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There are no positive or negative thoughts, good or bad feelings, etc.

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

@Bazooka Jesus The statements itself is dualistic, because language, yes. But that does not change the reality od truth. Which is, that there is no duality ;)

Read your own post again. Notice any contradiction between the first and the third sentence?

Duality = appearance. Without duality, experience would not be possible.

Why so serious?


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@Bazooka Jesus There never was any experience, in actuality. It only seems that way. Same goes for duality and contradiction. No such things, in actuality.

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@ivankiss Okay you say that let’s see someone cut off your leg without pain killers or anesthesia.

Okay, from an absolute perspective it’s all Good. 

I admit to not thinking about this that deeply as I pass through. 

But, as a human you are deeply biased. It’s not just fake imagined distinctions exactly, though it is. 

Edited by Thought Art

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Just now, Thought Art said:

@ivankiss Okay you say that let’s see someone cut off your leg without pain killers or anesthesia 

Read the first two comments.

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@ivankiss I did afterwards. Gave my opinion before being influenced by them. Added more to my comment.

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Just now, Thought Art said:

@ivankiss I did afterwards. Gave my opinion before being influenced by them. Added more to my comment.

I see

2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

But, as a human you are deeply biased. It’s not just fake imagined distinctions exactly, though it is. 

"Human" is an idea. A thought. I'm not trying to be a nondual dick, but really, there are no humans. 

I'm not denying that something deep in me is doing its best to survive and avoid pain as much as possible. I'm just saying that in actuality, things are super simple. Only one thing. Only one being. Only one consciousness. Nothing else. Not good, not bad, not pleasurable, not painful.

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Bazooka Jesus There never was any experience, in actuality. It only seems that way. Same goes for duality and contradiction. No such things, in actuality.

Exactly. It seems that way.

Existence = That which seems to be existing.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

Why so serious?


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@ivankiss Okay, but could it also be your idea of what exists isn’t what really exists? 

When in reality pleasure, pain, etc do exist and are more true than your non-dual idealogy?

The realist thing is our consciousness. Which, in its purest is Good, and unconditional. 

But, the human experience which is what you are experiencing… you may say “human is an idea” but you say that with a human psychology because you’re a human right now. 

You are God dreaming you are a human. In this human experience there is suffering and pleasure.

Human may be a thought… but be honest. You aren’t a “bird” or an “octopus” even if you think they are.

If you’re on the forum, you’re human.


Edited by Thought Art

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I’ll continue to contemplate these things. I don’t know if I understand you.

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positive and negative is real. Positive is life and negative is death. If you want to understand God, observe nature, it is total perfection in perfect balance achieved with the death of the imperfect. only the perfect can live.

It is the same to be a human only that death is replaced by suffering. The path to human perfection is very narrow, and if you deviate, suffering awaits you. Where is the perfection, the positive? where there is no suffering, where the real joy is.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall I have no idea what you just said. Why is positive life and negative death?

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Just now, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall I have no idea what you just said. Why is positive life and negative death?

Positive is a word that indicates our feeling towards what is closer to life, negative is what is closer to death. It is not that life or death are positive or negative in themselves, but that we perceive them that way because we have a vital and evolutionary impulse. If we didn't have it, we wouldn't be alive.

We are emerging bubbles of reality that emerge because they have the impulse to emerge, and we evolve because of the same. We can say that at an absolute level life and death are the same, but at the level we are at this is not the case. We have emerged from nothing and this is by our will, and our will is to seek perfection and evolution, that is how life works. We can not do it, then we will suffer, this is negativity.

It is software programmed like this so that relative existence is. You can't escape it while you're alive as a relative experience.

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@Breakingthewall I feel like English isn’t good enough honestly 

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23 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Breakingthewall I feel like English isn’t good enough honestly 

Do you mean my English or the language in general? I think it is quite obvious because there is positive and negative on a relative level. At an absolute level there is only infinite existence, but now we are existing relatively so I don't see the point in denying it.

There is evolutionary work to do. If you do it, the paths open up, the suffering decreases, real joy begins to permeate the experience. this is positive. If you don't do, you are wrong in your path, you are lazy, you don't follow the signs that life sends, the experience becomes opaque, contracted, anxious, suffering. this is negative

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Thought Art @Breakingthewall You are both over - complicating things. Drop all those stories now. Look at your hand. You have no fucking clue what that 'thing' right there is. In fact, it's not even a thing. It's not a part of some body of some human on some planet... Please be aware that those are all just thoughts arising as you are observing 'your hand'. 

'Your hand' is just a thought. 'Human body' is a thought. Yes, it could be said that there is an appearance of something that we collectively label as 'a human body' or 'a hand'... but that does not mean that's what it is in actuality. Because it's not. What it is, is pure light. Consciousness. God. Not a fucking human hand.

There is no life and death, no cycles, no nothing. All of that requires time, which we all know does not exist. 

You label a feeling good or bad. The same way you label your hand or whatever else. It's all just thoughts. No reality to any of it beyond that. Although it really, really might seem like there is.

Feeling is not dualistic! If you really tune into a feeling, and ignore all the thoughts that arise, you should be able to realize that feeling is always one. Always now. It is not divided into two parts. Good or bad. It is just a feeling that arises within awareness. Same goes for thought. Thought is not split into two parts lol. A positive and negative. No. There are no two or many thoughts, actually. There is only ever one thought. Not positive or negative. Just a thought. And it can be accompanied by a feeling or not.

I'm really not saying anything too crazy. Anyone can verify this for themselves. Anyone who's not completely blinded by thinking, I guess.


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@ivankiss Okay, 

1. I agree that good and bad is relative and doesn’t truly exist, except to the extent that you are biased

2. Sure, I can agree that everything is consciousness, and our labels thoughts and ideas are not “actuality”. Though they also sneakily are “actuality”. 


I don’t understand what you’re saying about emotions though. What do you mean a feeling is always one? A thought Is always one? 

Edited by Thought Art

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Nothing, and I say nothing that you guys try to grasp, come to a mental conclusion or mental solution will work. Nothing.

You can not fit or describe or conclude this phenomena with mental or conceptual imaginations. No matter how spiritual, trascendental, definitive, unitary they seem.

There is no solution in thought, model, mind or idea.

Absolutely no possibility going that route. We will keep ourselves in circles for ever.

Only Direct contact with reality. Direct. Freedom from mental bounds. From ideas, concepts and limitations.

If you step out of that, there is a hole, is a sweet hole, don't be scared of the dark. The mind doesn't like it because it can not get there. Is precisely there where "you" shine.

Edited by Javfly33

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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This forum is immature 

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9 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I see

"Human" is an idea. A thought. I'm not trying to be a nondual dick, but really, there are no humans. 

I'm not denying that something deep in me is doing its best to survive and avoid pain as much as possible. I'm just saying that in actuality, things are super simple. Only one thing. Only one being. Only one consciousness. Nothing else. Not good, not bad, not pleasurable, not painful.

You're dreaming "actuality".

thoughts are as real as no thoughts.

you just can get stuck in whatever "actuality".

where does thoughts come ? where is the source ? 

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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@ivankiss Dualities exist! 

Edited by Thought Art

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