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About SaWaSaurus

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  • Birthday 09/01/1992

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  1. I think I have this... but it's such a non-factor in my life that I didn't even notice it until reading this thread (I'd notice it at different points in life). So perhaps mine is quiet, but I only notice it when I want to.
  2. Start tracking your spending if you aren't already. Assuming you keep your money in the bank, your online banking app should have tools for this. Otherwise there are tools outside your banking app that can assist you with keeping track and organizing your spending. Look at areas you can save. Some examples... Learn to cook for yourself. This includes learn to shop for food, which is majorly underestimated when it comes to savings. Figure out which stores have your desired balance of price, quality, and selection. This is going to be dependent on what's available in your area. Use a credit card, but avoid debt at all costs. We live in a debtor economy - most people can't afford their monthly expenses so we use credit (borrowing money, typically from a bank). With credit cards, you're loaned however much you want to spend per month within the limits of your card. At the end of that month, you pay off your credit card bill. If you can't pay it off, you can pay it back later, but with interest. It should be obvious then - always pay off your credit card bills if you can afford to. Owning a credit card has other benefits too - rewards programs like flyer miles, and credit score. Your credit score is your profile as a debtor. If you are often late on payments, are a victim of identity theft, or have filed for bankruptcy, this can harm your credit score. A bad credit score can make it difficult to secure loans for major purchases like homes and cars. It can also make it harder to find an apartment. Debt is sometimes necessary for big purchases, but otherwise avoid it. Research your purchases, don't make frivolous purchases. Our culture is one of mass consumption. People buy way too much shit they don't need with money they don't have. Ask yourself how much, realistically, am I going to benefit from buying this thing. How much will I actually need or use it? Buying things can be fun but it's a cheap thrill. Break this habit if you have it. Shop around for insurance and other large purchases. Personal antidote - last year I re-shopped my insurance and found I qualified for a low-mileage car insurance program offered in my state. That cut my insurance from ~$1200/year to ~$550/year, quite a difference. Plan for the future. Aim for stability first, but once you're stable you should ask yourself what kind of life you want to live financially, and how does that dovetail with the kind of life you want to live inter-personally and spiritually. If you're at a stable point in life but want to earn more then you need a plan. Typically that's going to look like some sort of learned skill/degree that gets you into a field with higher pay. You could also find a company that has potential for vertical movement up the corporate ladder. Good luck.
  3. I like this guy. One of the few modern philosophers who focuses on Alfred North Whitehead, which comes in handy since reading Whitehead can feel like learning a new language.
  4. Become truly educated. School, college, won't do that for you. I'd only recommend college for someone with a specific route in mind that requires a degree in a specialized field - the sciences mostly. Going to college for philosophy would be a waste of time and money. The way school 'educates' is by having you memorize and recite the 'correct' ideas. It's the opposite of thinking for yourself, which an educated person does. Not to say it's unimportant to take inspiration and ideas from others, it is important, but take their ideas as a 'maybe', and decide for yourself over time how true they are. That's a tricky thing to do though since we're brought up to swallow up ideas and regurgitate them while truly believing they're our own opinions - they're not, it's just a habit of believing in the truth of authority figures. For emotional mastery/sports psychology (which tend to go hand in hand), check out: The Inner Game of Tennis Zen and the Art of Archery
  5. "The same as the light," Lakshmi repeated. "And yet it's all dark again." "It's dark because you're trying too hard," said Susila. "Dark because you want it to be light. Remember what you used to tell me when I was a little girl. 'Lightly, child, lightly. You've got to learn to do everything lightly. Think lightly, act lightly, feel lightly. Yes, feel lightly, even though you're feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.' I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly—it was the best advice ever given me. Well, now I'm going to say the same thing to you, Lakshmi . . . Lightly, my darling, lightly. Even when it comes to dying. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic. No rhetoric, no tremolos, no self-conscious persona putting on its celebrated imitation of Christ or Goethe or Little Nell. And, of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the fact of dying and the fact of the Clear Light. So throw away all your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That's why you must walk so lightly. Lightly, my darling. On tiptoes; and no luggage, not even a sponge bag. Completely unencumbered." - Aldous Huxley, Island. In 'Island', this is a dialogue between a woman on her deathbed and her husband guiding her through it. The entire scene is much longer, but this passage distills the essence of it.
  6. I've wondered this too. Still don't really know, but this hypothesis seems reasonable:
  7. I'm only comparing him to JP in the sense that the argument is the same, just from a higher level. The CEO says we need to clean up our own mess as a nation before focusing on the messes of other nations, and JP is saying me and you individually need to clean up our own messes personally before focusing on the messes of the country we live in.
  8. I think there's nuance to what he's saying. He's doing to Jordan Peterson 'clean your room before you clean up the world', except on the scale of national government instead of the individual. How many people needlessly die each year because our health care system is corrupt to its core, where folks cut their insulin because the price is 1000% more than it should be? Uigher genocide sucks, but for most people it's just an easy virtue signal since everyone knows genocide bad - it's much harder for people to comprehend the abstract harm done by corrupt institutions, but genocide is pretty clear cut.
  9. I'm guessing it's because this CEO billionaire is an outspoken liberal or leftist and Ben is getting his shots in wherever he can
  10. I don't understand the technicals of the article, but the OP made some sus posts in the comment section that seems off for the character he's portraying..
  11. He said a *LOT* of things, yet the one thing people know about him is that he's some crazy 2012er lol. You can be a genius polymath with impeccable communication style, yet make one wrong prediction (which you admit could be wrong), and all the sudden your legacy is 'just some nut job'. When he talked about his novelty theory he's stated outright that he could be wrong about knowing the precise date of the omega - this was a speculative part of his theory.
  12. Dude bought an abandoned mining town for 1 million dollars and documents his adventures there. The content is more entertaining than it might seem imo. This channel speaks for itself:
  13. Become a philosopher, not someone who memorizes philosophical ideas of other philosophers. Assuming you were brought up in traditional education systems, it might take time to break the habit of memorizing the 'right ideas' and adopting them as your own. You've probably been conditioned to not bother thinking for yourself, since smarter people have certainly figured out the answers to whatever questions you have... scrap all that. It's good to read and listen to smart people, but you are your greatest teacher and you'll only know wisdom if you learn to contemplate for yourself.