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Posts posted by Cocolove

  1. I'm in high school and I bought the course last weekend. I've spent about 20 hours working on it.

    I highly recommend you buy it. High school is definitely the ideal time.(If not earlier, maybe with guidance) 

    You can always keep it for later and the ideas are critical to know even if you don't want to take action yet, but just to plan out your life.

    I think that with the few years in high school, if you really work at it, you can put yourself in such a good position by the time you graduate while everyone else is robotically getting a bad job or going to college for something they don't like.

  2. I've had knee problems for as long as I can remember. For the past few months I've been trying to find a sitting position that doesn't hurt my knees. I have been completely unsuccessful, and am worried I might be damaging my knees long term. They continue to hurt even after I meditate. Also I stretch daily, and my hips are not tight (anymore) but my knees still hurt.

    Is sitting meditation necessarily better than standing or sitting in a chair? I know Leo said something about it in one video but it wasn't very conclusive. Please help.

    I would like to know how to sit without damaging my knees, or know if it is okay/just as effective to not sit.

  3. I decided to post this here as opposed to the dating section because of the lens through which I'm asking this question.

    Background: I'm 16, extremely busy with school, barely have time to meditate and read daily. I can see a lot of potential if I continue personal development.  I am less busy on weekends. I left my last relationship because it was so shallow and we didn't connect on a deep level. I've the desire to be in a relationship in the last month or so. 

    Question: Should I get a girlfriend/ date around?

    Pro's: I want a girlfriend. It sounds fun. New experiences.

    Con's: Less time to do actualization work. It won't make me truly happy. 

    Part of me wants to spend my extra time working on myself because it will lead to greater happiness. The other part thinks that's a grouchy idea and I'm throwing away great experiences for no good reason.

    I remember Leo said in a video teens shouldn't worry about relationships. I'd like to hear some more well thought out perspectives and advice.

  4. Make sure you go to bed at the same time. No artificial light 2 hours before and minimal light an hour before bed (times adjustable). What helped me was cutting out my addiction to stimulation. I used to have a terrible time trying to sleep. Now I get at least 8 hours every night and wake up at 6

  5. Don't conceptualize those quotes and try to "figure it out"

    Use them to examine a facet of your present experience and simply observe.

    Leo explains it like this, there is no need to try to figure it out because it is right there, all you need to do is watch it until you become conscious enough.


    Your realization of what that quote is pointing to will not be in words, like the quote.

  6. I'm 16, a junior in high school and I plan on going to college. I do not know what I want to do for a career. I like psychology, spirituality, and psychedelics, but could likely be best suited for a different career.

    How do I make a study of the options I have? Resources, Mindsets, Teachers.

    (Leo, or whoever knows)Should I take the life purpose course, if I don't know what I want to do? In other words is it designed for finding a life purpose or for those who have an idea of theirs.

    Any other relevant advice and insight?
