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An young being

Are there any other forums concerned with spirituality similiar to this one?

21 posts in this topic

I like this forum, but I wish to know if something similiar exists which gets good amount of traffic and has an active user base. I already know that reddit has a section on spirituality, and another one Nahm created, let's not talk about those, do any other forums exist which encourages open minded discussions, and has Spirituality as it's main theme? 

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reddit has awakened, spirituality, meditation, enlightenment, acim, psychedelics ... subreddits and tons more and many times more users

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2 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

reddit has awakened, spirituality, meditation, enlightenment, acim, psychedelics ... subreddits and tons more and many times more users

Yeah, but I would like something without the upvote mechanism, as it can cause biases.

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@An young being Honestly, I've never been interested in it. This forum is definitely one of a kind. Various paths, insights, ideas and views collide here. I don't feel like there is any agenda here. Yes, sometimes our dear, thoroughly brilliant and crazy host will kick someone out the door - but hey, it's his inn after all and as a guest I have to take this eventuality into account. Either way, this place is unique.

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Nothing like this! The subreddits are fine but usually most people are very closed minded there. If you go a bit too much out of the normal narrative fast you will be kicked out or canceled

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I am a big fan of the trilogy in five parts titled Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The second part is titled: "Restaurant At the End of the Universe" and the third: "Life, the Universe and Everything". These two titles exceptionally reflect the spirit of this forum🙏👍🫵💪🤞😊

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5 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

I am a big fan of the trilogy in five parts titled Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The second part is titled: "Restaurant At the End of the Universe" and the third: "Life, the Universe and Everything". These two titles exceptionally reflect the spirit of this forum🙏👍🫵💪🤞😊

Are they only books or made into part of movies as well? 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Nothing like this! The subreddits are fine but usually most people are very closed minded there. If you go a bit too much out of the normal narrative fast you will be kicked out or canceled

Yeah, there has to be a balance between allowing radically open minded discussions and disallowing all kinds of marketing, low quality abuses, posts etc. Reddit has a huge population and hence need for filtering, so automatically they are forced to become closed minded. But I believe this forum is fairly balanced, atleast during the time I spent here. I don't have much experience in reddit though, to be fair.

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58 minutes ago, An young being said:

Yeah, there has to be a balance between allowing radically open minded discussions and disallowing all kinds of marketing, low quality abuses, posts etc. Reddit has a huge population and hence need for filtering, so automatically they are forced to become closed minded. But I believe this forum is fairly balanced, atleast during the time I spent here. I don't have much experience in reddit though, to be fair.

I believe too. Leo IS not perfect but has been doing a great work moderating It, there is a good balance heres between allowing a wide range of perspectives but at the same time not letting It become a mad House 

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1 hour ago, An young being said:

Are they only books or made into part of movies as well? 

One crappy movie and one pretty good old BBC series from the late 70's. Don't watch the former, watch the latter.

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26 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

One crappy movie and one pretty good old BBC series from the late 70's. Don't watch the former, watch the latter.

Okay, I think I watched the movie when I was young. I remember a scene where they ask a super computer some serious questions about life. I don't remember anything else though. It's funny you mentioned the 70's, just a few weeks ago, I started watching movies from that era, like French connection, dirty harry, serpico etc. Those films are as good as the new ones!

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20 minutes ago, An young being said:

French connection, dirty harry, serpico etc. Those films are as good as the new ones!

Fuck yeah, they are even better. Much better in fact!

The New Hollywood era of the late sixties/seventies (those are my favorite two decades of the 20st Century as far as pop culture is concerned) was absolutely amazing. Tons of great gritty and original off beat movies, from comedy to musical to drama to thriller to horror flicks. And the actor Paul Newman starred in every single one of them, lol.

Even the first Rocky and Rambo movies were great, before it all went down the toilet with the 80's sequels.

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31 minutes ago, An young being said:

I remember a scene where they ask a super computer some serious questions about life.

Mmmmm yes... 42. :P

32 minutes ago, An young being said:

I don't remember anything else though.

Good for you, it's very forgettable fluff.

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4 hours ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

I am a big fan of the trilogy in five parts titled Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The second part is titled: "Restaurant At the End of the Universe" and the third: "Life, the Universe and Everything". These two titles exceptionally reflect the spirit of this forum🙏👍🫵💪🤞😊

Nice way to describe it

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Even the first Rocky and Rambo movies were great, before it all went down the toilet with the 80's sequels.

True, the names sound like cringe movies now, because of the poor reception the sequels had, very few know about the originals.




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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:
2 hours ago, An young being said:

I remember a scene where they ask a super computer some serious questions about life.

Mmmmm yes... 42.

It's a bit funny, but in 2001-2005 my current wife and I emigrated to England for work. We then purchased a piece of land near my hometown of Poznan. At that time I was reading Adams' Trilogy and the number of the plot we purchased turned out to be 42. And so the answer of Deep Thought to the question about life, the universe, and everything is visible on the front wall of our house:D:D:D.

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This forum is fortunate to have been set up for a broad, good-for-all relevance and having a definite target-market benefitting a younger establishment with a "bias" towards new-agism. This is its downside, of course~ but I'm not complaining.

I used to frequent the dao bums forum. "cetus" (a current moderator here) may also still be working for the Zen International forum. Both these venues offer a rich (and strictly formalist) content in two very ancient traditions long associated with transcendent learning and discipline; ie: Kashmiri, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese "mind only" buddhism and such prehistoric proto-shamanic teaching which has fortunately found its way into the empyrean fabric of taoism. Of course, the vast majority of culturally-grounded Chinese Han would shriek if they read the words I'm uttering about their tao~ heehee!!

The dao bums, formerly "tao bums", was, and still may be, a good place for those interested in a dryer, literalist content featuring a stable of worthy pedants dedicated to pursuing skillful translation of the famous original documents of the taoist canon, but I doubt there are many here who would be interested…

I was not popular there for many years, as I found the literalistic language-based rationalism couching the bulk of the posts to be very limited to a "recreational philosophy" approach, whereas I tend to value the powerfully non-culturally-grounded mystic symbolism embedded in the very same ancient taoist documents already translated into the English language. The "original" documents aren't nearly as old (or as imminent) as the original knowledge ❤︎



ed note: add (or as imminent) in last line, change mod's name, "Cygnus" to "cetus"


Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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6 minutes ago, deci belle said:

This forum is fortunate to have been set up for a broad, good-for-all relevance and having a definite target-market benefitting a younger establishment with a "bias" towards new-agism. This is its downside, of course~ but I'm not complaining.

I used to frequent the dao bums forum. Cygnus (a current moderator here) may also still be working for the Zen International forum. Both these venues offer a rich (and strictly formalist) content  in two very ancient traditions long associated with transcendent learning and discipline; ie: Kashmiri, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese "mind only" buddhism and such prehistoric proto-shamanic teaching which has fortunately found its way into the fabric of taoism. Of course, the vast majority of culturally-grounded Chinese Han would shriek if they read the words I'm uttering about their tao~ heehee!!

The dao bums, formerly "tao bums", was, and still may be, a good place for those interested in a dryer, literalist content featuring a stable of worthy pedants dedicated to pursuing skillful translation of the famous original documents of the taoist canon, but I doubt there are many here who would be interested…

I was not popular there for many years, as I found the literalistic language-based rationalism couching the bulk of the posts to be very limited to a "recreational philosophy" approach, whereas I tend to value the powerfully non-culturally-grounded mystic symbolism embedded in the very same ancient taoist documents already translated into the English language. The "original" documents aren't nearly as old as the original knowledge❤︎


Sounds interesting, but they look a bit too specific. Also, I am not able to find the second one you specified on internet, the zen forums.

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I trust your judgement, youngBeing~ haha! As for the Zen forum, ask cetus about that one.




ed note: change "Cygnus" to" "cetus"

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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