
Share With Us Your Business Ideas.

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Machine intelligence is fast becoming the essential electricity of our information-based world.

Whichever direction you choose in the business world, make sure that there is an AI component in there somewhere.
Without it, your business is not future-proof - and almost guaranteed to fail within the next 5-10 years as AI competition takes a foothold.

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These days online business is growing at a much faster rate. People are coming up with new ideas for online businesses. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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49 minutes ago, jse said:

Machine intelligence is fast becoming the essential electricity of our information-based world.

Whichever direction you choose in the business world, make sure that there is an AI component in there somewhere.
Without it, your business is not future-proof - and almost guaranteed to fail within the next 5-10 years as AI competition takes a foothold.

When AI takes over most human activities, we are going to live without the need to work anymore, so there won't be any need for business too :D We will be provided for by the machines.


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4 hours ago, Dodoster said:

When AI takes over most human activities, we are going to live without the need to work anymore, so there won't be any need for business too :D We will be provided for by the machines.

I don't think this will realistically happen within our life times, unfortunately.  And I don't believe we will ever get to the point of something like iRobot -- too much politics in the way, etc..

I believe we can and do have the tools necessary to make it happen, but actually materializing -- politics :\

Edited by poimandres

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@poimandres it is happening now, I see much automation progress in my job (dentistry).  Every year more and more jobs are automated.  Politics will have little to say about this, money and economics are king.

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Yeah, I definitely view artificial intelligence possible and it is already happening. The next year I will end my school and continue to major in computer science. I have already spend a lot of time in understanding machine learning and the possibilities are immersive there. So my current busineess ideas are related to higher consciousness mobile games. I think there are a lot of possibilities ;) I believe that I will manage to create one maybe after 4-6 month. Now I just raising capital from web and mobile development :D And I would suggest to focus on creative mobile ideas, because those are currently on of course he hardest to replace. Of course, there are already some collaboration between computers and designers creating some new tools, but it is still a great niche for people.

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On 4/12/2017 at 4:04 PM, Lai said:

@poimandres it is happening now, I see much automation progress in my job (dentistry).  Every year more and more jobs are automated.  Politics will have little to say about this, money and economics are king.

Yes, some automation and jobs will become obsolete. Trucking industry is about to change with driverless semi's. But I was just getting at that there won't be droids walking around or we will never have an AI government (robots run our government). We won't ever get to the point where a majority doesn't work, lives off UBI, etc.. at least not in our lifetimes.

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@Shubh_5S My business' purpose is to raise the consciousness of others, to a point where all of their material suffering is evaporated through detaching themselves to their mind/body.

So I'm currently developing an algorithm that has an ego, and simulates egoic actions, so that we can discover more about how attachment works on a scientific level.

Later I plan to make an neural network capable of self awareness. This mean using back propagation on back propagation. Its still in its early stages though. 

My initial plan is to make an app called TinyBuddha, make it cost like 50 cents so that I can make a living off it, and basically it will give one koans that are custom tailored to an individual's mental state(or level of consciousness). Then next I'm going to try and get into academia and produce my discoveries that I have made using my machine egoic model.

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