Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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A friend of mine who is serving in Gaza say to me right now that every home and every building he entered to was turned out to be a terror infrustracture that included tunnels gates and holes served to store weapon.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

They are white. Semites are not white. Therefore they do not belong there. What is a polish doing as PM of that land?

No issue with Arab Jews, but Palestine belongs to Arabs (Jew or not), not to white europeans. They are clearly wrongly put there.

Ok, you claim that Ashkenazi Jews are not Jews?

So Hitler mistakenly killed 6 millions Europeans thinking they are Jews, as there were no Jews in Europe? 🤔

17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

So did Israel during Nakba. It goes both ways. Israel does it far more historically.

Educate yourself. It was started way before 1948.




17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

They have common enemy that is why. No other reason. 

So what, they are still very similar.

Palestine is like Russia, wants to grab more land despite having the entire middle east to be a Muslim Arab. 

Russia wants to grab Ukraine, despite having so much territory. Both are selfish psychopaths.

17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

I trust Western sources more than any Israeli source. Israeli is a propaganda machine that matches China and Russia.

China and a Russia are pro Hamas. 

Hamas, China, and Russia propaganda and manipulation is the most toxic, hypocrite, cruel, twisted and distorted thing ever. I don't think that Israel can ever reach 1% of the toxicity and manipulation of their stories. It's impossible.


17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Zionism is similar to Nazism that is why I said Hitler. I would put him at Putin level.

It's clear that you really don't know what either of them are.

17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Jews are Arab. Arab is where they lived. White pepole do not belong there. Jews lived and come from the land, no issue there. However, I am very against dumping European Jews there. If they only kept Arab Jews and made a state with them, where they had a small part (since they were minority) it would be fine (if they did not want to be on same state as the muslims for whatever reason). The European Jews could have come there after if they wanted.

Who you to say who belong there or not?

17 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

The entitlement of Israelis is out of the world. @Lila9 @Nivsch

They want to do genocide just because 800 of their civilians got killed.

Meanwhile Gazans that have lost far more, should not want to do genocide? Your logic here...

You are the entitled actually. You feel entitled to spread your toxic narrative and distort historical data to fit your agenda, all this while supporting Hamas, without being here or experiencing the reality here. All talk with no substance.

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8 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Shabbat Shalom 🍞🍷

@Lila9 Did you also see the Shkedia?


Beautiful 🥰

I haven't noticed it yet, I usually see it grows on February.

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20 minutes ago, kenway said:


Jan 20 2024 - Israel destroying an entire Palestinian village.


How do you know that there are people in this village? How do you know that there aren't terrorists or weapon?


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11 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

A friend of mine who is serving in Gaza say to me right now that every home and every building he entered to was turned out to be a terror infrustracture that included tunnels gates and holes served to store weapon.

Thanks for sharing, it's always good to hear from someone who has a first hand experience. I'm not surprised that this is the situation there. 

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Many Palestinians get treatment in Israel.

Some of them exploit this to kill Israelies. 

I copied one of the comments which translated the video:

She was a 21 year old woman from gaza who had suffered from burns in her skin caused by a gas balloon exploding on her in her home. After the palestinian treatment made her situation worse she received a permit by Israel to be treated in the Israeli soroka hospital, inside Israel. To get inside Israel, like any other country in the world - she had to get past the checkpoint. She was acting suspicious at this checkpoint and therefore was told via a microphone to stop and explain who she is and what are her whereabouts and intentions. When she proceeded to act suspicious she was told to get her clothes off to prove she doesn't have a bomb hidden under them. When interrogated via the microphone she said she has a permit and tried to get it out of her pocket. She basically wanted to use it to get to the very hospital which treated her to blow herself up there and kill Israelis. Eventually, when she understood she's caught, she blow herself up anyway so she wouldn't be thrown to prison.


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10 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

In 2001, a Hamas terrorist killed 16 teenagers by blowing himself in the the Dolphinarium club.

How is that related to Freedom for Palestine? I don't know

There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out.

Psychology 101.

It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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28 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

How do you know that there are people in this village?

The buildings would have been wired and prepared for detonation, so the assumption is that the village is empty. But that's not the point in this instance.

These are peoples homes. Have you ever heard the phrase: "Home is where the heart is?" or "There's no place like home?"

Homes with hopes, and dreams, and memories. 

With 85% of residential properties now destroyed, and 1.9 million people currently homeless and on the precipice of critical starvation, these videos accumulate along with other pieces of evidence to demonstrate patterns of clear intent.


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21 minutes ago, Lila9 said:


In 2001, a Hamas terrorist killed 16 teenagers by blowing himself in the the Dolphinarium club.

How is that related to Freedom for Palestine? I don't know


Horrible. This cycle needs to stop but it must be acknowledged why it exists. If Palestinians are denied a state, but are controlled internally in West Bank and externally in Gaza - leaving them in a limbo - that’s basically apartheid and occupation.

That’s what the situations been and what Israel wants to maintain as the status quo, which endangers its image and its people by continuous resistance.

While watching the above video keep in mind the definition of terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Edited by zazen

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out.

Psychology 101.

It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.

This is not the case, it's a simplistic explanation that is also incorrect.

Black people were oppressed and didn't do what Hamas did,

women were oppressed and didn't act like that,

Jews lived in ghettos and didn't act like that.

There were many oppressed groups throughout history that didn't engage in such actions.

Here, there is another factor explaining this behavior, which is irrational and illogical. Can you see that?

I wouldn't say that Palestinians are oppressed by Israel, those people live on their own, have leaders, and a belief system for which they are responsible.

They are not forced to be Jews and speak Hebrew, they are not forced to do anything against their will which isn't puts the lives of Israelies at risk.

They live in large, decent houses, have businesses, universities, and receive help and donations from the UN and the rest of the world. While they are not hungry for food, they have many terrorists, and their main motives in attacking Israel include toxic Islamic ideology, destruction of the Israeli state, no peace nor co-existence, hatred, and religious goals like liberating Al Aqsa from the infidels.

Any defense Israel takes, any military force it employs, is due to the danger posed by those terrorists against Israelis. If they ceased having terror groups and focused on building a healthy state, that would be ideal for Israel. The last thing Israel, as a minority in the Middle East wants is to have enemies. 

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36 minutes ago, zazen said:

Horrible. This cycle needs to stop but it must be acknowledged why it exists. If Palestinians are denied a state, but are controlled internally in West Bank and externally in Gaza - leaving them in a limbo - that’s basically apartheid and occupation.

That’s what the situations been and what Israel wants to maintain as the status quo, which endangers its image and its people by continuous resistance.

They are free to have a state, but not at the expense of our lives. Could anything grantee that they stop trying to kill us once they receive more power? They know what they really really want, we know what they really really want, and this is not a two state solution. 


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7 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Black people were oppressed and didn't do what Hamas did,



7 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

women were oppressed and didn't act like that,



7 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Jews lived in ghettos and didn't act like that.






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45 minutes ago, kenway said:

The buildings would have been wired and prepared for detonation, so the assumption is that the village is empty. But that's not the point in this instance.

These are peoples homes. Have you ever heard the phrase: "Home is where the heart is?" or "There's no place like home?"

Homes with hopes, and dreams, and memories. 

With 85% of residential properties now destroyed, and 1.9 million people currently homeless and on the precipice of critical starvation, these videos accumulate along with other pieces of evidence to demonstrate patterns of clear intent.


What if those homes are filled with weapons with the potential to kill many people?

What if the IDF wouldn't have bombed it and ignored it?

And these terrorists would have returned to this village with the weapons and would have started launching rockets towards Israel?

Why do we have to put their sentimental connection to their homes over our lives and safety?

Who started this war with the intention to destroy us, and not for the first time? So they are aware to the consequences of their actions, they knew Israel will response in bombing and decided to lunch attack on Israel despite that.

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15 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

They are free to have a state, but not at the expense of our lives. Could anything grantee that they stop trying to kill us once they receive more power? They know what they really really want, we know what they really really want, and this is not a two state solution. 


Palestinians can’t build a state if they don’t have one to begin with. Can anything guarantee that Israel will stop expanding settlements when they have power? Oh wait, they already do have that power and are doing exactly that - misusing it. That would go a long way in establishing more of a climate for peace. 

You left out this clip of Bibi from my post which I think deserves more attention.


Keep in mind the definition of terrorism while watching the above: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Like your bio says: Never be afraid to sit a while and think 💭 

Edited by zazen

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out.

Psychology 101.

It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.

Can you give example(s) to this oppresion? A really tangible one.

Because really what I hear in this thread is never a clear explanation but rather always something very vague like an aljazeera's soundtruck.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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20 minutes ago, kenway said:

Yes, I can understand why black people did that, I can understand why women did that and why Jews did that, they really had no other choice.

Palestinians are richer, receive lots of money and donations, under UN sponsorship and so many human rights organizations, not starving, have religious freedom and living well compared to other Arab countries.

Why they attack Israelies so brutality? And I'm not talking about merely militants, I'm talking about innocent civilians and children that Hamas deliberately killed.

There MUST be an ideological factor invloved. 

Saying that it's just because they are oppressed is an intellectual laziness.



Edited by Lila9

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8 minutes ago, zazen said:

Keep in mind the definition of terrorism while watching the above: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Never be afraid to sit a while and think 💭 

This seems cut out of its context, heavily edited, and too short to make any realistic conclusion of that.


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