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About astrokeen

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    Oxford, UK
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  1. Best psychedelic for improving the mind - (pls don't say that's an oxymoron)
    Best psychedelic for improving the mind - (pls don't say that's an oxymoron)
    It just happens naturally as you trip. Just surrender to the trip and the substance will take you were you need to go, whether mentally or emotionally.
    I've had powerful emotional experiences on every substance. It mostly depends on you, not the substance.
    Mushrooms can be very emotional for me. They tend to be intoxicating and very trippy. LSD is better for metaphysical contemplation.
    As your trip starts you can set an intention to either: 1) work on personal emotional issues, 2) work on metaphysical insights, 3) work on life purpose and a vision for your life. Just pick one and see where it takes you.