reaching a state of no mind gor more concentration. Be aware of your assumptions. Question materialism and objectivity. It will become obvious that objectivity is nothing more than a concept. After you've had a bunch of huge insights watch more videos of Leo specially on metaphysical topics. Just see what he says and then sit down and contemplate it to confirm it. You will assume that it's 50/50 chance that he's right and only way you can know is contemplating it yourself. Later on you can start slowly on psychedelics if you want for much more growth. I haven't done them, but might do them in the future. Books and videos of more teachers are an extra but you don't need them. 90% of my insights we're from my own practice not teachers. (Except Leo which help me contemplating topics) Also: Stop being a seeker, don't pursue enlightenment for its benefits for "you". There won't be that "you" there but let's say, another different you. Seek it because you really want to know. Like actually understanding it. and be very curious.
  13. @Mongu9719 Dude, stop posting, go on pursue what you want. Enough bullshit.
  14. @RareGodzilla thanks mate And you know what's the funny thing about Iranians? They fucking love people from other countries. Eastern or Western, we just love meeting them and visiting them. But see how are Iranians portraited, angry nationalist people who hate everyone It's like saying all Americans are the redneck christian stereotype. That's just limiting.
  15. You might consider Iran a less developed country (which is true to some degrees) but the last dacade there is a gradual but reletively big movement in Iranian culture. Specially the youth like me. The problem here is that the islamic regime is very defencive and treditional, a blue/red stage goverment. But the people are evolving into Green and it creates a huge gap between people and the authority. Feminism and LGBT movements are popular in social media, women are protesting against Hijab, most iranians are secular and athiestic and became very anti religioun, people are not falling behind from political correctness and free speech, and as you might have heard, people are protesting the currupt goverment lately. How they react? Shoot people in the fucking head! (They brought mentally unstable and fragile units with AKs to kill people, 1500 and more died this year) 40 years ago the 79 revolution was Iran's devolving from a secular orange country into blue dogma. Just check out how people looked and lived before and after 1979 here. And there were very strict beliefs about sexual relationships and virginity, only being legal in marriage. Now the youth is more liberal and sexually open. For example being virgin at 18 is very normal here but that age might be lower in your country if it's western and first world. And now around 70% of people are not voting next year, because every time we get disappointed by how different poeple and the goverment thinks. People want stable economey and jobs, they want to destroy Isreal and preach islam. And if you see people saying "death to usa and isreal" please remember, they are the bottom 30% (at most) of developed people. Most of them are dogmatic or doing it for financial benefit. People see Iran the same as Iraq or Saudi arabia, but if you dig a little deeper to see how people actually are living their lives here, you'll see there's a very obvious difference and cultural gaps in many ways. I really think of my country as a big joke. The more I know about its history, the more funny and tragic it gets. But at least things are changing a little bit. I hope Middle-eastern people get more consciouss and aware of the bullshit that's going on here and make a huge leap into being more nuanced and developed.
  16. @arlin You said don't answer with spiritual/existential ideas. That's ok, but the answers you'll get this way will be limited by just human experience and human life. AND dude 20 years old is totally ok, you don't have to avoid these just because you're "too young". I got into actualized.org and serious enlightenment at the age of 16 and I don't even think that its too early! Didn't took me years and decades to get serious results, because I actually care and love to contemplate and get closer and closer to Absolute Truth. So, Why live if we are going to die? If there is nothing after death and you just stop existing as you, what to do? Live your life to experience the most out of it. Go for the best quality life in terms of money, relationships, social relationships, jobs and get yourself to a point where you can actually travel and see things unimaginable and beautiful in this world. Check out the self-actualization section in the forum which has more practical and productive oriented stuff there which might be really useful for you. Spirituality is kinda extreme for some people so stay safe and good luck check out POSITIVE NIHILISM specially on youtube.
  17. I was deep into contemplation and in silence I entered the no-mind state. While I was there, I got less and less perception. It went on and the I-thought dissolved with it, too. After I came back I tried to compare the formlessness and the formness of these two states. I asked "why there should be form? Why live as a human? Why experience anything? Why not just be formless?" I went back to contemplation again and got closer to formlessness. While I was there the asnwer popped up. The formlessness has a huge tendency to create and be infintie facets of itself. It HAS to be. It is so unlimited and infinite that it, just by being itself, creates infinite duality and infinite forms. This is its nature. As the reason why to exist, why to live, and why to experience all these forms, I can only articulate the words: TO BE. This created such a huge void in everything, that it actually motivates me a lot to just experience life as a total. To live just becomes to be. Anything that happens is absolutely fair, absolutely perfect and whatever I go through, no matter the intensity, is absolutely beautiful and a part of the great art of existance. It is designed to be dualistic while containing nondual elements. It is designed to have ups and downs. And the only reason is TO BE.
  18. I understand why objectivity is a shared imagination to explain materialism. I understand that only thing there is is subjectivity, pure being. But when we try to make someone else understand it, we use their point of view as an absolute and say "you are what is" And yeah in the absolute sense your point of view is mine and vise versa. But how does this really work ? Are there infinite minds inside infinite minds? Is reality that I experience being imagined by someone else and I imagine someone else's reality? This doesn't make sense with infinity. Infinity can only be one. If there were 2 infinities, they wouldn't be infinite.
  19. @TheAvatarState It's really awesome that a forum like this has many people that understand while most people out there don't
  20. There is no actual coding and numbers in a computer simulating us. It's a false premise and a broken paradigm. What can be useful tho is using it like the dream analogy. A dream without a dreamer just dreaming itself. Consiousness dreaming reality. A simulation without hardware and pure software. Consciousness simulating reality. Some people take the ideas from scifi movies like the matrix literally. Like how religious people do with their books. The matrix trilogy is filled with symbolism and refers to ego death and surrendering of the self. The mirror taking over the body symbolises ego death and becoming infinite. The end symbolises sacrifice and surrendering in a christ like way for the greater good. And many more. Don't take these ideas literally. See what they actually refer to in actual reality.
  21. @Leo Gura yeah that's a better way to discribe it. But what simulate can also mean is instant creation of everything. The way consiousness changes from being formless to form which are the same.
  22. What I'm ultimately saying is: What about the subjective expeirences of other beings in my subjective experience? Maybe all there is is me and their subjective expeirence doesn't exist?
  23. Consciousness actually means existance, being, absolute bottom of everything, formlessness and the source of all forms. A story based on actuality. Actual absolute consciousness can only be expeirenced. Nothing more or less. Neurons firing in a brain, percieving an objective reality and creating an indentity is merely awakefulness. A story based on naive realism. It's also a vocabulary problem with consciousness. I've heard this from sadhguru and it really helped me distinguish and actually point my aim at consciousness instead if awakefulness.
  24. @Leo Gura Can one have psychedelic-like effects of the mind (like no mind and becoming Actual) on command? I don't know about other people, but it seems like contemplation and inquiry develop a mental skill of shutting down the mind and becoming actual and present. Feels like non-verbal/non-symbol thinking as you said. I haven't tried any psychedelics yet, but is this sort of skill be any close to a normal pcychedelic experience? (Not so powerful like 5meo)
  25. Poetry is very close to the core of the persian language and it's culture. This insight hit me when I looked from this lens: Everything that is, existance, is there to create maximum poetry and creativity. All beings and creation is a work of absolute art. All duality is art, poetic. All forms, all beings, all levels of consciousness and formlessness is absolutely poetic. If you were an infinite and unlimited being, you would EXACTLY create this moment right now, to the finest detail in infinite forms and resolution. This identity you have lives the exact life there needs to be for absolute poetry. The aboslute work of art. A few weeks later, I saw the movie "The House that Jack Built" and "The AntiChrist" from the mad genius, Lars von Treir. So disturbing yet absolutely artistic. These movies reinforced this insight in me. No matter how aweful or awesome life can be, it is absolutely beautiful and necessary for Maximum Poetry!