
Biases and bigotries

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22 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Do you think you're the only one who feels the way you do. No you're not. Plenty of people can't stand pretty people both men and women. They have prejudged them just like you have. So, this social dynamic warmth you're talking about only exists in your head just like everything else. Get over yourself. If you're thinking something, someone else already thought it, if you're feeling something, someone else already felt it. You're just a combination of thoughts, ideas and constructs. So, to say social dynamic - you're also a part of a social construct, so if you're feeling that way there are plenty of other people who are too. Nothing special about your prejudices. They are not even yours. You've adopted them from a certain conditioning that you're not aware of; because if you were aware of where those prejudices came from and recognized that they didn't just start from your conscious thinking, assessments and logic, you would realize you are just mimicking a particular behavioral pattern unbeknownst to you and are just coming from a place of ignorance.

You try to rationalize this unconscious thought pattern that you've adopted from conditioning, thinking it's your own. There are strings of causes and effects that happened way before it reached your mind that subjected you to this belief, and now you're trying to individualize yourself by believing this belief came from a string of circumstances that you have observed and now the final equation is "pretty women are mean". Connect the dots backwards and you'll be surprised to see this belief you so think is yours was programmed into your psyche from situations and circumstances that has nothing to do with your rationalizations of why you feel this way and what you've observed about pretty women. You only were able to see those things because of previous beliefs you held and that were vibrationally attached to this current one about pretty women; which, BTW will lead to future beliefs that has nothing to do with pretty women. You have made pretty women your master with all that hate you have bestowed upon them, and with that they will now control how you view unrelated circumstances because there is no separation and everything is connected and entangled with everything else. Hate only destroys the one who hates.


I haven't been conditioned to think this. It's just something that has arisen over years of engaging with other humans. It's only really in the past couple of years that this clicked in me. If others have thought it prior, most likely. Various people can arrive at similar conclusions though. Thus even "good thoughts" aren't original, by this logic.

Social dynamics are not just part of my imagination - they influence many things. From peer pressure, to religious/familial indoctrination, through to persuasion. Even the most individualistic of people are influenced by what others think or feel individually. 

I stand by my views. If we're not supposed to see anyody as "better" by social or life standards, then pretty women violate that contract. 



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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

@Princess Arabia I think he meant you've demonstrated to be just as prejudiced as OP is, lol...


@bebotalk For my part, I'm not saying that pretty girls aren't spoilt on account of being pretty. Though clearly not all. But more to the point, I don't see why you should want to be resentful over it all your life, and painting with such a broad brush that it makes everything ugly. It's not like they're gonna care, so why should you? The only one hauling this baggage all over the place is you.

Do black people care about if some whites don't like them? maybe,or maybe not. DO lgbt people care if homophobes dislike them? maybe, or maybe not. It's immaterial. Maybe accept some hold dark thoughts. 

Though it's often spiritualist people like you who let certain bigotries slide. you never think "well, that's technically a bigotry, so i can't let it go". its funny to behold. who are you to determine who is condemned fro such or not? you move like pretty women - always assuming we have to go along with your opinions and insights. lol.

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4 hours ago, SOUL said:

Not to mention prejudices, you have pre-judged a group of people because of a trait they have little control over and treat them in such a way which reflects your prejudice as you imagine them to be not reflective of them as they are.

So you can continue to prejudge people and treat them a certain way as a reaction to what's in your imagination or you can cease to prejudge people and treat them according to how they treat you or even treat them a certain way despite how they treat you.

This isn't moralizing or an opinion, this is just what it is. Take it as you will.

I know the heart and mind of every pretty woman in existence, and who has ever lived and will live. Genetics and human nature doesn't change that much, bar major evolutionary shifts. 

If you allow KKK members to be racist in your community, then extend the same courtesies to all others. It's not that much of a mental shift to do.

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1 minute ago, bebotalk said:


I haven't been conditioned to think this. It's just something that has arisen over years of engaging with other humans. It's only really in the past couple of years that this clicked in me. If others have thought it prior, most likely. Various people can arrive at similar conclusions though. Thus even "good thoughts" aren't original, by this logic.

Social dynamics are not just part of my imagination - they influence many things. From peer pressure, to religious/familial indoctrination, through to persuasion. Even the most individualistic of people are influenced by what others think or feel individually. 

I stand by my views. If we're not supposed to see anyody as "better" by social or life standards, then pretty women violate that contract. 



I'm not trying to change your views, you're entitled to them. Just trying to show how they are sometimes formed and we believe in them because of uncontrollable circumstances so no need to stand so firm in them as they are almost always flawed especially negative ones that we think are serving us but are only harming us in the end. That's all.

Know thyself....

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8 hours ago, bebotalk said:

I know the heart and mind of every pretty woman in existence, and who has ever lived and will live.

You don't even know your own heart and mind as proven by you saying this...

9 hours ago, bebotalk said:

I haven't been conditioned to think this. It's just something that has arisen over years of engaging with other humans.

You say you haven't been conditioned to think it and then describe how you came to think it by what conditioning actually is. Your words are just regurgitation of other people's words that are evoked by the pain experienced in life.

We all have had to endure pain in life, we all have been exposed to the words and ideas of others, we all are products of our environment. Once one becomes aware of this process, we can consciously participate in it and influence the direction of our growth instead of let it be chosen for us by others.

One day you will become aware of what you are revealing to everyone here with the things you have been saying and I hope when that day comes you will be mature and aware enough to let it free your mind and heal your heart...

...and be at peace.

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On 02/12/2023 at 5:29 AM, SOUL said:

You don't even know your own heart and mind as proven by you saying this...

You say you haven't been conditioned to think it and then describe how you came to think it by what conditioning actually is. Your words are just regurgitation of other people's words that are evoked by the pain experienced in life.

We all have had to endure pain in life, we all have been exposed to the words and ideas of others, we all are products of our environment. Once one becomes aware of this process, we can consciously participate in it and influence the direction of our growth instead of let it be chosen for us by others.

One day you will become aware of what you are revealing to everyone here with the things you have been saying and I hope when that day comes you will be mature and aware enough to let it free your mind and heal your heart...

...and be at peace.

I've never really known anybody who has had a similar view to mine. You're making a lot of assumptions. Yes, our environment does shape us all. However, the effects of such manifest in different ways. This can result from internal reflection, as do most opinions people hold.

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46 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

I've never really known anybody who has had a similar view to mine. You're making a lot of assumptions. Yes, our environment does shape us all. However, the effects of such manifest in different ways. This can result from internal reflection, as do most opinions people hold.

You're so delusional. You're even claiming the energies of biases and bigotries to be yours. "I've never really known anybody who has had a similar view to mine". You are wanting to feel special so badly. Biases and bigotries stem from faulty thinking. They existed long before you manifested into this human form and will continue after your human form transforms. 

People don't normally go around advertising publicly their feelings of biases and bigotries. It's not stamped on their forehead.  You're on a public forum expressing yours anonymously. Behind the shadows of a computer screen. I dare you to approach a pretty woman and tell her to her face all you wrote here. You will say "I have", but it doesn't matter because you already did by your thoughts. 

It's just energy transformed and made manifest through you and now you're being grown with faulty manure and filthy water. Not being blossomed into the true flower that you are. That's the power you have. You're not recognizing who and what you are. You are turning against yourself. Turning your back and denying yourself. You hate yourself and now that energy is turning on itself by hating others. There are no others. They are only appearing from within you. You're looking at them with disgust and keeping that faulty energetic pattern alive. Now it is electrifying you. You're feeling the shock. Exactly as if you put your hand in on a live wire and kept it there. It's OK to feel these things from time to time because we have energetically separated ourselves from ourselves, but it's when we hold on to those feelings of grudge and hatred is when it starts to burn, to destroy us. Let go of those feelings because it will continue to burn through you and disseminate through your entire body which will then manifest into dis-ease.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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8 hours ago, bebotalk said:

I've never really known anybody who has had a similar view to mine. You're making a lot of assumptions. Yes, our environment does shape us all. However, the effects of such manifest in different ways. This can result from internal reflection, as do most opinions people hold.

The things you have been saying in this thread is widespread in what is colloquially called the manosphere so yea, there are many people that have 'similar' views.  So even if you have never encountered anyone online or in person saying similar things, which I have quite a bit of doubt about, there are certainly others who have 'similar' views.

I will agree with you if you suggest that there is probably nobody that has the same 'exact' views as you. The reason for this is that even if we are all exposed to the 'exact' same views, how they express themselves in each one of us through our experience and psyche it will be a unique recipe of perspective that doesn't exactly mirror others.

Although, even with this uniqueness we all have, people often regurgitate portions of it in the very same way it was conditioned into them and it is only if one expresses the whole of their perspective will we see the variations between the different views though they may be 'similar'.  To do that your original post would have been pages and pages long to accomplish it, which is virtually impossible.

So, please use that power of 'internal reflection' you speak about to transcend the self suffering that has caused you to have such a painful perspective of the people you do.

Good luck and peace.

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@Princess Arabia I do appreciate the tenacity of your engagement but I will remind you that not everyone has the mystical perspective to grasp some of the things you are saying here in the 'personal development' portion of the site. Again, just a gentle reminder but still quality points nonetheless.

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3 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@Princess Arabia I do appreciate the tenacity of your engagement but I will remind you that not everyone has the mystical perspective to grasp some of the things you are saying here in the 'personal development' portion of the site. Again, just a gentle reminder but still quality points nonetheless.

Ok, noted

Know thyself....

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@Princess Arabia Yea, for many of us our personal development and our spiritual journey are inextricably linked but there are some that are working on personal development and through the mystical phrasing or jargon we may use the valuable message can be lost. Again, though, I love what you have to say.

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5 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@Princess Arabia Yea, for many of us our personal development and our spiritual journey are inextricably linked but there are some that are working on personal development and through the mystical phrasing or jargon we may use the valuable message can be lost. Again, though, I love what you have to say.

I get it. I'm to the point where I've become one with it, and have integrated it into my being and it's not that easy to mentally separate the two sides of the coin. But I do understand what you're saying and I have to become aware of that. Thank you for the pointer. 

Know thyself....

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12 hours ago, SOUL said:

The things you have been saying in this thread is widespread in what is colloquially called the manosphere so yea, there are many people that have 'similar' views.  So even if you have never encountered anyone online or in person saying similar things, which I have quite a bit of doubt about, there are certainly others who have 'similar' views.

I will agree with you if you suggest that there is probably nobody that has the same 'exact' views as you. The reason for this is that even if we are all exposed to the 'exact' same views, how they express themselves in each one of us through our experience and psyche it will be a unique recipe of perspective that doesn't exactly mirror others.

Although, even with this uniqueness we all have, people often regurgitate portions of it in the very same way it was conditioned into them and it is only if one expresses the whole of their perspective will we see the variations between the different views though they may be 'similar'.  To do that your original post would have been pages and pages long to accomplish it, which is virtually impossible.

So, please use that power of 'internal reflection' you speak about to transcend the self suffering that has caused you to have such a painful perspective of the people you do.

Good luck and peace.

I don't like manosphere guys and haven't been exposed to them. You're being quite presumptive in "knowing" how I came to my views. How can you say I'm lying? loool


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4 hours ago, bebotalk said:

I don't like manosphere guys and haven't been exposed to them. You're being quite presumptive in "knowing" how I came to my views. How can you say I'm lying? loool


Since you put "knowing" in quotes it must mean I said I know how you came to your views, so please quote where I said that. I'll wait...Oh wait, I didn't say it, it's you who are the presumptive one and I merely pointed out where these views are known to widely circulate.

That was in response to you saying you have never met anyone to have 'similar' views so I explained where there are many who have 'similar' views not that I 'know' that's where you got them. So either you are unaware of your own lack of comprehension or you intentionally twist words. You pick.

It's you who said in this thread how you came to those views...I just quoted it to you and pointed out it's what conditioning actually is after you said you haven't been conditioned. You said you got it from engaging with other humans, no presumption required.

On 12/1/2023 at 1:05 PM, bebotalk said:

I haven't been conditioned to think this. It's just something that has arisen over years of engaging with other humans.

I don't have to presume, you told us right there that you have been conditioned over years even if you don't even realize it yourself because you said you haven't been conditioned to your views, which proves that you don't realize it.

Yet, talk about being presumptive, you said you know the heart and mind of every 'pretty women' in existence, that has ever and will ever live. That is one of the most presumptive things you could ever say and it reveals how little you actually do know.

So you can reply again and think we don't 'know' anything about you, but I will remind you, everything you have been posting in this thread shows more about you than you even realize, not just the stuff you think it reveals about you.

Again, good luck with that and peace.

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On 04/12/2023 at 6:17 PM, SOUL said:

Since you put "knowing" in quotes it must mean I said I know how you came to your views, so please quote where I said that. I'll wait...Oh wait, I didn't say it, it's you who are the presumptive one and I merely pointed out where these views are known to widely circulate.

That was in response to you saying you have never met anyone to have 'similar' views so I explained where there are many who have 'similar' views not that I 'know' that's where you got them. So either you are unaware of your own lack of comprehension or you intentionally twist words. You pick.

It's you who said in this thread how you came to those views...I just quoted it to you and pointed out it's what conditioning actually is after you said you haven't been conditioned. You said you got it from engaging with other humans, no presumption required.

I don't have to presume, you told us right there that you have been conditioned over years even if you don't even realize it yourself because you said you haven't been conditioned to your views, which proves that you don't realize it.

Yet, talk about being presumptive, you said you know the heart and mind of every 'pretty women' in existence, that has ever and will ever live. That is one of the most presumptive things you could ever say and it reveals how little you actually do know.

So you can reply again and think we don't 'know' anything about you, but I will remind you, everything you have been posting in this thread shows more about you than you even realize, not just the stuff you think it reveals about you.

Again, good luck with that and peace.

I said I conditioned myself. This is how people form views, from experience and reflection. If a person says they don't like Margherita pizza, then it's by experience and tasting.  You assume and presume it's due to red pill or manosphere spaces, which is comical. Since it's entirely baseless and only on your own internal reasoning with nothing to support it. Conditioning means being socially influenced or pressured to believe a given thing. This isn't the case. 

As for making assumptions, they're not inherently bad. If it's based on some logic, reason, and induction, it's perfectly valid. Tigers are predators and aggressive, so it's safe to assume this will continue to be the case in the future. If a person sees a tiger in a forest in 2100 AD, then unless there is a massive evolution in decades to come, tigers then most likely be the same. The same is true of pretty women since human nature hasn't truly ever changed. People will still value looks, and those who are recipients of privilege and adulation will absorb it. So such a presumption, as it's inductive, is valid. There is the "problem of induction", but we exist as a species via inductive logic. Why then assume that if one sees a dark cloud and haze falling from it in the distance, which is moving closer to one's location by the second, it will rain soon? 

I reveal i have some dark thoughts. It's foolish to presume one is perfect. Are you perfect in everything you say and do? Spiritualist peple often have these idealistic and unrealistic parameters of life. 


Edited by bebotalk

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On 02/12/2023 at 5:29 AM, SOUL said:

You don't even know your own heart and mind as proven by you saying this...

You say you haven't been conditioned to think it and then describe how you came to think it by what conditioning actually is. Your words are just regurgitation of other people's words that are evoked by the pain experienced in life.

We all have had to endure pain in life, we all have been exposed to the words and ideas of others, we all are products of our environment. Once one becomes aware of this process, we can consciously participate in it and influence the direction of our growth instead of let it be chosen for us by others.

One day you will become aware of what you are revealing to everyone here with the things you have been saying and I hope when that day comes you will be mature and aware enough to let it free your mind and heal your heart...

...and be at peace.

spiritualists are amusing.

they often have presumptive thinking. you have no clue, unless you know me and my experiences, the true genesis of my views. they also don't get basic communicative skills. Their presumptive thinking leads them to assume others intent and to lead discourse into areas they want to take it. 

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On 03/12/2023 at 3:51 PM, Princess Arabia said:

You're so delusional. You're even claiming the energies of biases and bigotries to be yours. "I've never really known anybody who has had a similar view to mine". You are wanting to feel special so badly. Biases and bigotries stem from faulty thinking. They existed long before you manifested into this human form and will continue after your human form transforms. 

People don't normally go around advertising publicly their feelings of biases and bigotries. It's not stamped on their forehead.  You're on a public forum expressing yours anonymously. Behind the shadows of a computer screen. I dare you to approach a pretty woman and tell her to her face all you wrote here. You will say "I have", but it doesn't matter because you already did by your thoughts. 

It's just energy transformed and made manifest through you and now you're being grown with faulty manure and filthy water. Not being blossomed into the true flower that you are. That's the power you have. You're not recognizing who and what you are. You are turning against yourself. Turning your back and denying yourself. You hate yourself and now that energy is turning on itself by hating others. There are no others. They are only appearing from within you. You're looking at them with disgust and keeping that faulty energetic pattern alive. Now it is electrifying you. You're feeling the shock. Exactly as if you put your hand in on a live wire and kept it there. It's OK to feel these things from time to time because we have energetically separated ourselves from ourselves, but it's when we hold on to those feelings of grudge and hatred is when it starts to burn, to destroy us. Let go of those feelings because it will continue to burn through you and disseminate through your entire body which will then manifest into dis-ease.

People are commonly stating their negative views. And yes, I would approach a pretty woman and say what I believe about them. What will she do? hit me? Since I'm male, bigger and stronger than her, it won't go down well, unless she's some special ops/forces person, but that's a minority of people as it stands. Will she cuss me? And? That won't bother me, especially since I condemned a stranger so they hold a right to condemn me. Or if she hit me, I'd just run and tell the police. if she wants a jail term merely since somebody insulted her, so be it. 

It's dishonest to assume one is perfect, or that the masses of humans are pure. This is what you're doing. 


Edited by bebotalk

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