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If you feel resistance, scarcity or separation, shame etc.

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Do you try to fully feel the feeling as much as possible, giving it space, going fully into it.

or do you try to let go of the feeling

or do you try to feel the opposite like oneness, abundance etc

or do you do inner work and try to find out where the feeling stems from

or not trying to do anything in particular, not going fully into it and not trying to let go etc

or anything else?

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I kneel and pray to God (not as a guy that is above of me in the Sky, but to the intelligence and Being that right here right now, is creating this objects, persons, my body ,etc...).

I kneel to the floor and pray that It shows me the Love and Dignity I am lacking. That it makes vanish the terror and horror and violence and darkness I have inside. 

This is the most powerful tool, because it goes to the Nucleus, is the ego finally surrendering and seeing that it is him indeed that is the darkness, the horror, the suffering.

Usually as the ego we think about Life in bad ways, we project that lack of love we feel inside outside. (As Life is "tough and cruel").

This is going completely 180°. Is surrendering completely. Is realizing you can never solve this, (because you are the darkness, you can only keep creating darkness as much tools, calculations, therapy, or psychedelics you do), only God (Life, the intelligence, Love) can heal it. 

The way is stepping outside of yourself. Everytime you feel that horror of shame or guilt thoughts, just ask for guidance, just realize nothing will work, just ask for Love. Because only True connection to Love and God can save you. Nothing in the outside or even you with your calculations or strategies can 

The solution is surrendering to Love. That is the last thing the ego wants. Is precisely what the ego needs to do 


Edited by Javfly33

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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I think you focus on finding out what’s true 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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There is no one answer.

Trust the full being of you has the answer, and go with it.

My method requires a certain understanding that there are different personalities, influences or impulses within you, often fragmented or in conflict that pull you in different directions (or the same direction) and can cause or be the source of these emotions. These can be represented in a way that best fits your life. I prefer visual and emotional references.

I tend toward sitting with the feeling and not distracting myself. Allowing feelings and images to come up, and then working with whatever I feel, want to do, or imagine happening. Internal thoughts that come up I work with, comfort, protection, acting out the emotion wanting to be expressed. There is a default nice picture in my head, which I can take the image representing the emotion I can go to, but only after being with it forever how long it needs.

After a time, often I represent it as a part of myself, a younger me, but sometimes it's best to just leave it as an emotion if there is no image that appears in my mind. I do often take Teal Swans technique of visualizing the integration of a piece of myself, often a child me to an adult, but only when it feels appropriate and again after experiencing the emotion for however long. Internally I have an agreement with myself, that integrating a piece of myself is allowing its expression, not repressing it, the piece I am resisting becomes me, but only when that emotion or piece is ready.  I am quite happy for it to reoccur separately for as long as that emotion wants to reflect, and to provide a space for it. 99% of the time though I'll feel a full-body integration of the emotion or piece into my life, with the understanding it's now a full part of me creating the experience I have.


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21 hours ago, Javfly33 said:


I kneel and pray to God (not as a guy that is above of me in the Sky, but to the intelligence and Being that right here right now, is creating this objects, persons, my body ,etc...).

I kneel to the floor and pray that It shows me the Love and Dignity I am lacking. That it makes vanish the terror and horror and violence and darkness I have inside. 

This is the most powerful tool, because it goes to the Nucleus, is the ego finally surrendering and seeing that it is him indeed that is the darkness, the horror, the suffering.

Usually as the ego we think about Life in bad ways, we project that lack of love we feel inside outside. (As Life is "tough and cruel").

This is going completely 180°. Is surrendering completely. Is realizing you can never solve this, (because you are the darkness, you can only keep creating darkness as much tools, calculations, therapy, or psychedelics you do), only God (Life, the intelligence, Love) can heal it. 

The way is stepping outside of yourself. Everytime you feel that horror of shame or guilt thoughts, just ask for guidance, just realize nothing will work, just ask for Love. Because only True connection to Love and God can save you. Nothing in the outside or even you with your calculations or strategies can 

The solution is surrendering to Love. That is the last thing the ego wants. Is precisely what the ego needs to do 


you can't improve anything

pray humbly and pledge solemnly that instead from this moment you won't worsen anything

that's what everyone is doing wrong - interference, arrogance, projection

everything is good ... in fact everything is me ... stop tinkering  with and trembling over the end product that is the world at large

and address the place it came from


whenever you do you right thereafter you do no wrong

Edited by gettoefl

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

In the past I had a lot of that mental suffering, and my reaction was always to think: we have to fight. Go forward, never give up, fight to the end every minute. In the end it worked because I got rid of all that shit. If the will is real, few things resist

solving problems is nothing but insufferable whack a mole ... the game never ends

when i find myself in times of trouble, mother mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom

let it be

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Feelings don't necessarily mean what you think they mean.

If I want to kill somebody, that usually means I didn't get enough sleep last night. :D

You simply don't take them seriously, their surface meaning isn't the actual meaning.

It's more like a sign that something in your life is off, like you're neglecting something.

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