
Is it worth to eat canned food?

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I try to eat as fresh as possible but beans is something I can not get myself to cook. It just takes so much time to cook them. So when I eat them is when buy this jars of cooked beans or peas in the supermarket.

But I wonder if that is really healthy. How worthy is to spend money on some food that has been sitting on a jar for maybe 2 fucking months? Like, does the body actually get something out of that food? Obviously if you are starving that kind of food is a lifesaver that why is usually packed in survival kits, but lets talk about daily life here

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Hey man, go for it. Getting lentils, beans etc canned is fine and can retain maybe 60-80% of nutrients. Couple of things though:

1. Buy natural as possible (none of that beans in tomate sauce shit).

2. Drain that water liquid they come in. This is usually just a liquid used to conserve them in and I really don't know how healthy that stuff is for your body.


Obviously cooking the lentils yourself is best but beetween not getting any legumes and getting them but in canned form always try and get some in your system.

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Lentils need to be softened before they can be consumed anyways. Generally this requires either heat or sprouting. I eat canned Chili Beans and then add liquid splenda to them. Tastes like sweet chili, and the stuff is dirt cheap on sale. Black, Lima, and Kidney Beans to make Calico beans.

I usually drink the liquid in the can at least with peas, not so much with beans... the nutrients are going to dissolve into that liquid after all. I don't care about eating beans with sauces in them. Spices add antioxidants. Antioxidants extend shelf life and are eaten by cultures with some of the longest lifespans.  People tend to have food hangups that are irrational throughout society I've noticed. Too much ego programming. David Hawkins taught me to largely abandon all the programs and use common sense in his books "Healing and Recovery" and "Letting Go" .. I used to be into a lot of that alternative health stuff a decade back.


Edited by sholomar

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Canned food can contain too much acid. Not good for gut.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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It's fine most of the time.

The only potential issue I have are the tomato heavy products that are actually cooked inside the can, someone once told me Heinz Beans is made this way. I was never able to verify.

If that was the case potential aluminum leakage in reaction with tomato acidity could be an issue - maybe

Things like mackerel or sardines in can or beans in water are probably safe. I find that beans from a can need a bit extra cooking.

Ideally pressure cook your own beans from dried. I sometimes do 3-5 kilo raw beans mix - soak for 24 hrs, then on 30 mins high pressure then dry and then freeze into vacum sealed package. Takes a while but you have a stock that will last you a while.

Once done each time you cook toss a frozen chunk in the food.

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Avoid canned Fish. All of it. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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